Comments: 66
Tenchi8 [2010-08-04 00:23:30 +0000 UTC]
......Yep. I think I got it. I got nothing more to interpret right now. but that's the fastest that I've done before, even for interpreting photography. Am I close? I'll move on to the next one.
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Tenchi8 [2010-08-02 21:00:44 +0000 UTC]
cliche? I wouldn't know, it looks like a new concept to me. I wasn't sure where to start at first since this is a series that you posted. But I went by the date of submition. This must be the first of your series.
Well here goes........I see an emerging out of a bird cage. Your hair dangles just outside of the entrance, though your head is about to come out from underneath it. Most of your face is covered by your hair. The mouth of the cage reminds me of sealed lips, words held within or feelings that are repressed, like old bad memories locked in a cage. The opening of the cage may represent a mental wall of captivity. The captive may be a collection of things that you have thrown towards the back of your mind, and locked it without a key. The wall on the background reminds me of a white sheet of paper that has lost it's color after a long while. This may indicate, after a long time, people, things or circumstances have provoked or even rattle the cage of your inner demon, or perhaps anger of some sort. Some may have gone as far as to unwittingly open the front cage. And at that point, a little cackling of a firecracker escaped the cage. Like a snapping turtle, that has bit off the heads of the onlookers, the nay sayers and troublemakers. Like the background wall that seems freshly painted, old emotions that have been repressed has resurfaced anew. A fresh coat of paint, from the past has recolored the surface of the heart. From the way your hands may be holding the cage, it is like a thought before the initial action. Perhaps this is the thought that is on the surface, playing like an old film, which was pulled out from the vault by troubling circumstances. I'll have to come back to this later, but I think I got this interpreation down. I'm not sure yet, I gotta go for keyboard practice now. This one was a quick interpretation. I'll be back to study this more, but I think I nailed it. Maybe. I'll be back later.
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Dark-Velvet [2010-05-13 01:00:00 +0000 UTC]
Great concept and composition!
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specialrefuse [2010-03-07 16:36:32 +0000 UTC]
Creativeness x)
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behindyouillusion [2009-04-22 14:31:15 +0000 UTC]
oh i loved the idea!!
it's really great!!
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tinylady [2009-03-28 11:27:13 +0000 UTC]
baby I love it, I have an obsession to a red head and you are so damn beautiful my love.
this one is another great idea, but you have some other great stuff too. take care.
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MOOdy013 [2009-01-27 20:08:37 +0000 UTC]
Is it now? Cliche, I mean. There are those concepts that just never go out of fashion and never make it to the "cliche" category... I think this is one of them; because we all are obsessed with our own dead mockingbirds, so it forever gets people to stop and think for a second...
Vorbeam chiar azi cu mama, inainte sa scriu commentul asta si sa apuc implicit sa vad si eu fotografia, despre "zgomotul" nesfarsit din capul omului. Ea zicea ca a descoperit cum poate face sa nu se gandeasca la absolut nimic. Daca vrei un fel de meditatie in care isi goleste mintea de ganduri pentru a se relaxa (a ajuns sa apeleze la asta pentru ca i-au zis doctorii ca e in prag de astenie nervoasa - welcome to the club is what I say to that...). Si eu ii spuneam ca e o senzatie pe care nu am trait-o absolut niciodata. La mine in cap mereu e galagie. The thoughts just won't shut up. Ever. If we could make our minds just shut up for a bit, oare ne-am detasa mai usor de cadavrele din coliviile in care ne tinem prizonieri si am reusi, intr-un final, sa le ingropam? Pentru ca la ea pare c-a mers. Eu am incercat sa le incinerez, dar sunt pasari phoenix: renasc din cenusa exact cand am impresia ca am scapat de ele...
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dancingwithpoison [2009-01-25 16:31:38 +0000 UTC]
Si ma duc mai intai cu gandul la cartea scriitoarei Harper Lee : "To kill a mokingbird", care te arunca foarte departe de idilic , tocmai prin conotatia titlului. Si de acolo, dar si din fotografia ta, transpare ca mesaj spiritul ingustat, lipsa de perspectiva si de ambitie, incarcerarea voluntara si constienta a eului. De ce zic voluntara? Pentru ca ea pare ca si-a tras pe cap colivia, nu ca doreste s-o indeparteze. Pozitia mainilor spune asta in primaul rand ; ele arata ca trag in jos sau ca o sustin, nu ca o imping in sus. Expresia fetei nu este una disperata sa se elibereze,nu este nici resemnata. Este grevata de ura defensiva. Deci mie mi se pare asumata incarcerarea asta spirituala. Colivia este simbolul penitentei, al privatiunii de libertate. In acelasi timp, exponatul de colivie are intotdeauna o valoare,apreciata de un public spectator . Sa fie oare vorba , nu de autoblocarea perspectivei , ci si de nevoia de a atrage atentia asupra ei? O fi, pentru ca parul ei rosu exprima flacara, si flaca e spiritul. La grea incercare ma pui. Si ma mai duc cu gandul la poezia lui Jaques Prevert : " Ca sa faci portretul unei pasari..." Acolo, la fel, autorul ne limiteaza dorinta de a a reprezenta pasarea pur si simplu;se stie ca pasarea reprezinta spiritul liber, dar ne impune mai intai desenarea coliviei , ademenirea ei, capturarea, si apoi stergerea cu grija a gratiilor. Iar in final, smulgerea unei pene din corpul ei, cu care iti semnezi opera. Asta vad cand ma uit la fotografia ta. Grea fotografie ! Sa nu mai zic ca punctajul maxim il reprezinta zgarieturile de pe peretele din spate!
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WildRainOfIceAndFire In reply to dancingwithpoison [2009-01-25 17:12:51 +0000 UTC]
aceasi carte era si in gandurile mele cand am ales titlul. am vrut sa pastrez ideea de moarte si de nebunie. moartea prin titlu, nebunia prin ochi.
initial erau mai multe cuvinte sub fotografia, nu conteaza ca le-am sters, tu ai simtit exact. "mea culpa" era una din insemnari. pentru mine colivia aceasta este o pedeapsa auto-impusa. faptul ca e o colivie si nu o cusca a tinut mai multa de posibilitati, dar se potriveste. colivia e mica pentru un om, dar suficienta pentru un spirit slabit. unei fotografii ii putem da orice inteles. cand am facut sedinta ma interesa doar redarea nebuniei care poate va reiesi si din celalalte 3 pe care le voi mai posta. vroiam sa izolez sentimentul, sa il redau si asa poate sa ma eliberez de el. nu prea merge asa. dar macar am creat si imaginea asta. o imagine care poate e cliseica, dar e mai veritabila decat altele unde pur si simplu a parut extravagant sa se pozeze cu o colivie in cap. sentimentele au fost adevarate si daca asta conteaza la o obtine ceva vizual uneori nici eu nu sunt sigura. singurul lucru pe care l-am adaugat acum a fost cuvantul pentru a imi insusi si moartea cu mine, o moarte spirituala. din nefericire nu sunt hotarata asupra editarii (ceva imi lipseste si nu stiu ce) fotografia care a fost cea mai exemplificatoare a seriei, in care eram goala intr-un colt, cu colivia peste cap si deoarece imi miscasem rapid capul in parti era un mare blur in locul fetei.
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Varighet [2009-01-25 09:27:44 +0000 UTC]
That is pretty metal right there.
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Varighet In reply to WildRainOfIceAndFire [2009-01-26 22:03:39 +0000 UTC]
So tell me, were you born awesome or did it come through years of hard work and sacrifice?
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WildRainOfIceAndFire In reply to Varighet [2009-01-27 00:56:19 +0000 UTC]
i think i was born awesome and they ruined me during the following years.
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dancingwithpoison [2009-01-24 23:26:56 +0000 UTC]
huuu, ce interesanta poza, dar e ora unu jumate noaptea, statui v'o doua ore cu anotheroutsideru' pe mes, sunt obosita, cocosata, nu m-am spalat pe cap, si comentez maine. e de comentat
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