Comments: 59
veeeester400 [2016-07-22 05:49:46 +0000 UTC]
And now astro has lady legs XD awesome drawing and greate coloring
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TheBoeingKid [2016-05-15 04:10:37 +0000 UTC]
Me: hey Astro, FHRITP!Β
Niki: excuse me?!Β
Me: so you ARE going to do it!Β
Astro: *blushesΒ
Me: I know that look. HuehuehuehueΒ
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Meagychubbs [2016-01-06 08:33:20 +0000 UTC]
Now this is amazing keep it upΒ
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Hirpina81 In reply to elenachan1227 [2015-11-23 01:05:05 +0000 UTC]
Da bambina non potevo sopportare la leggerezza con cui Atom decide di farsi installare le gambe della sua ragazza, per averne sempre un ricordo. E non potevo sopportare la stupioditΓ del dottor Rindolph, il creatore di Niki/Ryoka: aveva creato decine di robot tutti isprati a lei, ma non poteva ripararla nΓ© disattivare la bomba. Troppo triste.
PerΓ² poi ho pensato che l'eroe, Atom in questo caso, non poteva avere una compagna. L'eroe, specialmente per i Giapponesi, deve essere solo.
Infatti anche nella serie del 2003 dove incontriamo Roxanne/Brianna, una loro storia è impossibile: lei è umana, lui un robot. E se anche questo non fosse un problema, lei è tropo grande per lui. Per non parlare del fatto che c'è Anton, e Atom non gli ruberebbe mai la ragazza. Così, anche se nella serie del 2003 la puntata è meno drammatica e meno crudele, io mi trovo a piangere ugualmente. Atom è sempre destinato a restare da solo.
Tuttavia, per Game Boy Advance c'Γ¨ un videogioco su AstroBoy dove ci sono i personaggi di tutte le serie, anche quelle vecchie e tanti personaggi di Tezuka, come Sharaku.
Se finisci il gioco, salvi Ryoka, e Atom finalmente puΓ² vivere con lei, senza dover rinunciare a qualche pezzo importante.
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elenachan1227 In reply to Hirpina81 [2015-12-14 17:33:22 +0000 UTC]
Beh l'anime e' cosi',ma tu lo puoi cambiare con la tua fantasia.(anche aggiungere personaggi!)
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Hirpina81 In reply to elenachan1227 [2015-11-27 22:45:39 +0000 UTC]
Non c'Γ¨ da aspettarsi un lieto fine nei fumetti di Osamu Tezuka. -_-
Io non conosco molto Sharaku: l'ho visto nella serie del 2003 e nel gioco per PlayStation 2: l'ho visto sempre come ospite nella serie di AstroBoy. Mi piacerebbe vedere il cartone del treno sottomarino.
Atom Γ¨ contento se puΓ² avere un'amica vicino, e Niki era felice con lui; in Omega Factor finalmente lui riesce a salvarla. Nel film del 2009 Astro riesce a farsi volere bene da Cora. Tuttavia, Niki Γ¨ un robot come lui, mentre Cora Γ¨ un'umana.
Per un robot e un'umana possono esserci molti problemi.
Anche nel fumetto originale Tezuka riflette su questo: un'umana si innamora di Atom, e non le importa niente se lui Γ¨ piccolo, Γ¨ un robot e se arriva da lontano.
Per esempio, il ragazzo protagonista de "L'uccello di fuoco", Goda, si innamora della sua amica robot Olga. E lei si accorge di essere gelosa delle ragazze umane. PerciΓ² si amano. Ma un umano e una ragazza robot non sono facili da accettare.
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whitestarflower In reply to Hirpina81 [2014-07-27 01:28:20 +0000 UTC]
Thank you. Its a great episode of Astro Boy.Β
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tetsuwanatom [2013-07-20 11:11:15 +0000 UTC]
I think they should try add her in a new series which she doesn't die.
Her death was pretty disturbing, btw.
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whitestarflower In reply to tetsuwanatom [2013-07-20 11:14:11 +0000 UTC]
I thought it was sad, but bittersweet. It showed a lot about the mortality of robots. I remember watching this episode when I was six years old and thinking how great it was.
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tetsuwanatom In reply to whitestarflower [2013-07-20 11:17:12 +0000 UTC]
That episode had a continuity flaw:
Dr. Tenma could ONLY make a single blueprint which was made for Atom.
He only had that time since he already gathered his assistants to start the project.
Also, it's out of the character trying to make a robot-bomb replacement for Tobio.
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Anonymous-17 In reply to tetsuwanatom [2016-03-28 00:54:47 +0000 UTC]
What do you mean by that? I don't understand...could you explain please?
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tetsuwanatom In reply to Anonymous-17 [2016-03-28 01:15:35 +0000 UTC]
Watch the first episode, you'll notice that Dr. Tenma never made that blue print.
Besides, he would never raise a explosive robot, that would be plain stupid.
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Anonymous-17 In reply to tetsuwanatom [2016-03-28 02:08:28 +0000 UTC]
Did Osamu Tezuka direct the 1980 series or not, anyway?
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tetsuwanatom In reply to Anonymous-17 [2016-03-28 10:09:47 +0000 UTC]
It was the last series which he had directed.
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juanchiviriz [2012-12-26 00:22:05 +0000 UTC]
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orangemario4567 [2012-11-21 10:30:29 +0000 UTC]
Aaaaaaaand... BING! you are my favorite.
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orangemario4567 In reply to whitestarflower [2012-11-21 23:13:34 +0000 UTC]
No prob!
Too bad she was destroyed in her first appearance... Dr tenma should rebuild her for him!
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orangemario4567 In reply to orangemario4567 [2012-11-21 23:16:14 +0000 UTC]
Not much people know about this pair because Ya know... Destroyed in first appearance... Sadly...
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whitestarflower In reply to orangemario4567 [2012-11-22 00:30:03 +0000 UTC]
It is one of my favourite episodes from Astro Boy, the 1980s series.
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orangemario4567 [2012-11-21 10:07:02 +0000 UTC]
Wow. I mean like triple Wow. Even shading. SO favouriting!
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leduc-gallery [2012-06-05 19:56:44 +0000 UTC]
Niki? She must've been in the 80's version, because I don't remember her in the newer cartoon.
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whitestarflower In reply to leduc-gallery [2012-06-06 01:02:12 +0000 UTC]
This drawing is based on the 80s cartoon. I haven't seen much of the 2003 version but I think there is a character that is similar to Niki, from what I've watched on Youtube. Except she looks slightly different, and is a winged robot girl. The episode in the 80s cartoon is called Astro's First Love.
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leduc-gallery In reply to whitestarflower [2012-06-06 01:44:59 +0000 UTC]
That's right, I do recall that. Anyway, if you have Netflix, you can just watch the 2003 version of it there.
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amigatsby [2012-03-09 23:03:10 +0000 UTC]
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MetaMolecola [2011-09-05 19:17:19 +0000 UTC]
Hidden by Commenter
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Feilan [2011-05-03 15:04:51 +0000 UTC]
Very cute and nicely done. It's too bad things didn't work out for them. They were so adorable together. Beatuiful colouring too.
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whitestarflower In reply to Feilan [2011-05-03 23:04:49 +0000 UTC]
Yes I know. They were the perfect couple.
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StyleMaster [2011-03-17 06:50:35 +0000 UTC]
Cute! I'd hardly see much fanart of the girl Nikki, a definate must add.
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boosterjones1999 [2011-03-04 15:54:24 +0000 UTC]
That is one of my fave episodes of the 1980s TV show.
A very moving one I might add...
The film wasn't a patch on the Manga/anime version(s)
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Hazlenaut [2011-01-30 03:51:20 +0000 UTC]
Excellent work for memory of nikki it is said that astro boy is trap in space along with his sister in the manga i think this one of the thoughts he will be thinking at that moment
I have the link of that episode.
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whitestarflower In reply to Hazlenaut [2011-01-30 06:22:10 +0000 UTC]
Thankyou for the link, but I have this on DVD. However, it would be useful for people that don't have the DVD. Nikki is not his sister, she is his girlfriend. Thanks for the comment. I love this episode as well. Its one of my favourite episodes of Astro Boy.
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Hazlenaut In reply to whitestarflower [2011-02-23 15:52:50 +0000 UTC]
I know just want to give further detail that astroboy ended tragicly of him being lost in space. Seems like great ideas for story construction.
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whitestarflower In reply to Hazlenaut [2011-02-24 07:12:03 +0000 UTC]
Oh really? Which volume of the manga is that?
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Hazlenaut In reply to whitestarflower [2011-02-24 16:38:46 +0000 UTC]
dont know it said to be in the final one that was issued by the orginal creator. Unfortunatly, I can not read any of them in the US due material that is considered offensive in the us mainly racial insensitivity. It was back in the days.
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