WhiteRaven90 — An eye for an eye

Published: 2009-01-25 04:44:04 +0000 UTC; Views: 5683; Favourites: 114; Downloads: 153
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Description ...i really should revisit this piece... 8'D *spots a bunch of mistakes*
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Comments: 43

TheSilverBells [2011-11-23 00:48:43 +0000 UTC]

jfhsgcsgc I adore the white flames~ You illustrations are SO beautiful. Your art is amazing. ;u;

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Syrrhaal [2010-04-08 13:00:31 +0000 UTC]

The contrasts in this art are very great and amazing!
I love the fire effect a lot and the facial expressions. The style gives the feeling that this art could be from some book

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WhiteRaven90 In reply to Syrrhaal [2010-04-08 13:13:09 +0000 UTC]

Thanks. It could be, since this is an illustration... or something like it... i don't even know why didn't i put it in that category. I go and change it.

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Syrrhaal In reply to WhiteRaven90 [2010-04-08 13:16:07 +0000 UTC]

Illustration for your own novel or short story?
Sounds interesting especially with these awesome characters

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WhiteRaven90 In reply to Syrrhaal [2010-04-08 13:20:41 +0000 UTC]

For a novel i rewrote 3-4 times then left it alone, let it rest. Maybe in the future with a different mindset i'll be able to write it.

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Syrrhaal In reply to WhiteRaven90 [2010-04-08 13:27:00 +0000 UTC]

Sounds interesting will you make an English version of it maybe?
After these lovely illustrations I would love to read them to know more about your characters and world

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WhiteRaven90 In reply to Syrrhaal [2010-04-08 13:57:47 +0000 UTC]

I don't know what will it be. Maybe when i start writing it i will already be living in Canada. That would mean i'd write it in English first. All i do online is practicing English... so who knows.... This is the 'world' where the story is: [link] , for now this is all i dare to show online. You know how people like to 'borrow' ideas and stories and characters from others.

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Syrrhaal In reply to WhiteRaven90 [2010-04-08 14:34:03 +0000 UTC]

You want to move Canada? May I ask why Canada? Just curious
I understand the secretively behaviour of yours I also don't wish to share my world with my stories for similar reasons. Though I don't think too much people would want to steal from me I just discovered the beauty of public art sites so I am quite a fresh "meat" around
Your characters are impressive and interesting even that I don't know much about the stories of theirs the images sure look lovely and something I can watch all day long

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WhiteRaven90 In reply to Syrrhaal [2010-04-08 14:50:07 +0000 UTC]

Canada, because i have been suggested a few good places there, where i can study what i want to. Though it will be bloody expensive to study there i think it'll worth it. Also it's easier to operate as a graphic designer *on* the continent where all the excitement (and bullshit too) happens nowadays.

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Syrrhaal In reply to WhiteRaven90 [2010-04-08 14:55:23 +0000 UTC]

Ah didn't know that but in that case I wish you luck with this plan
The chances sounds reasonable to move there that's for sure
Your talent must be known not be lost you have talent and great ideas I hope all of your future goals will come true and I will see your works in more professional way since I don't find DeviantArt a professional site at all but I love to dig other artists' work here.
My luck I found you! You are really among those few artists who have potential in their work and can create unique works in good quality.

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WhiteRaven90 In reply to Syrrhaal [2010-04-08 15:09:32 +0000 UTC]

You are making me blush. I don't consider myself that great. Potential, i might have, but i'm just a newbie. DeviantArt is professional to who wants it to be, i mean, there are professional artists too. Their gallery is pro, even though DA isn't always.
...I wish i could spare some time and energy on making my own website.

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Syrrhaal In reply to WhiteRaven90 [2010-04-08 15:32:31 +0000 UTC]

I never met an artist before who would be really 100% proud on his/her work I guess this is the path of improving though sometimes every artist must see a little happiness in their work to not fall depression or art block.
DeviantArt has stupid rules personally from an art site I wait different kind of system and ideas. I was monitoring the site long time before I made my registration 4 months before and I saw more "drama" than art. Or public flame on critiques. I was a bit unsure when I registered but hopefully personally I can avoid such stupid things like these.
I am also suffering a website idea though I am a lazy ass I have shit load of detailed BUT unfinished works. I always come up with a new concept I sketch it paint a little than jump on the other concept. So all of my works I have so far unfinished ones and I won't submit publicly anything not finished. I am more protective with my wips, if somebody steals a finished piece you can prove with wips that it is yours or something like that this is my paranoia.

Anyway I would be curious once you deal with your to-do list would it be possible in the distant future to make a trade or something? I would be honoured but saw that currently you are closed for everything.

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WhiteRaven90 In reply to Syrrhaal [2010-04-08 16:48:57 +0000 UTC]

Meh, DeviantArt is a merchandise-site. Pop-culture-site, jack-of-all-trades site. Knows everything a little but does nothing professionally except for business.
Yeah, a trade would be very nice, but i don't want to think about it now. I got into a little depression for i couldn't finish OR start anything (studying or drawing... nothing). I'm trying to resolve it by emptying my to-do list.
I'll probably submit a joyous journal once the list is finished anyway so it will be noticeable when i get free.

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Syrrhaal In reply to WhiteRaven90 [2010-04-08 20:15:47 +0000 UTC]

Yes you described it well that was my feeling with it too
The other story I heard the lots of stories about art thief problems on the site. So far I heard DA staff not really care about it any more you only can report a stolen artwork if you are the original owner.
Well since I just started to follow your lovely works I am sure I will keep my eye on your journals. Once you will be free for trades I will try to reserve a slot for that since I really adore your style!

Also I wish you luck to finish all of your works peacefully and stress less

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WhiteRaven90 In reply to Syrrhaal [2010-04-08 23:16:00 +0000 UTC]

If life gives you lemons, make lemonade. Art thieves are like lemons.
Okay, and thanks!

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PhaseXero [2010-01-25 04:02:41 +0000 UTC]

Beautiful and unique.
The same applies to the rest of your gallery.
Phase ~*

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Negshin [2009-09-26 21:30:48 +0000 UTC]

your shading is amazing... I love the gecko/lizard thing's expression

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WhiteRaven90 In reply to Negshin [2009-09-27 10:24:03 +0000 UTC]

Thank you. C: The lizard is a big bad salamander (of fire).

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Dia-Dei [2009-02-14 19:19:56 +0000 UTC]

fú ez rohadt szé

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Binnus [2009-02-13 22:04:58 +0000 UTC]

Nagyon-nagyon tetszik a vonalvezetésed, meg a textúrák is amit rotringgal elérsz.
A ruhája még mindig nagyon tetszik.

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WhiteRaven90 In reply to Binnus [2009-02-13 22:15:03 +0000 UTC]

Köszönöm. ^^

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LeSoldatMort [2009-02-06 20:00:44 +0000 UTC]

The whole look of this piece beats the anathomy errors for me 8l

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WolfenAmphithere [2009-01-26 03:33:03 +0000 UTC]

beautiful contrast and textures ^_^

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WhiteRaven90 In reply to WolfenAmphithere [2009-01-27 18:12:35 +0000 UTC]

thank you. ^^.

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WolfenAmphithere In reply to WhiteRaven90 [2009-01-27 18:48:24 +0000 UTC]

no problem!

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pallanoph [2009-01-25 23:01:58 +0000 UTC]

Oh, but this is so lovely!!!! I seriously envy your hatching skills, they accomplish a ton in terms of atmosphere and texture.... Everything looks so fantastically three dimensional... didn't even notice the anatomy "errors" until you pointed them out!

But yes, I am so sorry to hear about how traditional is being neglected here on DA. Makes me cry, actually.... But I appreciate this!!! Very, very much!!!!
Ha ha, that salamander is quite the character!

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WhiteRaven90 In reply to pallanoph [2009-01-25 23:14:40 +0000 UTC]

Thanks. ^^
But i don't really mind if traditional is neglected here, because at school everybody likes traditional better, so i'm usually doing fine there. That's what matters. Real life.

BTW i tell you that i featured 4 of your pictures in my journal, although you are the only one i'm featuring now. I wanted to try the new option to make a new, separate menu on the profile page titled "Features" and put the thumbnails there, but it's not working yet. Hmmm. Deviantart programmers applied this new system too fast.

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pallanoph In reply to WhiteRaven90 [2009-01-25 23:22:42 +0000 UTC]

That's true, real life is important... and I had several classmates who appreciated my traditional paintings, as well as supported my artistic choices. Thank goodness for them!
Awesome, I appreciate the feature! Again, thanks!

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KeY91 [2009-01-25 14:14:05 +0000 UTC]

Unfortunately Deviant Art is getting worse and worse each day passes by. it's not your fault, those 5 minutes anime sketches gets favourities because of the anime fans, not because of theyr quality your skill and the quality of your illustrations is indubitable.

I've noticed that on deviantart there are just 3 category of "art" left that get popular: Porn (which is ignored by DA moderators and admins), Anime fanarts and digital pictures.
thats why i think you should draw these digitally, i'm afraid these illustrations aren't going to be popular here unfortunately. unfortunately because i love them <.<

i might be wrong anyway

P.S. my father left for iran and isn't coming back until saturday, i'm on xfire if you want to speak to me. <3

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WhiteRaven90 In reply to KeY91 [2009-01-25 14:20:26 +0000 UTC]

lol. It happens.

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KeY91 In reply to KeY91 [2009-01-25 14:16:18 +0000 UTC]

sorry :\ i thought i had clicked on the reply button when i wrote the comment above.

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MarikBentusi [2009-01-25 11:16:39 +0000 UTC]

(Wow, impressive atmossphere)³
and also very nice line drawing style. You should definitly upload more of these pieces.

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WhiteRaven90 In reply to MarikBentusi [2009-01-25 13:23:51 +0000 UTC]

Thanks. ^^
It's my usual drawing style, but more detailed. I might draw more in this style... it depends on my mood

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MarikBentusi In reply to WhiteRaven90 [2009-01-25 13:27:10 +0000 UTC]

Then I hope you'll stay in a negative or positive, but by all means creative mood 8D

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Nospherato [2009-01-25 10:45:40 +0000 UTC]

ohh *.*
mán megakartam kérdezni mien tipusu cekával v rotringgal dolgozol

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WhiteRaven90 In reply to Nospherato [2009-01-25 13:26:02 +0000 UTC]

oké. XD A rotring az egy 8-10 éves Rotring (meglepetés), a betét 0.5-ös B-s Faber Castell. Még a héten vennem kell újat belőle...

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Nospherato In reply to WhiteRaven90 [2009-01-25 13:34:44 +0000 UTC]

ahhhham igy mán értem te keményebb hegyet használsz én 2B set XD
és ami azt illeti nekem is kellene mán utánpotlás XD
koszii ^^

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WhiteRaven90 In reply to Nospherato [2009-01-25 13:43:00 +0000 UTC]

Hmmm azért a papíron sokkal több múlik Ez a sárgás, tükörsima dipa amit a Ferenc körúti hobbiboltban lehet kapni. :>
Maximálisan sok részletet lehet felvinni rá.


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Nospherato In reply to WhiteRaven90 [2009-01-25 13:44:57 +0000 UTC]

ohh az jo ^^ én eddig mezei nyomtatopapiron éltem XD de kiprobálom majd azt a dipát ugyis elkell mennem a hobbyboltba tus utánpotlásért is

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darkNarel [2009-01-25 10:08:37 +0000 UTC]

asdfghjkl this is amazing draw more, now! and don't mention the anatomy mistakes anymore please xD

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WhiteRaven90 In reply to darkNarel [2009-01-25 13:28:48 +0000 UTC]

oook, but they ARE there, i can't overlook them
I'll draw more i guess. But it needs a shitload of patience. =3=

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KeY91 [2009-01-25 07:25:46 +0000 UTC]

You should do these with photoshop >.<

The composition is really something, i do like this more than many others you posted before.
I notice you must have spent a lot of time on this and you must have been inspirated to draw a complicated, detailed and magnificent drawing like this, which is some kind of "superior" drawing.

Are you speaking about Ryan's right hand with "anatomy errors"? thats the only one i see.
I believe this picture is really beautiful in each part of it.

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WhiteRaven90 In reply to KeY91 [2009-01-25 13:35:58 +0000 UTC]

...well yes i FINALLY had inspiration. *melts*
End of winter artlessness happens faster than last year.
Superior or not, it's still not getting more popular here. (what's wrong with this site? 5 minute anime sketches get more attention than illustrations done in ~24 hours)

and... what do you mean by doing it in Photoshop? >.>

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