Whimsy-Floof — Nuzlocke Dema 56

Published: 2012-10-01 00:01:36 +0000 UTC; Views: 892; Favourites: 17; Downloads: 1
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Description ----- Page 56: "A Mistake of Galactic Proportions..." -----

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Ohai Mac! Haven't seen you since the beginning of the comic! How've you been?

I experimented with putting a texture in the background to try and differentiate it from the foreground, but I couldn't get it to look right.
So for now, it shall remain textureless. =/
At least until I can find a nice texture that works with this particular comic.


Heckling From The Audience:

Indigo: There I am! I was beginning to wonder if we'd ever see me again.
Gomey: You don't seem to appear nearly as often as Wolf does, but I suppose it's because you aren't the rival.
Indigo: Yeah, I guess...
Dema: Well, look on the bright side, Indy. You're still my love interest.
Indigo: Yeah, I suppose there's that. ^_^
Dema: And I AM about to go save your dumb ass from those Galactic grunts.
Indigo: Yeah, there's that t-- HEY WAIT A MINUTE! What's THAT supposed to mean?! D:<
Dema: Oh, nothing!~ ^_^
Indigo: Nothing, my ass!
Wolf: Your DUMB ass. Heeheehee!
Dema: Shut up, Wolf!
Wolf: Yes ma'am... ._.
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Comments: 14

Page-Mistress [2013-08-26 14:05:15 +0000 UTC]

Heckling the Heckling:
Page-Mistress: ...Really? No one's going to question how Topside is making the puppet's eyes glow? Not gonna question the circuitry and how the heck he's working it?

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Whimsy-Floof In reply to Page-Mistress [2013-08-26 15:40:45 +0000 UTC]

They stopped questioning Topside's puppeteering ability years ago.

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Page-Mistress In reply to Whimsy-Floof [2013-08-26 18:49:41 +0000 UTC]

I think they should start again, because this is the kind of thing that takes skill and craftsmanship!

His skill with puppets is understandable, look at who created his parents!

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Whimsy-Floof In reply to Page-Mistress [2013-08-26 21:08:29 +0000 UTC]

lol Yes, indeed.

Or rather who his parents are based on.

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Page-Mistress [2013-01-18 14:59:04 +0000 UTC]

You know what I don't get? The glowing eyes.

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Whimsy-Floof In reply to Page-Mistress [2013-01-18 15:28:44 +0000 UTC]

They are gargoyles. Gargoyle eyes glow when they get mad.

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Page-Mistress In reply to Whimsy-Floof [2013-01-19 00:29:13 +0000 UTC]

No, I meant why the eyes of male Gargoyles glow white and the eyes of female Gargoyles glow red.

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Whimsy-Floof In reply to Page-Mistress [2013-01-19 12:37:53 +0000 UTC]

Ah, well the outside the series answer: I think it was more to explain why Demona's eyes glow red while all of the others glowed white.
I mean other than "Demona's evil, that's why".
Early on, Demona was the only female in the series, so it worked out cuz she was a villain.
But then they started adding more females to the series, so in order for Demona's red glow to make actual sense, they made the red glow be a female thing.

Inside the series answer... I dunno, why do girls have boobs?

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QueenyProductions [2012-10-01 16:39:12 +0000 UTC]

Angry Dema is Dema

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Whimsy-Floof In reply to QueenyProductions [2012-10-01 17:16:59 +0000 UTC]

How true that is.

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Quachir [2012-10-01 01:36:57 +0000 UTC]

Somebody's ass is grass... not sure which one's going to go first, Team Galactic in the show or Wolf while watching the show. One way or another a Dema's mad Nice. Love the eye glow reminding us that she's a gargoyle again

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DPhyreROX [2012-10-01 01:14:41 +0000 UTC]

lol XD Things just got personal

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Dendino [2012-10-01 00:19:50 +0000 UTC]

Is that what all the Galactic grunts are going to look like? Because if they are I'm giving you a fair warning, I am going to make so many Terrance and Phillip jokes.

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Whimsy-Floof In reply to Dendino [2012-10-01 00:26:03 +0000 UTC]

That is my intention, yes.
It was actually my husband's idea to make them look like that. XD

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