WesternSpice — Olivia Allen

Published: 2016-04-22 09:06:42 +0000 UTC; Views: 1825; Favourites: 35; Downloads: 13
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Description and I really need to finish the next OT chapter before I do any more drawsss

Olivia Allen
Name: Olivia Allen
NickName: Ollie
Race: British
Sex: Female
Age: 24 yrs
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 143 lb
Hair Color: Ashy Blonde
Eye Color: Gray-Green
Sexuality: Hetero
Date of Birth: April 22

Position: Vet
Occupation: Vet
Interests: Fantasy novels, LOTR, stuff like that 

Companion: Vega  (Gypsy Vanner Stallion)

Positives: Intelligent • charismatic
Negatives: Bossy • envious
Fears: Insects • failure
Talents: SCIENCE
Other: British accent duh • is so anal about their privacy they will shout at strangers if they are suspicious they are listening to their conversation • is a heavy sleeper.

RP Status
Relationship: Single

Status:  OPEN

Rider Discipline: anything really



Character Notes
Olivia helped out at a riding stable to earn lessons before her grandmother While helping at an animal shelter, Olivia fostered a yearling taken from a bad home. She brought him on herself, whilst still in school, and he was eventually well enough to be adopted. Some time later, working at a polo yard as well as a vet clinic to help pay for college, she met Vega, an emergency patient no one claimed. Olivia helped with his care and they clicked together so when he was discharged, she adopted him. She's always used a hackamore as he hates anything pressing on his mouth. They’ve been together just over three years and she’s taught him most of what he knows, but they mainly enjoy a leisurely life. She's been volunteering at a variety of yards from riding schools to competition stables, all kinds of yard duties and managing worming schedules, medication and other logistics. Owned a pony as a child and fostered a youngster while in high school, who was later rehomed. Studying equine science with a look to becoming a vet. Has completed BHS examinations 1 and 2. Enjoys bringing on horses; a variety of flatwork, groundwork, hacking and jumping but not really into competing. - by Tattered-Dreams

Olivia dove headfirst into the field of equine medicine after her childhood pony, Pippin, died of a rare disease at age 17. By that time, Olivia was already in boarding school, but was home in time to see the final stages of the unknown disease take her beloved horse. The Vets, unable to precisely diagnose what killed Pippin, chalked it up to old age but Olivia felt differently. The last time she saw Pippin, she wasn't looking at her horse; she saw a shell of her formerly bouncy, happy-go-lucky friend.

Olivia continued through school and managed to attend the University of Glasgow to study Veterinary medicine. She's a hard worker, and tends to be among the top students in her classes. Her end goal, however, is to further study the disease that took her Pippin. She wrote several papers on the subject and finally received a grant to continue research on the unnamed disease. Olivia moved to the US  to study under the tutelage of a specialist of the "disease" - or at least, the closest there was to one. The Vet was the only other person in the world who had written an article on what seemed to be a similar disease in a horse that had died 30 years ago. He specialized in equine neurological research, which was also Olivia's focus, and taught at UCLA, which acted as her host school. 

Now, she acts as his assistant along with another girl, Eloise Etsuko . She and Eloise got along well, and when Olivia found out she was working as a staffed vet at AVRRA, she knew she had to be there. Since moving to California, she had had to leave her Gypsy Vanner stallion in England and she had yet to actually start working with horses again. Months later, and quite a few paychecks from her part-time job later, she managed - with no small amount of difficulty - to board Vega at AVRRA. Olivia is a very busy person, she's got her research to work on, papers to grade, her job at the Veterinary Hospital of San Domingo, and taking care of Vega to keep her busy. And yet, somehow, she can pump through a 600 page novel in no time flat.

Personality-wise, Olivia is bright and inquisitive, with a penchant for overworking herself. She works hard and steadily, and can disregard her own health when she's in her moods. Because of this, she's not really a socialite as she doesn't usually have time for social endeavors - her past three short-term boyfriends can corroborate. 

Character (c) Tattered-Dreams
[ Basic Pose ] Character Base 3
Adapted Template (c) sealle
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Comments: 5

Tattered-Dreams [2016-04-22 22:21:54 +0000 UTC]

Seriously love how you've developed and expanded on her character; I totally see her as that hard working and private person, being driven by a desire to know what happened to Pippin. LOVE IT And she looks awesome in your style, too, not that I expected any less

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WesternSpice In reply to Tattered-Dreams [2016-04-25 00:00:19 +0000 UTC]

YOU PROVIDED THE PERFECT BASE she's such a doll I luv her HHH

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Tattered-Dreams In reply to WesternSpice [2016-04-25 09:57:56 +0000 UTC]


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ItsAndee [2016-04-22 09:14:49 +0000 UTC]

AWW I just love the way you draw people!  she looks so cool  

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

WesternSpice In reply to ItsAndee [2016-04-24 23:59:49 +0000 UTC]


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