Comments: 19
DrawWithLaura [2010-05-05 17:37:07 +0000 UTC]
To help make it so you can tell they are all on the same level (same distance) but they are shorter or taller, make their body structure the same, like the heads vary in sizes, so especially to person on the far left, and far right, look like they are in the distance because their heads are smaller.
Also the one with the orange wings, dark red wings, glowing pendant and red cape and the one with black gloves and a blue tank top, they are all so big, not only in size, but body width, head size and more. Try and create a ballance ^^
Hope that helps a bit XP
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warlike-magic In reply to DrawWithLaura [2010-05-05 18:10:58 +0000 UTC]
Ok I share the sketch [link]
Well you have the truth , I have problems with proportions not only with anatomy ...
mmm so I have problem with the size of the heads and hands ...
I have a lot problem to make balance, maybe because is the first time that I draw a 10 characters and with different sizes, was a challenge for me , but yeah I have to improve in that
Was helful, in this drawing the first characters that I draw are the character with orange wings and dark red wings because they are the tallest and the last ones were the smallest in the right and left side but when I drawing the others I have problem with that proportions and balance ...
Thankyou for your critique and suggestions and sorry if I not explain me well.
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DrawWithLaura In reply to warlike-magic [2010-05-05 18:38:18 +0000 UTC]
What is your first language?
It isn't an easy thing to put that many people in a picture and I congraduate you on your bravery for doing so. I am not trying to attack you with bad things about your image, I am simply helping you to grow. I will see if I can do a quick tutorial for you if you'd like?
I dont know if I can/will/have time though.
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warlike-magic In reply to DrawWithLaura [2010-05-05 19:19:02 +0000 UTC]
My first language is Spanish, but is good for me practice English because I need to improve for get better in TOEFL exam for my college that is a requirement to graduate me ... in the last time that I present the exam I get 510 and I need minimum 550.
But yes sometimes I have problem explaining me, but I try hard ... yes is not easy put more than four characters in a picture ... for I want to do, because not only is a challenge but also they are my characters and I want to draw something for their birthday, yes all of them have their birthday in march so, is a project that I have, all months I will a picture of the birthdays of my characters like in this.
Im not is not attack and sometimes wants more critiques or comments and my drawings, sometimes I ask for critique, especially when is a sketch so is more easy to correct before to color it ... but sometime I am afraid of critiques, but now I think I need them for improve, that the reason that I accept the transference and join me to this group ...
I really appreciate you that you a quick tutorial when you have time, if you don't have time now don't worry , I don't have time in this two week until may 14 I will free and have time XD
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DrawWithLaura In reply to warlike-magic [2010-05-05 19:35:09 +0000 UTC]
Your English isn't bad at all :3 I'm actually going to get language helpers ^^ I already have one for spanish, I just need to ask them if they want to help out :3
Anyways, I'm glad you arn't offended or hurt. I wish you luck with the English exam ^^
And yes, critiques on sketches are good >D
I should upload my current sketch to be critiqued =O
Sorry! Capslock!
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DrawWithLaura In reply to warlike-magic [2010-05-09 00:41:23 +0000 UTC]
"Thanks for wishing me luck on my English Exam" is the correct way to say it :3
I believe *Deih can help you... they are spanish if I am correct.
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DrawWithLaura In reply to warlike-magic [2010-05-09 02:46:40 +0000 UTC]
I correct you in the hopes of helping you ^^
And yes, hopefully they can help :3
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warlike-magic In reply to Caneallia [2010-05-05 17:15:28 +0000 UTC]
thank you for you critique
Im glad that you like the characters design and think the position is perfect
Yes I know I have problem with anatomy, especially with arms and legs , hands and feet so I appreciate that you give some help with this tutorials. And yes I with you, his left arm is short, I notice when finish the lineart but I didnt know how to change or something like that...
Yes is a problem with the size or proportions , I know that they look small , I try to balance the proportions but is difficult when some characters are 2 m and other are 1.50 m, I usually don't put height or weight in my character , but a few months when I create the dragons , I want to that they will be very tall ... so yes is a problem with that, I will try that you say, the lines...
I have plan to do a drawing with my tallest characters, and three of them are 3 m and the shortest is 1.70 m what would you recommend me in this case?
I know I need to work to with the face , not only with what you say but also I think in expressions
Your critique is helpful, I appreciate your critique
Thank you very much
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NecroCC [2010-04-04 15:43:36 +0000 UTC]
me gusto como quedo el fondo! n__n
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warlike-magic In reply to NecroCC [2010-05-05 17:16:16 +0000 UTC]
jeje a mi no me convence del todo pero aun asi me gusta
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