Calypso is the goddess of the seas and oceans, and is also known as the keeper of the worlds treasures and secrets.
The legend says that the mortals once sailed across her oceans and seas freely, she gave them a part of her treasure and food they needed to survive. Creating life for the depths unlike anything anyone has ever seen. But soon the humans greed took over and they wanted more. She refused and the mortals started taking, killing her people, they declared war. What is infinite? The universe and the humans greed. The war was short but brutal. Half of their continent was lost to the sea. They stood no chance. After the war was over she took her treasures and people and hid them, deeper than anyone has ever been. To protect her people she created giant monstrous guardians to protect her lost city. It is said she now sleeps at the bottom of the ocean waiting for the sound of the waves to awaken her...
Calypso is one of the many gods in my world, this is her latest design, I'm still figuring her design out but this legend is something I was sure about for a long while. Here are some of the previous designs