The wyngling dashed as fast as her legs could carry her. A thief in the night, wearing a cloak, dark as the shadows... that she had just stole... Nobody seemed to notice her taking one of many dark colored cloaks, however, the child assumed otherwise, although, her heavy breathing probably would have given her away if there was someone chasing her down. After running for a bit she figured she had outrun the pursuer, she began walking, still catching her breath as she got back to where she had left her sibling asleep. The other wyngling shivered and squirmed on the cold ground as they slept. Talli watched for a moment before tearing the back off the cloak she wore and rested it on her cold sibling before laying down.
"Sleep Tight"
+ Accessory(hood) - this image/story
Talli and this art (c) Vulpix150
Baugh/Deffen (c) flyingdingo78900
Wyngro (c) @/Nestly