eduo [2016-01-21 11:53:42 +0000 UTC]
I understand B1-B3 are made up, but B4 is known and is also labeled as the largest of all 5, shouldn't that be reflected on the scales? Here it looks to be the second smallest.
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Vulpes-Sapien In reply to eduo [2016-02-03 00:39:21 +0000 UTC]
Yes I realized that as I put this together. However, there are a few things to consider. One of them is that Babylon 3 is pushed further forward than the others, and therefore only looks longer than Babylon 4. The other is that the central section of B4 is still larger than 1-3. Also, most of the additional length is due to the larger reactor cores.
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kalaong In reply to Vulpes-Sapien [2019-08-16 22:31:45 +0000 UTC]
Babylon 4 was also built by recycling the scrap from the previous three stations after they blew up.
When it vanished into the ether, it took what little support for the Babylon Project with it.
The only reason Babylon 5 was built was because the Minbari footed so much of the bill.
And the only reason they did it was so they could force the EA to put Sinclair in charge of it.
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