Comments: 35
Nenu [2008-01-07 21:29:48 +0000 UTC]
*gerade vorhin den fertig gelesen* *durch dein phoenix-bild ja vorgewarnt war* ;_;
deine ansicht von den charakteren hat sich in meinem kopf so verinnerlicht wie die von kidby, wenn ich scheibenwelt-zeuchs les. einfach unlösbar miteinander verbunden ^^ und ich finde deine hp-bilder toll :3 sie werden von mal zu mal lebendiger ^-^
*knuffts* ...hast du schonmal minimuffs gezeichnet? oo *bisher vorsichtig war beim bilderdurchguggen, weg evtl spoiler-zeuchs*
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Voldy-pet In reply to Nenu [2008-01-13 16:42:57 +0000 UTC]
Und was meinst du?Zum 6ten Buch?
LOL das is ja süss
Aber du solltest dir lieber mal die Bilder von ansehen die sind punkto HP einfach genial.
Obwohl spoiler überall sind 8D
Keine Angst in meiner Gallerie erscheinen wohl keine HP-Bilder mehr, das letzte Buch hat mich gelert dass das lesen der Bücher absolute Zeitverschwendung war x_X Abgesehen dass ich dadurch ne menge nette Leute kennengelernt habe.
Nein, wieso meinst du?XD
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Nenu In reply to Voldy-pet [2008-01-17 21:37:23 +0000 UTC]
ich meine... *heeeuuuuuul* dumbledore~~ *jammer* ...
fands aber gut. freu mich für die weasly-zwillinge und ihr tolles geschäft *g* armer ron hat deren liebestrank abbekommen XD aber ginny war ziemlich eigenartig Oo "habe dich nie aufgegeben" Oo" sah aber ganz anders aus ^^" ma hat gemerkt wie sich so alles auseinanderlebt. die quidditsch-manschaft is nimmer das was se war *sich aber für ron freut* *toll find, daß er dabei is, aber er nich plötzlich zum strahlemann wird*, hagrid hat keine schüler mehr oo" und draco... is irgendwie nimmer das eklige kleine kind... irgendwie erwachsen geworden oo aber immernoch eklig XP das über voldemort find ich sehr interessant :3
*makani's gallery gleich mal durchstöber ^^* *vorsichtig*
wie jetz? kein hp mehr? O_O klingt als wäre das 7. buch nich so doll oo" *ma mir noch nix verraten hat außer, daß pota nicht stirbt* *daher noch völlig unwissend vor mich hin spekulieren kann* *das irgendwie spaß macht* ...zeitverschwenung? óò
*merkt wie ich hinter allem hinterherhink* ~_~"
...nur so... hätter gern gesehn wie du minimuffs oder knuddelmuffs zeichnest óò ...
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Voldy-pet In reply to Nenu [2008-02-08 11:00:09 +0000 UTC]
Ja, die Twins haben echt was erreicht, aber die Sache wird nachm 7ten Buch auch wieder so nichtig -__-" Die Rowling nervt mich echt, die bauscht immer alles so schön auf un zerstört dann wieder alles, Mensch O__Q
Ja doch, ich liebe diesen verpeilten Idioten Ron, darum hasse ich das siebte Buch auch so, weil er da auf einmal der ultrakluge erwachsene Ron ist der auf einmal mit Flirttipps rumhantiert ergh... aber ich will dich jetzt nicht spoilern.
Achje XD Ja, Voldemort wird sich einfach nie ändern und das ist das tolle an der ganzen Sache.
Errh~ das stimmt nich so ganz es ist nicht so dass Harry NICHT stirbt, es ist aber auch nicht so dass er nicht überlebt... XD
Wieso? Bin ich der Typ zum Knuddelmuffs zeichnen?*lach*
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Nenu In reply to Voldy-pet [2008-02-08 18:24:05 +0000 UTC]
*riesig freu wieder was von dir zu lesen* X3
scheint als mache rowling im 7. buch alles kaputt, damit ja keiner außer ihr selbnst weiterschreibt oo
ron und flirttips? Oo eh?! an wem hat er geübt? pig? oo
voldy ändert sich ich hab bisjetz noch keinen cosplayer gesehn *g* *mit latexmilch wink* ;3 *dich vermiss*
das mit harry verwirrt mich nu aber doch oo ...ich sollte einfach lesen und gut is ^^" *aber mom grad lycidas les und noch nich fertüsch*
jetz hab ichs! harry wird zum zombie! oder zum vampier XD
nuyow... bis immer die erste person, an die ich denk wenn ich was von hp hör/seh/les.. und zu zeichnest hp-leutz hat so toll ^^ also ja! bist der typ dazu ;D
*zu tom hochgugg* find dich immernoch toll X3
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Nenu In reply to Voldy-pet [2008-02-29 21:23:56 +0000 UTC]
*bamf* X3
hab nu endlich komplett durch! (konnt nich schlafen, da hab ich weitergelesen ... bisses wieder hell wurd o_x"). *nodnod* epilog reizt zu fanfics...
hm... daß ron soviel erwachsener is kam bei mir noichso rüber... die flirt-tips waren ja nur aus nem buch seiner brüder ;3 aber irgendwie hat es sich scho verändert oO
und waaaahhhh soviele tot ;_;
wirkolich gemein daß mit tonks und lupin... ich fand die beiden sooo süß ;_; hätte doch gern mehr übers kind erfahren... ob nu werwolf oder whatever... n wolf mit farbwechsel? *g*
*das buch sich erstma setzten muß*
latexmilch is stinkendes flüssiges zeuch mit dem man masken machen kann, oder elfen-ohren (bestimmt schon ma solch gummi-ohren gesehn, ne? sind meist aus latex). wenn ma des gesicht mit gips abformt, ausgießt und nachm trocknen mit knet oder sowas verändert, kann man latex drüberpinseln und es als maske verwenden (zb, "nasen-verkleidung" die angeklebt wird), und dann überschminken. hätt mein magneto nich wieder magneto sein wollen, hätt ich gern n voldy draus gemacht... aber ich geb die hoffnung nich auf, dich mal hier bei mir zu besuch zu haben und dann würd ich gern mit dir sowas auf die beine stellen :3 ... falls du magst óò
...glatzen sind halt recht teuer... aber da kann man schummeln ;3 ..ich liebe es zu schummeln X3 ~improviso~~~
"lycidas" is ein schickes buch über weisenmädchen, aldelige ratten, nen mürrischen alchimisten (wittgenstein *_*) und mythen und legenden in der uralten metropole, der stadt der schornsteine (london ;3). wirklich seeehr zu empfehlen. is allerdings schwerer zu lesen ... empfand ich jedenfalls so. teils sehr verwirrend. autor is christoph marzi (christian? christopher?... oo") und wohnt sogar auch hier im saarland!
zombie-harry *nodnod* .. DEN teil hab ich noch nich kapiert oo *zu hoch für mich*
doch! deine hp-bilder sind toll! so speziell! so voldy! X3
*reknuff* auch dich lieb hab :3
PS: juhuu~~ is doch angekommen *froi* sogar scho antwort? *scho drauf freu* ...mitschicken? óò hmm.... passt du in den umschlag? X3
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Nenu In reply to Voldy-pet [2008-03-09 18:11:52 +0000 UTC]
*nodnod* ich hab ja momentan nur teilzeit-arbeit, was mich dazu bewegt morgen ma an der uni vorbeizuschauen...
ich hätts glaub ich auch nich für bare münze genommen ^^" is irgendwie nich ganz so schön geschrieben...
hätte ron harry's gezische nich einfach aufnehmen können? ^^" dat wär glaubwürdiger geworden oo" aber er is bei all der nervigen sucherei abgehauen... irgendwie wieder er selbst ... *weißauchnichgenauirgendwieseltsamesbuch*
ja??? da muß ich ma nachschaun X3
eigentlich is olli eher der spezialist was richtiges maskenzeuchs angeht, aber ich hab meine bärte bisher damit aufgezogen (das klingt irgendwie schräg oo"). aber wär doch auch ma n versuch wert.
es gibt ein fach namens "raum"? Oo
jaaa~~~ und ich hab so eine ahnung, daß ich dem sogar mal übern weg gelaufen bin X3
*reflausch* *knuffs*
ps: XD würd mich halt freun mit dir zeiut zu verbringen ;3
*oben auf datum deut* da steht dezember ;3 und mir "so voldy" veruscht ich deine bilder zu beschreiben ^^""
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Voldy-pet In reply to Animexx-GEVATTERTOD [2007-12-29 12:34:57 +0000 UTC]
äah... neeeiiiin~ Computa 8D
Aber Copics rocken, da hast du Recht.
Hast du auch welche?
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Animexx-GEVATTERTOD In reply to Voldy-pet [2007-12-30 19:17:36 +0000 UTC]
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Voldy-pet In reply to Animexx-GEVATTERTOD [2008-01-01 09:39:19 +0000 UTC]
Hum :< Das is wirklich nicht viel.
Wenn du dir n 36er oder 72er pack leistest, erkläre ich mich bereit einen Teil davon zu sponsern.
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Animexx-GEVATTERTOD In reply to Voldy-pet [2008-01-02 18:06:59 +0000 UTC]
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Voldy-pet In reply to Animexx-GEVATTERTOD [2008-01-04 19:17:55 +0000 UTC]
Das ist auch ne schöne Idee, dann gibts immer was auf das man sich freuen kann wenn man nen neuen Stift hat.
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Jurana [2007-12-28 17:47:37 +0000 UTC]
Cute X3
I love Tommy XD
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Jurana In reply to Voldy-pet [2008-01-05 01:54:59 +0000 UTC]
Gern geschehen XD
(Hab ich was getan? *lol*)
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Voldy-pet In reply to Jurana [2008-01-05 10:17:15 +0000 UTC]
XD Du hast mir ein Comment geschrieben.
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Jurana In reply to Voldy-pet [2008-01-07 14:08:43 +0000 UTC]
Ja na und? XD
Ist doch selbstverständlich bei deinen geilen Bildern *_*
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Voldy-pet In reply to FLO99 [2007-12-28 19:37:35 +0000 UTC]
I'm sorry for this very annoyed entry D:
You may hit me if you want.
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FLO99 In reply to Voldy-pet [2007-12-28 20:44:43 +0000 UTC]
won't hit you
but you may....for my very long reply x)!
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Voldy-pet In reply to FLO99 [2007-12-28 19:34:51 +0000 UTC]
Haha! No Problem
Oh the colored one Is this Dramaqueen-Tomy that affects Ginny XD~ you know.
Well that's why I love this Tom especially,because of his ironic way of making fun of other people.
My christmas was... err... normal, and yours?
No, didn't got your christmas greetings. What was it?
LOL orly? sexually attracted?
Ow my... somehow I think HP is not longer a Story for childrens :/
First the half of the characters died, a child-desecrator (Fenrir) appears, then the gay Dumbledore and now this Bellatrix stuff.
:/ I'm sorry, somehow I lost my last respect I had for JKR, and at least HP7 sucked me totaly up 8D
I always thought of her as a special Author, but after all this things she said, she showed, that she's the same as every else writer of this time(making her story being that way the society of our times want's it to see).
I will fancy the first 3 books, like I did when I read them the first time, but I think I will never except the end of this whole plot.(Sorry, I'm a bit frustrated).
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FLO99 In reply to Voldy-pet [2007-12-28 20:43:23 +0000 UTC]
ohhhhhh! Drama queen Tom!I didn't recognise him, how could I XD? what is he telling poor Ginny? His dramatic life at the orphanage or his horrible school life at the hands of student (Gryfindors) and teachers ( Dumbledore!).
I know what you mean, that is why I like him too, his humor is so.....satiric and ironic. Later on I guess Voldemort developed a more self ironic humor, teasing people without them actually noticing ( like putting Wormtail as Snapes assistand knowing perfectly their past at Hogwards).
I send you an E-mail with a file in it containg my christmas greetings, you didn't receve it? I send it again, tell me if you receive it this time ok?
My Christmas was fine, more lucky then last year actually. this year we haven't had to dinner with our neighbours (false and very miser, so that naturally you always have to IMMAGINE a real christmas dinner there! ).
yes! Bellatrix was ALSO sexually attracted to Voldemort. Pratically she kind of loved everything about him. I didn't listed to all the interview with her, but only picked out the parts that interested me from the summary. Jo also explained why the love chamber in the MoM ws closed, it was because people there feared the power of love, it's incontrollable because you don't know how it will effect people. It could have positive effectes as also negative ones. Love for once could make you blind for the reality around you ( dumbledore's love for griendelwald blinded him) but it can also make you so obsessed that you became mad (Bellatrix!). Jo also said that she told this Carter when she asked about her character.
You know that I have to agree with you on this. Even if I find Dumbledore's gayness and this fuss on Bellatrix amusing* please don't hit me for this XD*, HP is no more a child's story. There are to many deaths and undertone stories to make it a story only for your audience even if i think that younger audience wouldn't notice them at all. I think that they would for example see Greyback as a bad wolf like the one in Little Red Hood and the relstionship between Albus and Gellert as a very deep friendship( at least I would id i read this as a child).
But I think that in the following books Rowling wanted to put more backstories so that the older audience would have something to discuss too. Personally i see that especially the last two books had way more adult material then the others ones.Book 4 and 5 are also very dark but in a more angstly was i guess .And you know what, you should hear the english audiobooks, there is really a huge difference. I dowloaded them from Emule and heard a few chapters of each and there is really a difference about how it is narrated. The first books you could hear where narrated for children but going on the tones becomes more and more mature.
So i guess that Rowling just wants to give answers to all her readers, old and young. So that sometimes things like gayness and pervs come out. Btw, Do you really think she thought Dumbledore to be gay from the start? Because you see, here I start to think too that she did it only to satisfie the audience.
and yeah, I'm upset out book 7 too it started great but the end was just.....deluding somehow. But please don't tell me you deterst the story now because of it? we can still say the end never happend .
Sorry for the wayyyyyyyyy to long answer, but I'm also kind of frustrated about all this and it kind of fill good to finally write your thoughts down on it x) , don't you think?
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Voldy-pet In reply to FLO99 [2007-12-29 13:30:23 +0000 UTC]
x_X Sorry, deviantart sent my message, without my agree.
Ow... ow... christmas Dinner with the neighbours.
Were they thos neighbour who went with you and your parents to germany?
Well, I guess, It's not an art to fall in love with Voldy-poo.
Somehow I guess, he regret that he ever bewitched Bella on his typical way, he did always. I think someday he get really annoyed of this love XD~ But was absolutely his fault.
Aaah That stuff about the chamber of love , is kinnda interesting, I always wondered why she never gave an answer at the End of book5. And somehow I think JK's right about how she describes love, I'm interested what made her think that way.
Oh your so right XD It's nearly the same as the Disney-Movies.
As child I watched them like normal fairytales, but today I see them really different, because I understand the circumstances :3
But somehow, I think wouldn't like to watch the 4th Movie as children, I would have a very bad feeling about watching such movies.
When I watched Horrormovies as a child I could'nt handle this Story's like I do It tomorrow. I spent times laying awake in my bed, because I was traumatized of what I saw.
So I'm not agree about what Rowling said:"Children should read horror-books because It makes them strongerblabla..."
I watched movies and read books that influenced my Evolution badly.
I think It was psychological mistake to make the first books so child-orientated and the last ones so adult-like.
LOL No, I don't think she thought Dumbledore to be gay from the start. If you have a story in your head, this story will give you enough stuff to think for over a year, but If you don't write this story down in that year,the story doesn't seem to be interesting to you after a while.
So you will take stuff in your Story you got impressed by the real life and you will change the story so much that you nearly destroy everything you wanted to tell in the first year.
Especially If your life changes that way JKR-Life's did after he got popular.
And I think that was the misery of the HP-Books.
It took to much time.
Me deterest HP?
Oh... well, let's say It's a love-hate relationship XD
I'm glad you see the stuff like this
Yeah sure, It makes me feel better, somehow I was about to finish with HP by acting like there was never a book6&7 at all XD
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FLO99 In reply to Voldy-pet [2007-12-29 18:26:13 +0000 UTC]
You really didn't get it? Do you have some other mail address besides hotmail? i could sent it there.
yes, exactly thouse wonderfull neighbours xD. And today i heard that we are invited to eat dinner with then on New Year's Eve (the 31st) so I didn't escape a dinner with them at all .
You are right x), and here i think didn't her huband Rodulphus notice anything? but you know I wonder then why he didn't bewitched Narcissa as much as her sister or at all. He didn't seem like he needed to do that at all once he was Lord Voldemort, but i guess he did it a lot as he was younger to get on the gilrs...good sides. With some side effects as you said x). lol do you think girls as school tried to bewitch him as Romilda wanted to do with Harry xD?
you know that I was thinking the same.What might have her have such a positive but also very negative aspects of love? Maybe bad love experiences as she was younger?
yeah, you are totally right about the Disney-Movies. Sometime ago I saw a few episodes on an old child series, Lady Oscar, and i saw that there were so many things a missed to catch there as i was a kid.
You know what? I could handle horror movies much better as a child or teen as i do now, I became such an scary rabbit these last years XD. It's really surpring, a few years ago I could made fun of my older cousin because she was scared to see the Jack the Ripper movie but now I would be as scared as her! But I have to agree about what you said about Jo. Horror movies or films don't necessary would make you stronger, it depends on the people who see-read it, some could handle these things better then others but it doesn't mean they are necessary stronger, it's in their character i guess. So if you see kids who can't handle these things yet, you should confront them with it when they are older. That's at leat how I see it.
yeah, that's what I think too. She let herself influence a bit by the circustances around her as she read the following books after the first 2 ones. You know, I think that in the Encyclopedia she wanted to write she also wanted to put some alternative notes or something about her characters and the wizarding world. So maybe there is and alternative ending or something Oo? and if she really didn't thought of Dumbledore as gay from the start you know who might have influenced her on this? The UK audiobook reader Steven Fry, he is gay and very famous and apprecciated in the UK.
Then it's the same with me about love and hate. I still don't know what to think of the last book, it was so deluding in some points but others it was well written.
you know that Amazon bought that fairy tale book Rowling sold, they even pubbliced reviews about each of the 5 stories, they are really good!
[link] f_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&f_rd_s=auto-sparkle&f_rd_r=0KXEKYA6JR0CS15097NA&f_rd_t=301&f_rd_p=342085801&f_rd_i=harry%20potter
Read The Warlock's Hairy Heart ( it's the darkest fairy tale) and tell me of whom you think of
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Voldy-pet In reply to FLO99 [2007-12-29 12:51:20 +0000 UTC]
LOOOL thanks for your Answer, I hope I will finally will meet the requirements of this discussion, not like I did it all the times 8D
Haha XD Excactly what I mean! He's Teh Evil-supervillian at all.
His humor is priceless. Oooooh, It would be sooo cool to have look on his thoughts, only one day. I'm sure it would be to funny.
I still didn't got the Christmas-E-mail, maybe... its my stupidz-Hotmail-Account :/
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FLO99 In reply to Voldy-pet [2007-12-29 17:30:00 +0000 UTC]
Don't worry, you surely will x)
Yeah that is what I think too.Its su funny because our Tommy boy wears the mask of perfect student and of a wonderful person but deep down he truely is the contrary XD. It would be like with sakura in Naruto, when she talks to someone and we see her smile nicely at him while her true inner ego would shout at the guy or make fun of him xD. So it may also be with Voldemort, I mean we totally saw this when he tried to get a job from Dumbledore, he was all nice and charming on the outside giving compliments and such but inside he was thinking along the lines of "You old fool, give me the JOB!give it to me, give it to me! ......DAMN how did he knew this? Is he spying on me still???" x)
That would be so hilarious to look in his mind, you know, actually I even could him see using Legiliments on people for his own amusement, you read how wonderful or fearful he is , althought on Bellatrix he would find thought on a complet other nature XDDD
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