The Void Basins are lower bits of land scattered throughout Hugauss that have low light and are cold. Hugaussians still inhabit them normally since they are very safe places even if a bit creepy. The lack of light is caused by the Star Nexus's influential energies blowing over it, but some of the energies still get in. Giving it a very dark, magical twilight look. It is a natural form of independant space forming and these lower bits of land are mostly unaffected by the world outside of them but not completely. Pig girls often enjoy going into them.
Otoho, being a nomadic snow and plant shoveling Seasonal Ranger likes going into them and being a nomadic snow and plant shoveling Season Ranger since there are a lot of unexplored areas and new plants. However the Pumpion is somewhat common.
A Hugaussian Void Basin dweller, Fleir, recognizes Otoho for being a snow and plant shoveling Seasonal Ranger.