Comments: 19
Spin-T [2018-11-03 14:29:20 +0000 UTC]
You got me at muatra
👍: 1 ⏩: 0
NO-SoupForYou [2016-05-10 22:58:01 +0000 UTC]
I thought that the other Vehk was a female aspect he added to himself when he retconned his life with the Heart of Lorkhan.
I think that's why he's called a 'divine hermaphrodite': he can change gender at will. It would suit his libertine nature.
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NO-SoupForYou In reply to CuddleyCat1 [2016-05-14 20:33:17 +0000 UTC]
Only the trippy Sermons say he's hermaphroditic (and I don't think they mention when he became so). My understanding is that those don't represent their true origins, but the timeline after the Tribunal retconned it with their new powers. Among other things, the Sermons suggest that Almalexia is Vivec's mother as well as his sometime lover.
Even if he were a conventional hermaphrodite, he probably became so when he assimilated the body of his Dwemer-made 'mother'.
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CuddleyCat1 In reply to NO-SoupForYou [2017-03-06 22:32:30 +0000 UTC]
No, it doesn't just say it in the sermons. Have you read 'What my Beloved Taught Me?' Vivec says that it "makes no difference" between him/her when he's asked by Nerevar "What is the difference between men and women?" The line about being whelp-wench also states it that he was a hermaphrodite from the beginning. This all took place before he even became a god, when he was a mere street urchin/prostitute. Vivec has a very dual nature. The fact that he is most like the only mortal who was born intersex is a very special thing in TES world.
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NO-SoupForYou In reply to CuddleyCat1 [2017-03-09 16:41:28 +0000 UTC]
Is that an ingame book? It's been a while since I played. Without more context, I can only speculate that Vivec was referring to his bisexual preferences. (I'll keep using that singular pronoun for easier typing.) I get an impression that Vivec's duality manifests like Sheogorath's: The conflicting aspects express themselves in patches rather than as a blended whole.
I don't think intersex individuals are necessarily rare in TES. Maybe they are. The developers just haven't had much cause to address the subject. Aside from anything else, the racial skin textures wear skivvies.
And I confess, I have a personal preference. The idea of Vivec genderswapping on whims seems appropriate, given his lighthearted nature. And a female Vivec aspect presents new artwork possibilities, which few have explored.
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CuddleyCat1 In reply to NO-SoupForYou [2017-05-05 23:46:53 +0000 UTC]
Yes, it is an in game book. Check it out, it's actually really interesting. It is implied that he's been intersex since birth. The concept that you like is really interesting though, but it's never been stated that it's how it works. Also, if you'd like to, check out some of Michael Kirkbride's (The creator of Vivec and half of Elder Scroll's lore), notes and other personal info that he has written down about Vivec and other Morrowind lore. A lot of it is a strange read, but it gives you a better understanding of Vivec.
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NO-SoupForYou In reply to CuddleyCat1 [2017-08-08 16:14:40 +0000 UTC]
I'll check it out. I still think that Vehk could be a sequential hermaphrodite, with control of the process. Is that against lore?
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CuddleyCat1 In reply to NO-SoupForYou [2017-08-20 05:28:28 +0000 UTC]
It is against lore because everything about him/her represents duality. I do believe that Vivec has the power to switch genders if he/she chooses, but like I said before, it has never been stated in any of the lore, but it is canon that he/she is a hermaphrodite since birth.
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CuddleyCat1 [2016-03-04 23:19:17 +0000 UTC]
I love his body. He has feminine curves 💓 This is so beautiful!
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kawashima [2013-06-22 15:35:23 +0000 UTC]
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trish05 [2013-05-22 13:32:09 +0000 UTC]
Incredible work!
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