*Sans Maw
*LV: 1
*HP: 10
*AT: 20
*DF: 20
*Soul: Clarity
*Verse: Squirrelswap G-Tube!Tale [GMU]
*Weapon: Tactics, Think Fast, Bones, Gaster Blaster, Krav Maga, Boxing, MMA, LeKatana
*Armour: Nerd Glasses, LeCap
*Perks: High Intelligence, fast, Sport-Junkie (beside Krav Maga he is a big fan of Longbording, Skating and Kitesurfing), brave, hounest, fair, Nerd
*Quirks: Hates Sleeping, cannot sleep without Headphones, Triangle Addiction, Pacifist, hounest, fair, Numb limb (Right Arm), Kinda rages in case of injustice
*in midias res.
*Inventory: Longboard, Marker, Imerganzy Cap, Mate (3X), Mobile Phone, Camera, Notebook, Smoked Paprika, Headphones
Song that might play when you fight LeMaw
It's raining somewhere else
Related to Jazztale
Stats for the Maw. So looking forward for him showing up in the Comics
That's so totally not the classic version of me!
Commander Peepers
This is the Sans of GTTale, short for German Tube Tale. It's characters are based on actually real excisting persons, German YouTuber tibia specific
This dude here is based on Florian Mundt aka LeFloid aka LeFluff
If you are curious (and understand German ) you can find the dude here