UmiHoshi — Trust

Published: 2008-12-18 10:48:53 +0000 UTC; Views: 823; Favourites: 40; Downloads: 14
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Description *proud* ^-^~<3
what can I say?.......OTP!!
luluXshirley's just the ultimate code geass love.
I think the drawing turned out pretty good, for once. though Shirley looks to adult and her arm is to long....
I think I might send this one to our local anime magazine, what do you think? =\

it might not be very obvious, but shirley shoves his mask up so she can just barely not see his eyes. she respects him wanting to keep his identity hidden. she just shove it up to kiss him, no other reason (maybe the mask is still to high though....)
I saw this scene before in spiderman and got inspired.
I've been wanting to do this one longer already, but I finally broke from my artblock.
The moment this'd be....hmmm..... I think the best time'd be during the end of season one where the school is kept hostage (Nunally's still save) and Shirley has said 'it's okay, we can trust Zero.' maybe that's where the title comes from too.

xin-keeXtanshia/ OTP!!
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Comments: 13

Cherry-Lane [2017-01-21 18:56:35 +0000 UTC]

I love this couple why couldn't they be together?  I'm all for a little pathos but her death was too much. I mean she could be his comfort zone where he could just relax. I'm hoping in the sequel series that he and Kallen don't become a couple. In my opinion is a better off as a character who isn't paired off with anyone.

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jacenleonhart [2009-01-16 15:57:43 +0000 UTC]

Nice! I can see the Spiderman influence clearly here. ^_^

It feels kinda strange looking at them like this though... considering that Shirley was pointing a gun at Lelouch during the last season!... But still, this pic looks great! You should definitely send this to the magazine!

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UmiHoshi In reply to jacenleonhart [2009-01-17 20:15:56 +0000 UTC]

you're wrong. she pointed the gun in the first season. after that, he erased her memory and she fell in love with him again. in the last episode of season one she also said 'it's all right, we can trust Zero.' (since she had found the note saying 'lelouch is Zero' ) (that is also the scene where I based this drawwing on)
the only gun she's holding in the last season is Rolo's, to make it look like her getting killed was suicide.
also, she was mentally confused by Mao, it wasn't her fault she wanted to kill him. it's after all really scary to be in love with the murderer of her father. but Shirley said later on 'I have already forgiven him a long time ago.'
and even if she had pointed a gun at him, he told her she was not to blame, but he was. and as her memory was erased and she asked him if the girl he was visiting at the graveyard was his girlfriend, he replied: 'I wonder now...'

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jacenleonhart In reply to UmiHoshi [2009-01-18 07:57:28 +0000 UTC]

Sorry, my bad. I never did get to see what happened after that part in the first season. I'll be sure to check on that. Thanks for correcting me though.

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Hanabi-M00fin [2008-12-19 14:13:11 +0000 UTC]

Hm, I don't really have an OTP yet, I just LOVE MAO. SO FREAKIN' MUCH. -dies-
This is lovely though~!

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UmiHoshi In reply to Hanabi-M00fin [2008-12-20 17:05:53 +0000 UTC]

MAOOOOO~O!!!! 8D I joined his fanclub out of epic principe!! >< Mao needs love!!!

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Hanabi-M00fin In reply to UmiHoshi [2008-12-22 19:54:15 +0000 UTC]


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miscarcandi [2008-12-18 21:24:38 +0000 UTC]

*thrusts fist into the air*
wooo! luluxshirlley ROX!

your body anatomy has really improved, Umi-chan!

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UmiHoshi In reply to miscarcandi [2008-12-19 10:37:09 +0000 UTC]

luluXshirley is ment to be! >< lulu can't be his normal self around CC or Karen. he needs to act dominant on them. with shirley, he can relax a little.

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miscarcandi In reply to UmiHoshi [2008-12-20 09:16:03 +0000 UTC]

yeh..... ^_^

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Dark-Xinnix [2008-12-18 17:04:23 +0000 UTC]

i have no idea who they are. But they look so darn cute!
( i know their names. =.=")


i love the pose ^.^

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Akumaredi [2008-12-18 15:31:07 +0000 UTC]

@oo@ this is upper cute!!
Lulu looks so damn hot *///*~
The anatomy of their bodies is so great,
specially the hands and fingers o.o gotta love that!
You should totally send it to the magazine Umi-chan

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isamisa [2008-12-18 13:08:19 +0000 UTC]

omg!!!! this is so sweet
luluxshirley 4 evaaaa

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