This was another one of those figures I thought I would never do. But thanks to I got the inspiration to build him!
Instructions >
So Biofan was kind enough to share his original design with me, which I only kept a few ques from the original when making my version. One of the things I was set on was only using the Mata red which Dume was so famous for having in his Turaga form. Though for this MOC I wanted to give off more of a red hot feel to him, so I made him with the majority of the red under black armor so it comes off more as rock with molten lava boiling underneath.
I also wanted to make him very visually intimidating, as the character had to deal with some dark stuff in his time as a Toa, so I wanted to give a very strong and unbreakable look to him. This actually makes him a bit taller than Lhikan, which I really like. The hammer was mostly Biofan, I made some minor modifications to the design just to increase the stability, and no the zamor does not fire.
Last thing I wanted to do with Dume was to do something special with his mask, so I painted a few sections red just to help highlight a few sections of the mask.
Overall I'm extremely happy with how he turned out!