tigerme25 — TDD Twilightsong

Published: 2019-09-20 21:43:51 +0000 UTC; Views: 366; Favourites: 5; Downloads: 0
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Description “There's so much to do!”

12/21/2019 || Bio added

Basic Info
Name: Twilightsong
Past Names:twilightkit, twilightpaw
Nicknames: twi

Sex/Gender: female
Age: 28 moons

Clan: Deltaclan
Rank: Warrior
Mentor/Past Mentor(s): Finchclaw
Apprentice/Past Apprentice(s): n/a

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual
Romantic Orientation:Hetero romantic

Father(s): Thistleflight

Mother(s): Whispersong

Adopted Father: Finchclaw

Adopted Mother: Snakebite

Aunt/Uncle(s): x
Cousin(s): x
Sister(s): x
Brother(s): tba
Mate/Past Mate(s): x
Kit(s): x

Crush(es):  x

Physical Info
Build: average build with average muscular structure
Pelt Colors (includes eye color): moxe of light blue and white with darker blue stripes and paw
Length/Texture of fur: long and fluffy
Scars: x

- Energetic
- Friendly

- Helpful






Her parents where Thistleflight from Arnica and Whispersong from Summit. They met when Whispersong was injured by a rogue cat when Thistle found her. Thistleflight saw her and immediately went to her rescue, even though she smelled of Summitclan. At first Whispersong fought back but when she realized how genuine the tom was, she let him help her to the Summitclan territory.  Later on, Thistleflight began to see more and more of Whispersong and the two fell in love. Nobody from either clan knew of their romance until Whispersong announced she was pregnant. Because the revised warrior code states that mates from another clan were accepted, hardly anyone questioned the union. Thistleflight was overjoyed when Whispersong brought 2 kits during their next meeting. But the happy reunion came to an end when Whispersong demanded that Thistleflight took the kits. She believed something bad was going to happen to her and she needed to make sure the kits were safe. Thistleflight obliged and took the 2 mewling kits back home with him. The next day, Summitclan was forced to fight a band of rogues  and Whispersong is slain. Once news reaches Thistleflight, the tom goes into a deep state of depression. Grief causes Thistleflight to become irrational. Because the kits remind him too much of their mother, the tom decides to give them away. With Copperstar's permission, the tom gives all 2 kits back to Summitclan. But another devastating rogue attack causes two of the kits to disappear. No one knows where the other one went.

Twilightsong was picked up on the outskirts of Delta clan where she was taken in by a queen name Snakebite. Her and her mate Finchclaw took here in as one of her own as Snakebites kits died form disease earlier and this gave the grieving parents a change to raise kids once more.


Twilightpaw was a very energetic and high spirited apprentice she had a tone of energy to burn and was always quick on her feet. Thought a bit scatterbrained at time she meant well and was always willing to help her fellow clanmates and apprentices. To breezed through training and was quite a prodigy.

Not much has change in her personality as she was given her warrior name Twilightsong. She act much like a kit at times but she is still very friendly and outgoing.

 || Slight attraction   || Attraction    || Infatuation     || Lust
 || Like   || Respected    || Greatly respected     || Idolizes
 || Slight Curiosity   || Major Curiosity    || Interested In
 || Unease    || Disgust      || Avoids at all costs
 || Slight crush   || Crush    || Major Crush     || Love
 || Friend   || Good friend    || Close friend
 || Wants to get to know them   || Misses    || Can't bear without
 || Platonic Like   || Like Family
 || Slight suspicion   || Major suspicion    || Distrust
 || Annoyed by   || Dislike    || Hate     || Despises
 || Shy    || Nervous      || Discomfort
 || Mother  || Father  || Sibling  || Daughter  || Son
|| Mentor || Apprentice
 || Missing/Status Unknown  || Dead  || Mate
 || Family  || Fling / Ex-mate / Donor

Name -|- Markers -|- Owner/NPC
“Insert quote here.”

Name -|- Markers -|- Owner/NPC
“Insert quote here.”

Name -|- Markers -|- Owner/NPC
“Insert quote here.”

Name -|- Markers -|- Owner/NPC
“Insert quote here.”

Name -|- Markers -|- Owner/NPC
“Insert quote here.”

Name -|- Clan -|- Markers -|- Owner/NPC
“Insert quote here.”

Dark Forest
Name -|- Clan -|- Markers -|- Owner/NPC
“Insert quote here.”


Character by: @LoneMidnightLupis

Character art by: tigerme25  

Application by: shamanbrush
Description by: Cobalt-Wolf-Runner
Group: TheDefiantDawn

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Comments: 4

Flowercrown-Prince [2019-11-26 19:07:39 +0000 UTC]

+100 for tigerme25  

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LoneLupusArts [2019-09-20 21:47:13 +0000 UTC]

Happy to see the baby used in a beautiful fashion.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

tigerme25 In reply to LoneLupusArts [2019-09-20 22:39:17 +0000 UTC]

Aww thanks! 

*also I need at the credits to this lmao rip*

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LoneLupusArts In reply to tigerme25 [2019-09-21 04:41:36 +0000 UTC]

Np! Lol

👍: 0 ⏩: 0