Comments: 24
Chrysshart [2009-12-09 20:49:13 +0000 UTC]
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PuppyAkamaru [2009-12-08 23:24:53 +0000 UTC]
man.. hey, when you get down here, you think we could work on one of these together?
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ThirdPotato In reply to PuppyAkamaru [2009-12-09 05:38:47 +0000 UTC]
I'd love to, dude! We could have a full out drawing party or whatev n.n
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PuppyAkamaru In reply to ThirdPotato [2009-12-10 00:58:21 +0000 UTC]
that would be so badass. Oh! My mom's okay with you coming for a visit, and i ran the idea of you meetin' Dennis first, and she said that would be good. looks like you gotta work up the courage and speak to a stranger lol
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ThirdPotato In reply to PuppyAkamaru [2009-12-10 05:08:25 +0000 UTC]
XDDD I really won't do that, sorry. Its too awkward for me. I'd rather just drop by sometime on the way up or down. XDDDD
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PuppyAkamaru In reply to ThirdPotato [2009-12-11 01:41:39 +0000 UTC]
awww, just drop by? That doesn't sound like fun.. You said yourself it's like.. 3 hours out of the way or somethin', i don't want ya drivin' THAT far just to drop by, you know? Hey are you in virginia still? I sent your letter last... fridayi think it was
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ThirdPotato In reply to PuppyAkamaru [2009-12-11 07:17:48 +0000 UTC]
XD Well not just drop by, I can stay a while, but yeah no offense but I'm not going to meet a 40 year old male stranger and drive 3 hours with him to meet you. XDDDDDDDDDDD I can drive myself just fine n.n We just have to find a date and time that'd be good for us both XD
And yes! I've received your letter! I hope to find time to resond to it soon; Hopefully I can include it with an xmas thing I'll be sending out too
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PuppyAkamaru In reply to ThirdPotato [2009-12-11 21:48:52 +0000 UTC]
fwew.. man you spoil me so friggin' much you know that? And i also suggested you coulda followed him to my house, you know not having to ride with him.
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ThirdPotato In reply to PuppyAkamaru [2009-12-12 05:22:40 +0000 UTC]
LoL Well we'll cross that bridge when we come to it lol. I prefer to drive alone because I like to go my own speed XDDDDDDD And make my pitstops. I have a GPS. So I can staaaalk you XDDDDDDDDDD JK
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PuppyAkamaru In reply to ThirdPotato [2009-12-13 03:24:23 +0000 UTC]
pff, personally i wouldn't care if someone like you stalked me. i think it would be funny to have a stalker... PFFF-- i can imagine Ronnie peepin' around a corner makin' a rape face for some reason XD. Or Leo that would be equally funny
So yeah, i guess whenever you feel like comin' down plug in my address and stop on by
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blackshampoo [2009-12-08 16:06:45 +0000 UTC]
Nicely done.
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dizzyfeathers [2009-12-08 13:47:41 +0000 UTC]
very god job man! its pretty dayum good! somehow doesnt feel like your usual standard of work, but still it is just as creative ^ ^
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ThirdPotato In reply to Fawxe [2009-12-08 17:52:17 +0000 UTC]
No problem! I'm glad! n.n
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inuzaka [2009-12-08 10:21:59 +0000 UTC]
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Derrelix [2009-12-08 06:06:56 +0000 UTC]
I really like when you do these types of critiques. As of late I've been trying to make my own characters more defining (with no avail, yet).
Thanks for showing Fyuvix :3
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ThirdPotato In reply to Derrelix [2009-12-08 06:38:15 +0000 UTC]
Aw thankye kindly! n.n
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Hanugumo [2009-12-08 05:42:39 +0000 UTC]
amazing as always. awesomely done. ^.=.^
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ReiHari [2009-12-08 05:11:32 +0000 UTC]
Wow, you're amazing! I love your character Analysis studies. You give amazing pointers! I hope you do a human one in the future <3 Looking forward to more!
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