TheRealPhoenix — bild neun

Published: 2013-10-14 18:08:46 +0000 UTC; Views: 1726; Favourites: 49; Downloads: 1
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Description out to find love. I hope to find one...some day. But meanwhile I have you. Earth.
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Comments: 38

redheadreader1432 [2013-12-21 23:45:45 +0000 UTC]

Sometimes people try to put their emotions into their art and convey their fellings, and I can see that, but it feels hollow. But you have captured the essence of what it feels like to be lonely and without love. You see everyone around you, smiling and laughing, and of course you're happy that they feel that way, feeling that they mean something, that they're not just a pawn in the grand scheme of time and entropy. But secretly, inside you feel as though you're filled with a deep and malevolent......nothing. You can't see why there's any reason for you to not just fall over and die, leaving the world to deal with your remains, and shrugging off all the turmoil, sorrow, and regret that you carry around behind you. the people you see are transparent, their view of the reality of the universe clouded by all the emotions and day to day things they concentrate on. And you wonder, do they really feel this way, or is it just another fake mask to hide behind when the real world comes caving in on their own little bubble of innocence. That's why some among our kind seek to turn back the hands of time because as children, you have no worries or fears. There's always someone to hide the truth from you, and protect them from the cruelty of life, trying to save the glimmer of their eyes.But the fact is, all of us are destined to pass on into the embrace of death, and many have realized that. But is there another world beyond this life, like all the religions say there is? or is it just a blank expanse that all the lost and forgotten souls of Earth and all other worlds come to, drifting for all of eternity and never becoming something more. The soul cares nothing for emotions, there and gone again without a trace. It is in our bodies, our physical boundaries, that emotions and feelings have any real effect. we laugh, cry, and experience everything the world has to offer. But to one who has no one else to be with, it is like seeing without understanding. Without compaionship, we are all nothing but souls drifting across the way. That is what loneliness is; seeing what has never be yours to begin with. I see so much suffering and despair wherever I turn, exposed to my sight in the expressions, the very movement of their bodies, as if afraid the floor might collapse and the ground swallow them whole. It pains me to my core, but there is nothing I can do. I am young, and I still have a long life ahead of me. But when I view the sorrow in everyone I see, I have doubts. Is it really all worth that much pain and agony? Should I really try to live? Will I even see who I am if all I can feel is pain? Will I ever find love? These are the thoughts and doubts that come when I am alone, pondering if I can even get through the day. I never tell anyone that is close to me, and I still think about just cutting myself off from the rest of the world. But what do I know? I'm only 14. I find that many seem to dought I understand anything about life. But I do, and i'm scared at the knowledge I posess. Life is a gift with sacrifices, just as every rose can sting and hurt. I hope that even if I don't find love, that you do.

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TheRealPhoenix In reply to redheadreader1432 [2013-12-22 01:40:32 +0000 UTC]

holy shit that was amazing, I mean just wow. this is worthy of being published. your words and way of writing is amazing, you seem way too clever for a 14 year old. I am amazed. you remind me of myself to be honest. this text really made you stick out from the rest of all people. you used "you're" correct, which is rare around here. you seem like an really intelligent guy, go on with that and you will make it far, but don't let this compliment get over your head. you got my attention now, I will not forget this. I give you one free request. use it wisely, I never do requests. you put a lot of effort into creating this and I am really grateful. I hope to see more from you in the future. those were inspiring words. all this just for a picture of someone being sad, which is mainstream around deviantArt. thank you. you actually took the time to say things to are hard to write. there were often the times I wished I could help someone and tell them what I think but in the end I knew I could not. the internet is just not the right place for that. as a reward i will give you what's most valuable to me and can be transfered via the internet. music, the food of the soul. www.youtube.com/watch?v=ri5F63… If you are as clever as I think, you might be able to figure out where this picture got its name from.

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redheadreader1432 In reply to TheRealPhoenix [2013-12-22 15:39:23 +0000 UTC]

I feel like even if this world is doomed to crumble, and we all fall into a state of being without cares and emotion, I still want to be able to remember that at least I tried to make passing on into death as painless as possible. Mabye thats why all my friends say that I need to get a girlfriend. they don't see that the world is pressing on without anyone being able to stop its revolution. they simply live in the moment,as one might say. woprrying about wrtiting up the next essay for school, or what to eat for dinner. I doin't have any relationships with women that would grow into something more intimate. I can't find any common ground without completely rewriting my personality and life, andf that is the one possesion of mine that truly will last. Why would I corrupt myself over fleeting moments that can never bring true satisfaction for myself. I prefer to find those who feel the way I do, and help them to realize who they truly are. I feel that if I can acomplish that, then I can pass on without the felling of nothingness being as frightning anymore. I look for the glimmers of hope that the world gives, and it is lost to all but a few. The very essence of nature, the sun rising and setting, has been an inspiration to me. It peeks over the horizon, young and fresh from the night. I travels across the sky, see all of us struggling and being in fear of life. And even when the day is done, and it needs to rest, it continues to provide light for as long as it can, comforting those in need. I can see hidden messages in the world all around me, as if it is telling me that I can go on. And I do. I help others around me, and convey my feelings of how there is hope for the heartbroken, and rest for the weary.

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redheadreader1432 In reply to redheadreader1432 [2013-12-22 15:43:30 +0000 UTC]

The title of your drawing is from the band Have A Nice Life. It is the name of one of their albums that they have.

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VintageVvV [2013-11-01 16:47:36 +0000 UTC]


I need a lover one day too 3;

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DemonicShadow91 [2013-10-26 01:41:25 +0000 UTC]

Awesome job on the pic. I wish one day I could find a lover.

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TheRealPhoenix In reply to DemonicShadow91 [2013-10-27 00:25:17 +0000 UTC]

don't we all

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DemonicShadow91 In reply to TheRealPhoenix [2013-10-27 01:34:23 +0000 UTC]


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xXDodem-DemonicXx [2013-10-17 11:07:31 +0000 UTC]

It's so realistic! I love it! <3

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TheRealPhoenix In reply to xXDodem-DemonicXx [2013-10-17 15:46:52 +0000 UTC]

thanks a lot

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xXDodem-DemonicXx In reply to TheRealPhoenix [2013-10-17 15:57:53 +0000 UTC]


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QueenCarmilla [2013-10-15 07:24:11 +0000 UTC]

Great piece here Jerry, and good luck on your quest, i'm sure there's someone out there waiting for you~

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TheRealPhoenix In reply to QueenCarmilla [2013-10-15 14:40:38 +0000 UTC]

thank you, maybe~

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QueenCarmilla In reply to TheRealPhoenix [2013-10-15 15:53:08 +0000 UTC]

i'm positive of it ^.^

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NyanMaxxy [2013-10-14 23:13:20 +0000 UTC]

Wow..this says alot.. it's so beutiful... I love the background and everything ;w;

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TheRealPhoenix In reply to NyanMaxxy [2013-10-15 14:40:23 +0000 UTC]

thank you~

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Kitsune5874 [2013-10-14 19:43:07 +0000 UTC]

Its really good. Though the message is sad. Its beautiful though, the back round and the sky. I don't want to say I understand, but sometimes I feel the loneliness too.

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TheRealPhoenix In reply to Kitsune5874 [2013-10-14 20:41:08 +0000 UTC]

Thank you.

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Kitsune5874 In reply to TheRealPhoenix [2013-10-15 22:20:49 +0000 UTC]

Thank you for the art and the message. You don't need to thank me.

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TheRealPhoenix In reply to Kitsune5874 [2013-10-15 22:37:26 +0000 UTC]

I am flattered ./3/.

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Kitsune5874 In reply to TheRealPhoenix [2013-10-16 21:05:39 +0000 UTC]

Sorry. I don't know how to respond. I'm not good with stuff like this. 

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TheRealPhoenix In reply to Kitsune5874 [2013-10-16 21:17:48 +0000 UTC]

that's alright xD no need to

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Kitsune5874 In reply to TheRealPhoenix [2013-10-16 21:52:44 +0000 UTC]

I like to respond to statement directly at me. Sorry.

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TheRealPhoenix In reply to Kitsune5874 [2013-10-17 08:20:16 +0000 UTC]

D: D:

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Kitsune5874 In reply to TheRealPhoenix [2013-10-18 01:15:49 +0000 UTC]


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giygaswar [2013-10-14 19:05:57 +0000 UTC]

I really like the background on this one.

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TheRealPhoenix In reply to giygaswar [2013-10-14 20:08:12 +0000 UTC]

thank you

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Arkensir [2013-10-14 18:35:58 +0000 UTC]

Mmmf... Always cute <3

You'll find the perfect one for yourself <3

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TheRealPhoenix In reply to Arkensir [2013-10-14 20:07:36 +0000 UTC]

thanks ;~;
I hope so

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RioDiGennaio [2013-10-14 18:29:35 +0000 UTC]

For a moment, I had thought you'd used a photo for the background. xD
Well done on the landscape, mang! You're getting better at semi-realism. ouo

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TheRealPhoenix In reply to RioDiGennaio [2013-10-14 20:06:25 +0000 UTC]

thank you ;3;
after all my dream is being as good as concept artist, still a long way to there, like 10-20 years but I am trying xD

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RioDiGennaio In reply to TheRealPhoenix [2013-10-15 15:16:37 +0000 UTC]

No prob! uvu And just gotta keep at it, yo.

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TheRealPhoenix In reply to RioDiGennaio [2013-10-15 22:37:38 +0000 UTC]

yes I will!

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loofytehfox [2013-10-14 18:15:32 +0000 UTC]


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TheRealPhoenix In reply to loofytehfox [2013-10-14 20:05:26 +0000 UTC]

thanks ^-^

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vaporeonSHIT [2013-10-14 18:10:08 +0000 UTC]


is so beautiful o.o

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TheRealPhoenix In reply to vaporeonSHIT [2013-10-14 20:05:20 +0000 UTC]

thank you <3

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vaporeonSHIT In reply to TheRealPhoenix [2013-10-15 15:09:58 +0000 UTC]

youre welcome uvu

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