TheGoldenAquarius — Dimension of debunked theories

#purpleguy #sparky #fnaf #phoneguy #miketrap #cryingchild #theories #puppetmarionette #fivenightsatfreddys #foxythepirate #goldenfreddy #michaelafton
Published: 2018-06-26 13:23:37 +0000 UTC; Views: 3423; Favourites: 36; Downloads: 1
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So, before the UCN release, let’s have a little throwback to some of theories that used to be believed before.

I got inspired to draw it after people on Reddit solved the Logbook code, finding out the name Cassidy. Which might mean that she is Golden Freddy and the Crying Child (aka the 1983 Bite Victim) is thus neither GF nor Puppet, but somebody else (Shadow Freddy, perhaps?)

(I know it might be not 100% proved that Golden Freddy=Cassidy, but whatever. Who knows, maybe the Crying Child has a chance to have a glorious return)

So, here CC encounters Purple Phone, Miketrap, Foxy the Good Guy and Sparky) And he isn't too happy about it)

BTW, what other debunked FNAF theories you remember and used to believe in? )

UPD 15.09.18 - Cover page for a comic about them! www.deviantart.com/thegoldenaq…



(Арт на русском - vk.com/thegoldenaquarius?w=wal… )

Давайте-ка перед выходом Кастом Найт вспомним некоторые теории, которые многим нравились, но были опровергнуты.

К слову, на Реддите недавно разгадали код в Logbook'е по ФНАФу, и откопали там имя Кэссиди, из чего некоторые делают вывод, что она стала ГФ. То есть плачущий пацан из ФНАФ4 не ГФ и не Марионетка, а кто-то ещё (Тёмный Фредди?)

(Это не 100% доказано, но мне захотелось поиграть с этом мыслью и с тем, как Плачущий Пацан отреагирует на такие новости. Хз, может, он в итоге и выберется из этого измерения)

Итак, Плачущий Пацан-ГФ-Марионетка встречает ФЧ ака ТГ, Майктрапа, хорошего Фокси и Спарки. И он не оч этому рад))

А какие опровергнутые теории по ФНАФу нравились вам?

UPD 15.09.18 - Альбом с комиксом про них: vk.com/album-125941616_2579803…


FNAF (c) Scott Cawthon

These theories (c) FNAF fandom

Fanart (c) me

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Comments: 14

Sweet-Jade [2018-09-29 12:53:07 +0000 UTC]

Man, the two old debunked theories I remember were BB was a hallucination and Springtrap was gonna be a lion animatronic (when fnaf 3 was still being teased)

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TheGoldenAquarius In reply to Sweet-Jade [2018-09-29 14:53:03 +0000 UTC]

Wow, I don't remember these! 0_0

Were they widely believed then?

Well, Phantom BB is sorta a hallucination, so... somewhat canon))

As for Springlion... Damn, Springy would look good with a lion mane! (aaah, now I hear The Lion King songs playing in my head))

Not sure if I'm going to add/refer these somehow in the comic, but anyway, thanks for sharing this piece of history with me!))

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Sweet-Jade In reply to TheGoldenAquarius [2018-09-29 14:54:57 +0000 UTC]

No prob bab : D
and I do believe they were some popular theories (I sometimes watch the older theory videos for fun)

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fnafrules111 [2018-07-16 07:23:55 +0000 UTC]

maybe the dream theory from fnaf 4

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TheGoldenAquarius In reply to fnafrules111 [2018-09-15 17:32:11 +0000 UTC]

Although I didn't really believe in that theory, I liked its idea as an AU

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fnafrules111 In reply to TheGoldenAquarius [2018-09-15 17:41:42 +0000 UTC]

you could put it in the dimension of debunked theories, as well as Mike being The Purple guy

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TheGoldenAquarius In reply to fnafrules111 [2018-09-15 17:43:58 +0000 UTC]

I sure can

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fnafrules111 In reply to TheGoldenAquarius [2018-09-15 17:47:49 +0000 UTC]


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Ristorr [2018-07-15 17:31:44 +0000 UTC]

В свое время нравилась теория о сне, все так удачно складывалось эх
Во, вспомнила почему Спарки выглядит так знакомо, глянь на Эверест из "Собачьего патруля")

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TheGoldenAquarius In reply to Ristorr [2018-07-20 16:26:15 +0000 UTC]

Я, кстати, не оч верила в эту теорию, но с эстетической точки зрения она мне тоже нравилась)

Да, действительно вышло похоже хД

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ShinySmeargle [2018-06-27 05:06:43 +0000 UTC]

What about the theory that there were multiple killers? The only evidence people had for it was that the sprites for purple guy changed per mini game, even bough EVERY characters’ sprite changed at one point or another.

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TheGoldenAquarius In reply to ShinySmeargle [2018-06-27 08:39:18 +0000 UTC]

Honestly, it kinda used to make sense for me too, particularly, the sprites changing in FNAF2. I mean, different sprites in different games are understandable, but why changing them within one game? Plus, one sprite was named 'killer', another was named 'man'. Not 'killer1' and 'killer2' or 'man1' and 'man2'. This was quite misleading for me, actually.

Although, since the books revealed that William used to be stout at first, but lost a lot of weight while sliding down his child killing escapade, this sprite change makes started making sense for me. I guess it symbolises William getting skinny and sick or something.

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FnafXOfficial [2018-06-26 18:26:02 +0000 UTC]

I laughed way harder than I should have at this.

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TheGoldenAquarius In reply to FnafXOfficial [2018-06-26 21:47:58 +0000 UTC]

I'm glad to hear that)

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