That-One-Leo — Imperfectiness

Published: 2014-05-26 04:42:01 +0000 UTC; Views: 1403; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 4
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Description (finally here we have once again my pokemon OCs from an old fan made stories of Pokemon known as Imperfectiness, what is it you ask? well, the name comes from those pokemon who has small differences from the rest of the pokemon, like the lack of very vital object a pokemon needs, or the change of a color and even have the lose of an arm or leg, so let's meet them with)

Sebastiana nd Sably the Sableyes

Mawritia the Mawile [Mau-ri-sheea]

Agata the Pawniard

Banessa the Banette

Woot the Dewott and Shade the Shellder

Dill the Krokorok

Eluku the Helioptile

Skullkid the Phantump

Charlie the Gourgeist

and Monsoon the Vivillon
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Comments: 8

ZRPshack [2014-05-26 04:49:15 +0000 UTC]

(Reminds me of a Pokemon OC im trying to make, but i keep forgetting to draw.))

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That-One-Leo In reply to ZRPshack [2014-05-26 04:51:35 +0000 UTC]

(one or more?)

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ZRPshack In reply to That-One-Leo [2014-05-26 04:53:33 +0000 UTC]

(I am making two. a Zoroark and a Lucario.)

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That-One-Leo In reply to ZRPshack [2014-05-26 04:56:53 +0000 UTC]

(the somehow favorites of some gens?)

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ZRPshack In reply to That-One-Leo [2014-05-26 05:09:45 +0000 UTC]

(yeah, and they're both different. with the Zoroark, it's just going to have different colored fur, but the Lucario will be missing the spike on his chest, and have a scar there)

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That-One-Leo In reply to ZRPshack [2014-05-26 05:38:25 +0000 UTC]

(meaning the Lucario lost that thorn on his chest?)

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ZRPshack In reply to That-One-Leo [2014-05-26 05:44:13 +0000 UTC]

(Yeah. he doesn't look as nice, but he's more hugable. XD)

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That-One-Leo In reply to ZRPshack [2014-05-26 06:46:57 +0000 UTC]

(I guess so )

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