Teo20120 — Minute Killer

#whatifscenario #kale #ben10omniverse #kaledragonball
Published: 2019-08-20 21:55:05 +0000 UTC; Views: 708; Favourites: 12; Downloads: 3
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Description The name sounds kinda weird TBH, but I'll stick to it😁
Minute Killer is the DNA sample of a Chronosapien form an unknown planet(Probably destroyed) in Universe 7.
In this form, Kale can manipulate time in any form such as going forward, backward; travel to other timelines and even universes. Although this happens to be a very slow and lousy transformation, is pretty useful for fights if used correctly.
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Comments: 5

TransformersMarvel [2019-08-20 23:56:18 +0000 UTC]

Take it from Trunks, Kale: you don't want to casually mess with time. 

That being said, Minute Killer could be very valuable if Kale ends up joining Chronoa's Time Patrol, to avoid any possible scrutiny from powerful Gods. It's basically a mobile Time Machine or Time Ring and Transport Cube all in one.

Hit must be a tad jealous. 

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Teo20120 In reply to TransformersMarvel [2019-08-21 00:39:08 +0000 UTC]

I was going to put a joke about Hit compared to a Chronosapien; but to be honest, both are useless against a SSJG and beyond according to the manga. And about the part of her joining in the Time Patrol, sounds like a great advantage, although Kale can be more useful in combat in her saiyan self than being a massive clock like guy.

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TransformersMarvel In reply to Teo20120 [2019-08-21 03:11:57 +0000 UTC]

Oh, naturally her Saiyan self is way more useful in combat. I meant, assuming she joined with the Omnitrix, having Chronosapien around would be a secondary benefit to have for universe or time hopping (in the event Chronoa isn't able to do so).

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Teo20120 In reply to TransformersMarvel [2019-08-21 03:59:51 +0000 UTC]

Yeah makes sense. The next one on the list is a Conductoid BTW

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TransformersMarvel In reply to Teo20120 [2019-08-21 05:03:56 +0000 UTC]

Feedback for Kale? Awesome, I can't wait to see it!

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