TalonDoodle — Simon's One Massive Adventure

#chibi #fan #fanart #games #spoilers #video #adoarble #smol #art #soma #videogamefanart
Published: 2016-02-06 03:11:11 +0000 UTC; Views: 2126; Favourites: 59; Downloads: 0
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Description Or, Soma for short. 
If you haven't played Soma and own a PC/PS4 you should play this game. It's made by the guy who did Amnesia but is WAY better and involves robots. 

Note: Please click image for better quality. I don't know why but DA has been murdering my pictures lately.

Art (c) Me
Soma and Simon Jarret (c) Frictional Games
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Comments: 9

SaltyGriffin [2016-11-26 13:05:11 +0000 UTC]

jfc i love the title so much i cant even

i love the game too
poor robot child ;;;;;c

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Hexidextrous [2016-03-02 17:10:05 +0000 UTC]

I want this game so badly. I think it looks better than Amnesia too.

Brain Uploading, a Misunderstood AI, decaying underwater laboratory, mutant body horror monstrosities. Looks scary, but still awesome!

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OkamiJake [2016-02-14 14:26:13 +0000 UTC]

That is plain adorable ;A;

love the color palette and the shading style (and the fishies I mean look at them ) ; great work!

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TalonDoodle In reply to OkamiJake [2016-07-26 05:41:21 +0000 UTC]

-late response is late- 
Ahh thanks! I'm actually amazed it turned out this good (even going to make it a print for this year's con >.<)

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Kharpa [2016-02-07 12:47:49 +0000 UTC]

So awesome)))

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TalonDoodle In reply to Kharpa [2016-02-08 03:55:09 +0000 UTC]

Thanks! :3

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Clockwork-Jack [2016-02-07 12:02:23 +0000 UTC]

Oh my gosh. Oh my gosh that's adorable. It's cute--and it's pretty!

And I have to agree--SOMA was much better than Amnesia. Although I've never had the chance to actually play either, from what I've seen, Amnesia isn't nearly as good. Which I guess isn't the creator's fault, since he was a less experienced game-maker at the time and probably didn't have the money/help to really work out all the bugs and stuff. But still--SOMA is loads better. Also, robots make everything better.

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TalonDoodle In reply to Clockwork-Jack [2016-02-08 03:57:59 +0000 UTC]

Haha~ thanks!
I agree, it's not that Amnesia is a bad game, it's just SOMA seems to have a better story and is makes for a more memorable experience. And yep, robots instantly make any game better. xD

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Clockwork-Jack In reply to TalonDoodle [2016-02-08 06:32:02 +0000 UTC]

Yep, very true. I've seen a lot of Amnesia custom games out there, and some of them seemed really good! It's nice that the creator left the fans with so much to work with, but it's also kind of annoying how buggy the monster respawns and stuff can be. x'D But, again--I've never played it. Or SOMA. I've just watched massive amounts of Markiplier.

I tried looking up 'SOMA' on Steam, but it told me I was too young to view it. -___-" Which is a bummer, because I fell in love with it just by watching other people play it. 

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