SylvieNe — Teh Kittens

Published: 2007-04-03 06:15:03 +0000 UTC; Views: 327; Favourites: 8; Downloads: 0
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Description Omg where do I begin..
Well you all remember I said both my cats were pregnant, mother and daughter, well they gave birth about a month ago, both of them, they were only 2 days apart. The black and white cat seen in this picture had her kittens somewhere away from my house, her daughter Ruby, had them in the backyard next to ours, we went to the neightbor's house and got them, there were 5, 1 was dead. So we took 4 of them back, the black and white cat started taking the kittens away until there was only one left that was Ruby's.. He slowly died.. So Ruby was left with no kittens. She's pregnant AGAIN now -_- Well The black and white cat brought them back, she brought 2 of her own that we never saw before, and brought 2 of the 3 that she took from her daughter. One is missing.. My dad says he saw her bringing it and took it away again, but I'm not sure. So 2 of the kittens in this picture are really hers, but in stealing them from her daughter, she saved their life. Ruby was inexperienced and she's less than a year old.
I'm probably not gonna be allowed to keep any of the kittens so I'm not planning on naming them so I call them by color.. ._.
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Comments: 9

TsunamiArchfiend [2007-04-04 03:51:02 +0000 UTC]

Aww that kitty looks cute!:oints to the top right::

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Sonic-Shazam [2007-04-03 23:55:12 +0000 UTC]


Black Kitty

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Gamer-Chick [2007-04-03 14:57:41 +0000 UTC]

Aww,what cuties. :3

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Meechemax [2007-04-03 14:14:06 +0000 UTC]

I dont know why but i want a cat now.

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SylvieNe In reply to Meechemax [2007-04-04 01:52:27 +0000 UTC]

Lol. I'd give you one if you lived here.

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Meechemax In reply to SylvieNe [2007-04-04 13:21:15 +0000 UTC]

aww that soo nice of you, but I also have a dog and he don't like cats or any other animals around.

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howling00greywolf [2007-04-03 06:17:22 +0000 UTC]

Oh I wish I could keep my cats kittens, it so easy to become attached D: makes me cry when you have to say goodbye *so cute*

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SylvieNe In reply to howling00greywolf [2007-04-03 06:49:08 +0000 UTC]

Yeah I know what you mean.. ;;

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icer253 [2007-04-03 06:17:08 +0000 UTC]

so cute ^^

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