since the group she was in is closed now, I'm uploading a separate ref of her
she's multiverse, can be in a completely human world or coincide with monsters
Name: Jordan Lyons
Nicknames: Jordie, sunny
Age: 25
Date of birth: April 4th
Gender/sex: Female/Female
Species: Human
Height: 5’2
Weight: 120 lbs
Body type: Hourglass
Ethnicity: Black Vietnamese
Piercings: one pair on ears
Tattoos: None
Medical conditions/limitations: social anxiety
Orientation: Demisexual
Romantic Status: Single
Friends: none atm
Siblings: none
Other family: Mom, Dad, Aunt and Uncle
Occupation: Community pharmacist
Place of residence: her parent’s home, scared about living on her own
Likes: sunflowers, the color blue, gardening, fudge brownies, visiting the beach, oranginas
Dislikes: panic attacks, technology troubles, her plants dying, bugs destroying her plants, being alone in new situations without anything to help cope
+ Compassionate
+ Generous
+ Loyal
+ Punctual
- Easily discouraged
- Insecure
- Impulsive
Fun facts:
Can still be anxious in some new situations, but it helps if she’s with groups she’s familiar with
She was given the sun hairclip as a present from her favorite aunt and uncle for her first day in high school, and she believes that it’s a good luck charm because of what happened after so she wears it whenever she goes out
Has to flat press her hair once a day during the summer time if she wants it straight
Speaks Japanese, English and Vietnamese when with family
Would like to visit Canada one day and meet all of her dad’s side
Sometimes uses a stress ball to help her cope when she’s in an anxious situation
She finds her job to be more calming than stressful, though she has to deal with customers and sort prescriptions out
Open for hcs, but nothing else