Made by the lovely
Making an OC Meme
What do you like for....
[ ] Multiple eyes
[ ] Bicolor eyes
[X] Normal colored eyes (I'm so boring with my OCs I shouldn't even do this)
[ ] Odd pupils
[ ] No eye(s)
[ ] Glowing eyes
[ ] Blind eyes
[ ] Oddly colored eyes
[ ] Eyes that change color
[ ] Other
What do you like for....
[X] Long hair (It's funner to draw)
[ ] Short hair
[ ] Ponytails on guys (Did you do this because of me?)
[ ] Side shaves
[ ] Hair over the eye(s)
[ ] Braids
[ ] Multiple hair colors
[ ] Dyed hair
[ ] No hair
[ ] Odd hair colors
[ ] Normal hair colors
[ ] Odd curls
[ ] Spiky hair
[ ] Curly hair
[ ] Straight hair
[ ] Other
What do you like for....
[X] Pale skin
[ ] Tan skin
[ ] Dark skin
[ ] Odd skin color
[ ] No skin
[ ] Tattoos
[ ] Patterns naturally on skin
[ ] Freckles
[ ] Other
What do you like for....
[ ] Scar(s) over the eye(s)
[ ] Scar(s) on the cheek(s)
[X] Scar(s) on the chest
[ ] Scar(s) on the ribcage
[ ] Scar(s) on the stomach
[ ] Scar(s) on the arm(s)
[ ] Scar(s) on the leg(s)
[ ] Scar(s) on the hand(s)
[ ] Scar(s) on the feet(s)
[ ] Scar(s) on the back
[ ] Scar(s) on the neck
[ ] Scar(s) across the face
[ ] Other
What do you like for....
[ ] Petite
[ ] Short
[ ] Just under short
[X] Average
[ ] Just under tall
[ ] Tall
[ ] Gigantic
[ ] Other
What do you like for....
[ ] American
[X] British (But really anything works)
[ ] French
[ ] German
[ ] Russian
[ ] Chinese
[ ] Japanese
[ ] Arab
[ ] Indian
[ ] Norwegian
[ ] Swedish
[ ] Icelandic
[ ] Danish
[ ] Finnish
[ ] Canadian
[ ] Korean
[ ] Egyptian
[ ] Mexican
[ ] Spanish
[ ] Italian
[ ] Other
What do you like for....
[Body Type]
[ ] Underweight
[ ] Skinny
[X] Curvy (For girls )
[ ] Average weight
[X] Average build
[ ] Muscular
[ ] Overly muscular
[ ] Slightly overweight
[ ] Chubby
[ ] Overweight
[ ] Obese
[ ] Other
What do you like for....
[ ] Modern style
[ ] Victorian style
[ ] Renaissance style
[ ] Medieval style
[ ] Fantasy style
[ ] Arabic style
[ ] Japanese style
[ ] Uniforms
[ ] Western style
[ ] Revealing style (Clearly a style)
[ ] Dark style
[ ] Simple style
[ ] Hipster style
[ ] Gangsta style
[ ] Goth style
[X] Other Steampunk (I can't believe you of all people forgot this!!!!)
What do you like for....
[ ] Monocle
[ ] Glasses
[ ] Bandana
[ ] Necklace(s)
[ ] Bracelet(s)
[X] Earring(s)
[ ] Ring(s)
[ ] Glove(s)
[ ] Scarf(s)
[ ] Hat(s)
[ ] Tie
[ ] Bow(s)
[ ] Bow tie
[ ] Piercing(s)
[ ] Eyepatch
[ ] Watch(s)
[ ] No accessories
[ ] Other
What do you like for....
[ ] Long fur
[ ] Short fur
[ ] Coarse fur
[ ] Silky fur
[ ] Curly fur
[ ] Soft fur
[ ] Fluffy fur
[ ] Straight fur
[ ] Spiky fur
[ ] Wiry fur
[X] No fur (I like my good old fashioned human OCs thank you very much)
[ ] Dyed fur
[ ] Natural fur colors
[ ] Unnatural fur colors
[ ] Glowing fur
[ ] Mixed lengths of fur
[ ] Multiple fur colors
[ ] Striped fur
[ ] Spotted fur
[ ] Plain fur
[] Other
What do you like for....
[ ] Long claws
[ ] Short claws
[ ] Hooves
[ ] Overly long claws
[ ] Overly short claws
[X] No claws (Again I like human OCs)
[ ] Odd colored claws
[ ] Natural colored claws
[ ] Other
What do you like for....
[X] No tail (I should stop answering these nonhuman OC questions)
[ ] One tail
[ ] One or more tails
[ ] Three or more tails
[ ] Eight or more tails
[ ] Spiky tails
[ ] Feathered tails
[ ] Scaly tails
[ ] Furry tails
[ ] Canine tail(s)
[ ] Feline tail(s)
[ ] Horse tail(s)
[ ] Bird tail(s)
[ ] Fish tail(s)
[ ] Devil tail(s)
[ ] Docked tail
[ ] Other
What do you like for....
[ ] No horns
[ ] One horn
[ ] One or more horns
[ ] Three or more horns
[ ] Eight or more horns
[ ] Spiky horns
[ ] Smooth horns
[X] Deer antlers
[ ] Ram horns
[ ] Goat horns
[ ] Bison horns
[ ] Moose horns
[ ] Other
What do you like for....
[ ] No wings
[ ] One wing
[ ] One or more wings
[ ] Three or more wings
[ ] Eight or more wings
[ ] Feathered wings
[ ] Dragon wings
[ ] Metal wings
[X] Mechanical wings (And steampunky and awesome ones if I have to choose )
[ ] Bone wings
[ ] Wings on an unnatural part of the body
[ ] Other
What do you like for....
[X] No powers
[ ] Power
[ ] One or more power
[ ] Three or more powers
[ ] Eight or more powers
[ ] Other
What do you like for....
[Mythological Characters]
[ ] Unicorn
[ ] Vampire
[ ] Werewolf
[X] Demon
[ ] Wizard
[ ] Witch
[ ] Neko
[ ] Kitsune
[ ] Mermaid
[ ] Selkie
[ ] Centaur
[ ] Satyr
[ ] Fairy
[ ] Pixie
[ ] Spirit
[ ] Dragon
[ ] Elf
[ ] Dwarf
[ ] Ghost
[ ] God or Goddess
[ ] Other
What do you like for....
[ ] Animal
[X] Human (Thanks for asking this question I totally didn't answer it 5,000 fricken times above)
[ ] Other
Even though the commentary makes you think otherwise I really did like this quiz You did good man