sugar0o — Cut

Published: 2007-11-07 04:22:31 +0000 UTC; Views: 2134; Favourites: 37; Downloads: 59
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Description Okay, so i'm not ... NOT... a Sess/Rin pairing fan, i haven't a clue why but the idea upsets me, i think of them more as father daughter then Lovers at some point. That being said. I was thinking of a story i wanted to write long story short, Kags goes home for good or so she thinks, one day sometime later she gets pulled back in, when she pulls her self up its just in time to see a brown haired golden eyed female inu hanyou getting her throat cut. It hadn't been a long time for Kagome, from the final battle, to this point so her powers are just as sharp and more so since she trained relentlessly now, she goes on a warpath and kills all the assaulting demons that set out to kill the girl. Back in the feudal era though its been about 50 years or more, hardly anyone's alive that would remember her. Going to the cut hanyou, she sees an adult looking Rin? with a blue crescent moon on her brow. She's out cold, from the blood lose, Kagome drags her off to Keade's village, only to find it a village of mostly Slayers. They are about to kill the female hanyou when Kagome flares up. noticing the aura, a leader comes forth, she is female. Kagome almost falters "Sango?" she calls to the violet eyed brown haired slayer holding Hiraoukous, the reply she gets is "How do you know of my Grandmother?"... etc...
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Comments: 16

DraconisLilium [2013-05-19 17:32:13 +0000 UTC]

Love the line art here :3

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sugar0o In reply to DraconisLilium [2013-05-20 04:44:01 +0000 UTC]

thank you!

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femalekapalika [2011-03-21 11:37:19 +0000 UTC]


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sugar0o In reply to femalekapalika [2011-03-21 14:36:25 +0000 UTC]


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XSilverboltX [2007-11-25 06:07:01 +0000 UTC]


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sugar0o In reply to XSilverboltX [2007-11-25 20:42:34 +0000 UTC]

lol yeah i know i'm mean!

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lilaithia [2007-11-07 05:30:16 +0000 UTC]

Finally! Someone who agrees with me on the sess/rin thing.

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sugar0o In reply to lilaithia [2007-11-07 10:16:40 +0000 UTC]

lol. no there are a lot of us our there. I really can't think of them together without getting all 'Eww petifile'ish... but for the sake of the idea, they do the >_> and have a kid, Rin sadly will have to Exit stage right, and eventually Kags returns in time to save the Hanyou girl child of Sess. the idea is that they'd eventually return the girl and things with Sess And Kags would boil into 'raRr'. Now if you can understand everything i just typed out, your better off then most ^_^

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lilaithia In reply to sugar0o [2007-11-07 16:42:23 +0000 UTC]

Wow, I think I actually understood all of that. Lol.

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sugar0o In reply to lilaithia [2007-11-07 23:53:13 +0000 UTC]

haha, I'm glad you did. when i start typing as though i'm typing, it can come out rater.. "interesting"

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lilaithia In reply to sugar0o [2007-11-08 00:26:30 +0000 UTC]

Haha, that sounds like my friend, only her problem is trying to type when she's half asleep. The outcome is usually hilarious!

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sugar0o In reply to lilaithia [2007-11-08 01:14:32 +0000 UTC]

>_< i've been there, in fact, i do it at work daily!

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SesshysRose [2007-11-07 05:06:38 +0000 UTC]

Ooooh, that sounds good! yeah, I never really liked Sessin pairings...it just seemed so wrong...Good pic!

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sugar0o In reply to SesshysRose [2007-11-07 10:12:57 +0000 UTC]

thanks for the comment. and i really agree, the story i'm thinking about would be a Kag/Sess story, but in the time since she leaves and comes back, Sess and Rin would have done their thing. I'm evil though, so Rin sadly will die in childbirth... Ce La Vie.

..... Anyway, thanks, i'm not even sure i'll write it though. I've got 10 WIPs on my computer, many with 19 pages of single spaced type set telling stories. Some with only 5 - 7 pages. While i love my stories, i think that before i start the next ones i need to think it out form start to finish. b/c some of my ideas while writing on the fly have started fusing together. And that upsets me. but otherwise ... We'll see. maybe later.

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SesshysRose In reply to sugar0o [2007-11-07 13:40:00 +0000 UTC]

Doesn't sound like a bad idea on your part! lol...I really need to do the same thing...

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sugar0o In reply to SesshysRose [2007-11-07 23:49:05 +0000 UTC]

ha ha if you only knew... Maybe I'll forward a few of my wips thus far. the ones that have yet to be posted.... we'll see.

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