Comments: 15
Albus-draconis [2007-11-23 20:26:53 +0000 UTC]
*Poke!* Hi! Recall a certain odd female you met on the bus? We both had a laugh at the gang-banger wannabe... You showed me a doodle you were ding- thought it was cool. My apologies for noit finding your page sooner; I'd lost the scrap of paper you'd written your username on, and I had to try a number of different ways to find you on here.
Anyway, hello!
I like this piece- would make a lovely tattoo (simplify it a touch- needles can only get so fine, ya know). A colour version of this would kick tail, too! Makes me think more Indian or Indonnesian, personally. Lovely symmetry.
If you get a chance, go look up the name Alex Grey. His stuff will wow you- similar to your own style; very detailed and wonderfully intricate, just like your stuff.
Later! Faving this, by the way.
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Albus-draconis In reply to Subaqueous [2007-11-23 21:35:22 +0000 UTC]
Sweeet! They took her gallery down? Why? Hey, maybe submit a pic of her ink? Is that allowed? and holy crap, I can't write... Ugh. *is looking up at her post- shameful. Tsk, tsk*
And thanks for putting me on watch, too!
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Albus-draconis In reply to Subaqueous [2007-11-24 00:48:03 +0000 UTC]
Ratz... That's a pity... Wonder what happened? I'm just nosey.
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Albus-draconis In reply to Subaqueous [2007-11-24 06:13:17 +0000 UTC]
I eat stalkers.... Heh. *grins* I am a dragon, after all- and we get REALLY territorial... *giggles* but seriously, that info really isn't hard to find, if you look in the right places. Heck, I think all of that is actually on my profile...
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outofspace [2006-09-15 19:27:00 +0000 UTC]
it's beautiful
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picklesins [2006-02-19 14:09:04 +0000 UTC]
This is AMAZING!!
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Subaqueous In reply to picklesins [2006-04-17 14:34:04 +0000 UTC]
*almost had heart attack* ..Wow, dude - I'm flattered you love it so, and even more that you are having it inked! This is will be the first time ~and I never actually thought it would occur~ that someone will wear a peice I've drawn (i haven't been drawing them for that long either). I thank you so soo much ^.^ I really am grateful
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acidphish [2006-02-04 22:53:29 +0000 UTC]
v. nice. have people been stealing from you?
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tiamat9 [2006-02-04 18:15:48 +0000 UTC]
That's really neat. Fine form and structure. Nice symmetry.
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RecharuKua [2006-02-03 19:11:28 +0000 UTC]
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