|| Updates: App Completed 4/28/19 ||
name > Sandstar
prefix meaning > Sand - For Her Sandy Pelt Colored Coat || suffix meaning > Star - Leader Rank Suffix
previous names > Sandbreeze, Sandpaw, Sandkit
clan > Cliffclan
rank > Leader
previous ranks > Deputy, Warrior, Apprentice, Kit
previous mentor(s) > Heronvine
current mentor > N/A
previous apprentices > Crowtuft, Willowtooth
current apprentice > None at the Moment
age > 30
gender > Cis Female
sex > Female
sexuality > Lesbian
build > Skinny Build with a Medium Height Difference
fur description > Scruffy Blondeish Fur with Patchs of Grey and Dark Grey
Tabby Markings and Calico Patches of Dark Grey and Grey
Piercing Amber Eyes
scars > Scratches on her Right Shoulder, Scrape on the Back of her Left Front Leg, and Nick in her Ear
height > 24
weight > 7.3
voice > Dolly Parton
scent > Smell of Earthy Flowers and Dirt, and Minerals
death >
1st - Drowned when saving a clanmate that was caught in the river.
2nd - Battle between a enemy clan cat.
> Compassion
> She is a loving leader and helps any cat despite their age or rank.
She believes that all her clanmates should feel welcomed and honored with praise.
> Forgiveness
> She is rather forgiveful for anyone who has seen as weak and pitful.
She will try her best to help but sometimes she will forgive starclan if any cat has passed in her time as leader.
> Mellow
> She is calm in the face in danger and sometimes
it doesn't very much help for her clan or her clanmates if needed.
Her mellow attitude is seen as scary and rather terrifying.
> Her ambition drives her way as she uses it to her advantage.
Despite the harm it might cause if she wasn't careful.
> Forgetful
> As a leader as she may seem, with old age.
She tends to be rather forgetful and has not appointed apprenctices on accident.
She has been throughly judged because of this.
> Gullible
> Leader is meant to be very smart and wise, but even after Owlflare.
She is rather gullible to new chances and new battle tactics that may hurt her clan or even worse,
likes >
> Clan Gatherings
> Flowers
> Climbing
dislikes >
> Snails
> Drowning
> Insects
parents >
> PrickleRush > Deceased
> Doeclaw > Alive
siblings >
> None
mate >
> Owlflare > Alive
kits >
> None
other relations >
> None
mate > None
previous mates > Owlflare
current attractions > None
previous attractions > Owlflare
looking for > Nothing right now but if she could, some cat that would last.
likes in a possible mate >
> Lovebird
> Gives Affection
> Sweetheart
dislikes in a possible mate >
> Egoist
> Manipulative
> Doesn't care for her well-being
interested in kits > No
preferred family size > Unsure
(credit to RisingSunWarriors for this part)
agility > agile > [ 8/ 10 ]
stealth > loud > [ 4 / 10 ]
fighting > Medium > [ 6 / 10 ]
hunting > Medium > [ 6 / 10 ]
tactics > extremely skilled > [ 7 / 10 ]
speed > slow > [ 4 / 10 ]
strength > weak > [ 3/ 10 ]
endurance > Medium > [ 6 / 10 ]
climbing > extremely skilled > [ 9 / 10 ]
sight > poor > [ 2 / 10 ]
scent > strong > [ 7 / 10 ]
hearing > poor > [ 2 / 10 ]
taste > strong > [ 7 / 10 ]
den building > unskilled > [ 2 / 10 ]
battle tactics > extremely skilled > [ 8 / 10 ]
hunting tactics > extremely skilled > [ 7/ 10 ]
kitting > unskilled > [ 1 / 10 ]
herbal knowledge > unskilled > [ 0 / 10 ]
compassion > empathetic > [ 9 / 10 ]
kithood [ 0 - 6 moons ] >
Sandkit was born to two Cliffclan cats by the names of Pricklerush and Doeclaw.
She was seen as the skinny and sickly, which both of her parents feared.
But during a greencough season, Pricklethrush passed on due to his inability to breathe much longer and both Doeclaw with Sandkit were devastated.
Sandkit believes that her father is still in Cliffclan and has not left them.
apprenticeship [ 6 - 12 moons ] >
Heronvine was chosen to become her mentor, a wise old tom who was rather silly and childish at times.
Heronvine and Sandpaw got along, with a few minor mishaps along the way.
Sandpaw was rather proud and always wanted to impress her mentor anyway she could.
warriorhood [ 12 - 16 ] >
Sandbreeze was a warrior with a golden heart, which Owlflare adored and met up with her on patrols.
Sandbreeze cared mostly for her clan and never thought of being a queen.
During one patrol, Owlflare who was a rebellious, and dashing tom had asked Sandbreeze to become his mate.
Sandbreeze accepted and her with her mate got along for quite a while until Owlflare realized that when he wanted kits soon enough.
Owlflare and Sandbreeze tried to have a litter of kits but after a couple trips to the medicine den. It was revealed that Sandbreeze was infertile.
Owlflare was furious and demanded that Sandbreeze needed to have kits because he want to give his other crush he had his eyes on jealous.
Sandbreeze and Owlflare split up after that. she was appointed Crowpaw and Willowpaw afterwards.
deputyship [ 16 - 20 moons ] >
Sandbreeze was appointed deputy by the Gracious, and Courageous Berrystar, She was choosen for her ability to handle tasks in the face of danger and friendship. She managed the patrols as usual and etc. She still felt uncomfrotable around Owlflare but forgot about him since helping the clan was more important. During one moonhigh, Berrystar passed on with no notice but Sandbreeze who came to awake Berrystar to find death in her wake. She believe she wasn't ready for becoming a leader but she wiped off her tears and made herself stronger than before.
leadership [ 20 - 27 moons ] >
Sandstar is impending leader with forgiveness and empathy by her side. She doesn't take too kindly to cats who believe she is weak and too fragile. She appoints Duskheart as deputy as she believes Duskheart is a loyal cat who would do no wrong in her image. She is proud of her apprentices and her clan. She doesn't like others who spite at her clan and her leader rank.
Relationship Tracker:
Annoyed by
Wants Dead
Looks Up To
Good Friend
Best Friend
Platonic Like
Platonic really like
Platonic love
Slight Crush
Major Crush
Slight Physical Attraction
Strong Physical Attraction
Lusts After
Former Mentor
Former Apprentice
Clovestar | cherrycorgii | | ''Nothing is to be expected from an enemy clan leader and I need to watch what I say to a high rank such as myself ''
Owlflare | NPC | | ''Digusting Mousebrain who didn't care for me despite me being myself.''
Doeclaw | NPC | | '' I need to vist you more often, mother. ''
Heronvine | NPC | | '' I miss you, I wish I could train like we did back then. ''
Duskheart | mapledreamss | | '' Duskheart is a Loyal Deputy that gets daily dutys done quick and I'm proud of that. ''
Dewstar | AnimeSanChan | | '' Nothing is to be expected from an enemy clan leader and I need to watch what I say to a high rank such as myself ''
Pricklerush | NPC | | ''I miss you father, I wish you many when I vist the moonstone once again.''
Dark Forest
Written Application Template cherrycorgii
Application Art @/Static-BlueberryWeb