SpriteHeaven — ~038-039~ Eye've got my I on you

Published: 2018-03-04 21:56:26 +0000 UTC; Views: 137; Favourites: 4; Downloads: 1
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Description Ability: Keen Eye
038-Flaegi (Fledgling-Graeae)
-The Rascal Pokemon
-"Only one in every three Flaegi are born with an eye. Although Flaegi can see without their eye, those born with an eye can see briefly into the future and are able to evolve. As a result, many Flaegi born without an eye resort to stealing. More often than not, the stolen "eyes" are just spherical objects that they think are eyes."

039-Graeven (Graeae-Grave-Raven)
-The Coven Pokemon
-"Graeven tend to appear to humans only when they anticipate a death to occur. Some say that they do this in order to escort people to the afterlife. Alternatively, some say that they do this to feed on people's spirits. This contrast in belief has resulted in some religions honoring Graeven, and some religions banishing Graeven."

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