Published: 2015-04-09 17:17:17 +0000 UTC; Views: 516; Favourites: 24; Downloads: 0
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Description Now who is this guy you ask?
Why a new fantroll silly e 7 e
also he's my very first melanistic troll e 7 e

Name: Okenos Malaco
Sex: Male
Age: 7.38 (16 Years old)
ScreenName: melacholiousTsunami
Blood Color: Maroon Blood (Extinct/Seadweller)
Lusus: Crocodile/Mermaid hybrid.
Strife Specibus: Microphone-Kind
God Tier: Prince of Life
Typing Style: Its mostly quiet so he doesn't talk much. But when he does, he replaces his B's with 8's and his T's with + and always has "..." at the end of his sentences.

♦ Moirail: None.
♥ Matesprit: None.
♣ Auspisticism: None.
♠ Kismesissitude: None.

He's open for questions and quadrents u v u/
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Comments: 19

megakyurem4188 [2016-10-26 21:23:41 +0000 UTC]

Looks awesome

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

C3SIOUS [2015-04-26 19:23:19 +0000 UTC]

Crieon enters the battlefield. 


may i try for his blacckkk?

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Undead-turtle [2015-04-11 17:24:54 +0000 UTC]

Aw, what a cutie pie. ; v ;
Could I possibly put one of my fantrolls up for a quadrent?
(The fantrolls; -=-=-=-Uncreative title is uncreative.-=-=-=-=-  -=-=-Meiria Nistor (Fantroll ish)-=  )

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SpoopyFukuro In reply to Undead-turtle [2015-04-12 00:08:24 +0000 UTC]

why sure ; v ; if you want to rp her with him, then send a note when you want to start ^ v ^

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Undead-turtle In reply to SpoopyFukuro [2015-04-12 00:10:58 +0000 UTC]

I will! ; u ;

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SpoopyFukuro In reply to Undead-turtle [2015-04-12 06:12:46 +0000 UTC]

oh crap.
i'm so sorry ; o; I didn't know there was two links!

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Undead-turtle In reply to SpoopyFukuro [2015-04-12 14:22:54 +0000 UTC]

It cool! XD

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

LeonaGheringer [2015-04-10 12:49:48 +0000 UTC]

Oh dear I want relations so bad with this guy but Idek what trolls of mine would even work. He is lovely though. I'd love to rp with him if that's something you do.

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SpoopyFukuro In reply to LeonaGheringer [2015-04-10 16:56:35 +0000 UTC]

Well I know he looks like a difficult guy but hes honestly just really quiet and just keeps to himself.
but if you want to rp then that's okay too ; v ;

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LeonaGheringer In reply to SpoopyFukuro [2015-04-10 17:53:41 +0000 UTC]

Oh yes please~! How do you prefer to rp? leonagheringer.deviantart.com/…

Thats a list of all of my hs OCs if you would like to choose who you want to Rp with. Otherwise let me know and I'll pick someone~.

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SpoopyFukuro In reply to LeonaGheringer [2015-04-10 18:29:39 +0000 UTC]

oh god this is so hard Q H Q I like most of them but the only ones that really peaked me were:

Taliah Untera - topaz blood link
Vivian Chaina - baby blue blood link
and Chimra Kezpur - Dark Lime blood (Meant to be between Sollux and Nepeta's caste, though closer to Sollux's she has psionics) link Redesign!


Which do you prefer? ; v ;

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LeonaGheringer In reply to SpoopyFukuro [2015-04-10 20:08:04 +0000 UTC]

Welp Chimmy is my trollsona so I'm partial to her, but she rarely leaves the sense forests where she lives so I'm not sure that she would run into a seadweller very easily. If it would be a plausible thing for your seadweller to be in a dense forest though this would be my fave mix.

Aside from that though I think Taliah would be my second choice.

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SpoopyFukuro In reply to LeonaGheringer [2015-04-10 20:22:13 +0000 UTC]

Well i'm fine with either. Okenos only hangs out by the beach anyway cause hes a lonely butt.
but if you want to start then send me a note ^ ^;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

LeonaGheringer In reply to SpoopyFukuro [2015-04-10 22:26:33 +0000 UTC]


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ArcaneEnchantment [2015-04-09 17:54:52 +0000 UTC]


He looks great by the way. 8D

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SpoopyFukuro In reply to ArcaneEnchantment [2015-04-09 20:33:08 +0000 UTC]

ikr? There aint much of these trolls around DA lately ;  A ;

And thank you e 7 e

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ArcaneEnchantment In reply to SpoopyFukuro [2015-04-09 20:50:46 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, you don't find too many melanistic trolls. So it's nice to see one for once! c:

No problem!

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SleazyGreenTorso [2015-04-09 17:30:49 +0000 UTC]

my god this fantroll looks so hella!! This is amazing 

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SpoopyFukuro In reply to SleazyGreenTorso [2015-04-09 20:33:28 +0000 UTC]

hella hella get dolla.....hue//shot
THank you so much ; v ;

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