Split-Heart — -Heart of Armageddon- by-nc-nd

Published: 2012-06-16 22:23:14 +0000 UTC; Views: 7565; Favourites: 200; Downloads: 0
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Description Vorago: "This world has chosen me, freed from the shackles of time to forever wander across her surface. Death was my eternal companion, as I was trying to fathom the nature of this existence. I lived a life full of empty promises, bound to the rules of a world which both despised and loved me. I never asked why, I've cursed all my dreams, for that in the face of truth was revealed to me the terrible fate to which I was doomed.
Yes! Become one with me, heart of Armageddon! For you alone are the key to my salvation! On all my ways I just met the evil, the rotten stench of a dying world, which was burning in my nose! The people are full of sin! They are like poison infecting the earth and destroy what nature gave them! When I revealed my destiny, you were the sole aim before my eyes. I want to feel it, all the destructive rage that drives you! The damned shall drown in the sea of ​​despair, which I'll bring uppon them! You shall bear all the suffering that I have gathered through my life. I am your judge and your savior. All the powers of the abyss will obey me while the angels of Eden rejoice my name full of desire.
The end is near..."

A speedy concept of Vorago in his last form the blackguard before he is up to reject the spirit of the hellhound within him, which used to keep him alive to optain the heart of armageddon. The heart is a sacred weapon which was created for Vorago to find once the time has come to call for the end of all days. He will probably destroy the whole planet to fullfill his destiny, but as he will put an end to all the pittiful existance he will also open the gates of Eden to save those who may shall find peace instead of punishment and who would become the base of a new world. This world Vorago ever dreamed of, which would exist within pure harmony and balance, where life and death will not be influenced by corrupted entities. This world he seaked was a world where he could also be with the one he always wished to love and which he will save in the end, even when the end will also bring his final slumber.


SO as I mentioned earlier I worked out on this a little bit further so you can see the details I had in mind to put into this concept. It is really hard to make the whole armour look kinda "organic" since it is an intelligent armour u know? It will probably change to certain circumstances and provide Vorago the best services, may it be a full body shield or even wings that he can use to cross bigger areas in no time. As he will turn to the become the worlds end, Vorago will probably have to destroy each part of it one after another, but he will sure do so with undefeatable rage and power. However this power may feast on his life energies and finally make his existance an end. The blackguard originally was the result of the Homunculus experiment where a scientist and alchemist created a human like being that would bear the powers of regeneration and actually was a proof that god was not the only one to create life. However, the blackguard was able to involve throughout the abilities of the homunculus and began to develope his very own persona as a sort of chosen devine construct created by fate. As Vorago had to banish the hellhound within him, there was only the weak and tainted soul of a child left that sure was corrupted by the suffering it had to endure. Still there will be a small light, pale like the moon's halo, which Vorago cept ever dear so he could may use it to show mercy on those who were without fault or sin and open the gates of Eden for them. But there is still unsure what exactly will happen to Vorago's soul once death reaches for it.
Maybe he will be able to see his family again, maybe he will be doomed to wander the shattered world as a tortured spirit, or maybe he will just vanish into the void beyond.

That's all so far. I shall probably pick up some propper information about him... otherwise, just ask. I have the time seriously. > 3 >

Vorago, Eyes of Enigma (c) *Split-Heart
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Comments: 92

Split-Heart In reply to ??? [2013-05-01 08:40:06 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I'd bet he would win any dog show as the hellhound with the most fucking details ever! B-T
But thanks for the support, I am glad you like him! C:

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FoxBluereaver [2013-04-28 23:58:26 +0000 UTC]


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Split-Heart In reply to FoxBluereaver [2013-05-01 07:39:57 +0000 UTC]

My precious baby!

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Elyra-Coacalina [2013-04-28 08:34:33 +0000 UTC]

yeah Voragooooooooooooooooo /o/

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Split-Heart In reply to Elyra-Coacalina [2013-04-28 08:47:04 +0000 UTC]

Now with 20% more BADASSNESS!

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Scourge-Eagle [2012-10-23 19:04:49 +0000 UTC]

Die Story ist interessant aber recht verwirrend. Heißt das, er rottet am Ende die ganze Menschheit aus weil sie die Welt zugrunde gerichtet hat, und jenen, die er liebt öffnet er die Tore zu Eden?

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Split-Heart In reply to Scourge-Eagle [2012-10-24 16:59:13 +0000 UTC]

Nein nicht ganz, das will ich korrigieren... die Story ist EXTREM verwirrend! xD Die Welt in der er lebt ist im großen und ganzen sehr kompliziert, aber es ist ja nicht so, als ob das Leben in der Realität leicht wäre. Zu deiner Frage. Im Grunde geht es ihm tatsächlich darum die Menschheit in diesem Stadion seiner Entwicklung zu vernichten. Dabei geht er aber nach seinem eigenen Empfinden von Richtig und Falsch vor. Er rettet nicht einfach nur die Menschen die er mag, sondern auch welche die es verdient haben. Allerdings, mag er es am Ende nicht ganz schaffen. Denn er wird durch das Herz von Armageddon nicht unsterblich. Er ist lädiglich dazu beauftragt worden die Welt zu "reinigen", ob er es schafft oder nicht ist egal, er soll nur möglichst so viel Böses von der Welt fegen wie möglich. Was sich gegen Schluss wohl miteinbeziehen würde.

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Scourge-Eagle In reply to Split-Heart [2012-10-24 17:32:03 +0000 UTC]

jetzt hab ich nen besseren Überblick ^^

"Was sich gegen Schluss wohl miteinbeziehen würde."

Heißt das dann, das er sich am Schluss selbst vernichten muss, um seinen Auftrag zu erfüllen? Stelle ich mir schwer vor. Besonders für jemanden, der soviel Macht hat. Wer würde denn freiwillig darauf verzichten? ^^

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Split-Heart In reply to Scourge-Eagle [2012-10-24 18:24:59 +0000 UTC]

Das freut mich natürlich! o u o

Für Blutalchemisten ist es eigentlich ein Unmögliches sich selbst zu töten. Ihr Körper streubt sich unabhängig des Bewusstseins gegen jedliche Manöver die zum eigenen Tod führen könnten. Eine Art Selbstschutzmechanismus den sie nicht umgehen können. (so wie Babies automatisch die Luft anhalten wenn sie unter Wasser tauchen)
Neben Vorago gibt es Mächte die ihn "beherrschen" und lenken. Es wäre wohl ihre Aufgabe gewesen ihn aus dem Weg zu räumen. Allerdings... schafft es Vorago am Ende so oder so nicht seine Bestimmung zu 100% zu erfüllen. Wie viel Macht er auch haben soll ist ihm vollkommen egal. Nach Jahrhunderten des Überlebens und einer vollkommenen Abwesenheit von Emotion hat er sämtliches Interesse am Leben und an die Hoffnung verloren. Der Tod wäre ihm sehr willkommen.

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Scourge-Eagle In reply to Split-Heart [2012-10-24 20:19:06 +0000 UTC]

hm, verstehe. Traurig, wenn man sichs recht überlegt. Es ist irgendwie, als würde man kämpfen, während man weiß, das am Ende alles vergebens für einen selbst ist. Ist die Reinigung der Welt seine einzige Motivation dafür, obwohl er seinen Lebenswillen verloren hat? Voragos Denkweise ist durchaus deprimierend. Aber ich denke das gibt dem Charakter eine gewisse "Würze", ohne das dieser gleich ins Emo-Gewäsch abdriftet.

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Split-Heart In reply to Scourge-Eagle [2012-10-28 19:26:05 +0000 UTC]

Eigentlich ist ihm die Welt vollkommen egal. Das Einzige was ihm jemals etwas bedeutet hat war die Zuneigung eines kleinen Mädchens, sie war die Tochter von Adelheid. Leider war er damals noch zu schwach um zu verhindern, das Mädchen auf ihren eigenen Wunsch hin zu töten. Hätte er damals schon die Willenskraft gehabt den Gefühlen anderer zu wiederstehen, hätte er ihr vielleicht anders helfen können. Allerdings mangelt es ihm an Gefühlen generel und daher bereut er nichts von all dem was er getan hat, oder noch tun wird. Was allerdings nicht heißt, dass er sich nicht wünschen kann, ein einfach Leben zu führen mit Adelheid und ihrer Tochter. Selbst wenn das heißt gemeinsam in den Tod zu gehen.
Ne, Vorago kann gar nicht emo sein! xD Von sich aus ist er niemals traurig, niemals wütend oder frustriert. Seine angeblichen emotionalen Ausbrüche sind schlicht das Resultat aufgestauter Energie um sich herum, verursacht von Menschen, Lebewesen, oder umherwandernden Seelen.

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Scourge-Eagle In reply to Split-Heart [2012-10-28 20:35:32 +0000 UTC]

Hm, ich DENKE ich verstehe jetzt. Ich betone das "denke" weil es doch schwer für mich persönlich nachzuvollziehen ist,so zu existieren. Ein/en Menschen/Dämon/oder anderes Wesen kann anscheinend durch viele Dinge die Kraft/den Grund haben, weiterzukämpfen/leben. Sei es Rache, Verzweiflung, Verpflichtungen gegenüber jemanden etc. Ich denke, die Liebe und Zuneigung sind auch Gründe. Nur wird ein Mensch nicht ewig leben. Da er eine mächtige Entität darstellt, wird er, selbst wenn diese zwei Frauen das Ende der Story erleben, zwangsläufig irgendwann,sofern die Beiden nicht ewig jung bleiben, allein sein. Und da Vorago die Welt egal ist, wie du sagst, wäre seine Existenz dann verwirkt. Hinzu kommt, das er keinerlei Emotionen hat (weder traurig/frustriert/wütend) und selbst keinen Sinn in seinem Dasein finden wird. Irgendwie tragisch und erheiternd, wie aus einem Narrenstück, zugleich. Ein Phönix, der brennend emporsteigt und für immer zu Asche wird.

Sry für das Gewäsch mit dem ich dich nerve, aber ich komme nicht darum herum, einen Charakter genau unter die Lupe zu nehmen. Die Gefühle und Beweggründe sind letztendlich das, was den Charakter ausmacht, weniger das Aussehen und die Erscheinung.

btw, du bist bis jetzt einer der ersten Künstler auf DA aus Österreich, die ich aufgespürt habe -^.^-

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Split-Heart In reply to Scourge-Eagle [2012-11-04 00:41:45 +0000 UTC]

lol xD Ich denke auch manchmal, dass ich die Geschichte "verständlich" erkläre, aber zu oft habe ich falsch gedacht!
Tja das ist der Aufhänger an Vorago, sein Standpunkt ist beinahe unmöglich nachzuvollziehen. Vieles ist ihm absolut gleichgültig, aber wenn er etwas gefunden hat, an dem er einen Sinn für sein Dasein binden kann, versucht er alles um dieses "etwas" zu erhalten. Leider verlieren viele dieser Dinge ihren Wert nach der Zeit und er begibt sich erneut auf die Suche nach einem Sinn. Für ihn ist es eine endlose Spirale die ihm zwar über die Jahre unendlich erfahren und mächtig gemacht hat, aber von der er selbst niemals mehr profitierte, da ihm Macht wie schon gesagt, nichts bedeutet.

Kein Problem, ich nehme mir auch sehr gerne Zeit Charaktere zu studieren! Dadurch lerne ich immer was neues und es macht einfach Spaß! ^^

Ach so? xD Danke! Freut mich zu hören!

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MoonlightInyourBlood [2012-07-01 02:27:03 +0000 UTC]

I like how you portrayed your character. Good job!!

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Split-Heart In reply to MoonlightInyourBlood [2012-07-07 21:18:30 +0000 UTC]

Thank you very much! I am glad you enjoy it!

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MoonlightInyourBlood In reply to Split-Heart [2012-07-17 19:01:49 +0000 UTC]

your very welcome!! I enjoy it greatly!

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Nebula-Legionis [2012-06-24 11:56:52 +0000 UTC]

Woah : O
...Sieht fast so aus als ob du beim Zeichnen, gepflegten Power Metal von Dragonforce gehört hättest
Ich beneide dich um die Fähigkeit mit photoshopie umzugehen : D Man kann auch schwer einschätzen ob es eine separate Illustration ist, oder zum Storyboard gehört, aber ich denke mal es ist ein Storyboard, alleine schon wegen der coolen Ode von Vorago im User Comment

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Split-Heart In reply to Nebula-Legionis [2012-06-27 13:08:46 +0000 UTC]

Ne gar nicht! xD Hab voll die Kuschelmukke gehört mit extra viel Emo Faktor!
Es ist ein Mix aus storyboard und Illustration, freu mich übrigens dass es dir gefällt! Muss es unbedingt fertig machen! (9o 3 o)9

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Nebula-Legionis In reply to Split-Heart [2012-06-29 04:41:01 +0000 UTC]

luckiest power you (^^,)

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Jujulica [2012-06-24 03:49:24 +0000 UTC]

Hng, amazing, awesome. Man, I really love Vorago. Just when I think you can't make him more amazing.

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Split-Heart In reply to Jujulica [2012-06-27 13:11:45 +0000 UTC]

Aaaaw, I am so happy! Vorago appreciates the support! Cx
And well, I am trying to make him even more amazing!

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Jujulica In reply to Split-Heart [2012-06-29 01:33:37 +0000 UTC]

Just keep pouring on the amazing. Right there. Yea. He's awesome.

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KamikoS78 [2012-06-22 15:59:00 +0000 UTC]

Wow beautiful ! the picture you made on Livestream yesterday !

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Split-Heart In reply to KamikoS78 [2012-06-22 16:52:24 +0000 UTC]

Yep!! I will try to work further on it and make sure that I will finish it soon.^^

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KamikoS78 In reply to Split-Heart [2012-06-22 18:46:37 +0000 UTC]

Yay !

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RaisloverSakura [2012-06-22 15:12:04 +0000 UTC]

This is incredible Alice!
I love love love the designs, and watching you work on this on LS was very nice!
Such an incredible character you have, his story is so wonderful to hear about, and I hope this poor man can find solace eventually with all the pain and suffering that he has had to endure!
Beautiful work dear!

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Split-Heart In reply to RaisloverSakura [2012-06-22 17:00:32 +0000 UTC]

Thank you so much!! I am really glad you like it! From the first moment I saw Vorago in my dream, I KNEW this character would stick with me forever, even when I will have to kill him in the end. I still will have the chance to fill his long long long long life with lots of tiny stories and adventures that will always keep him alive!
One thing I sure know about the end so for is that Vorago will finally be able to have all the emotions he always wanted and which would be truely his own. Next to hate, sadness and pain (the emotions that probably would have dominated him his whole life), I will also make him feel all the love for Adelheid and the fear of loosing everything he hoped for in the end. Oh and he will be very joyful as well! >8D Slaughtering and creating an infernal massaka on those who ruled the weak with their cruel powers for way to long, will sure entertain him a lot.

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RaisloverSakura In reply to Split-Heart [2012-06-25 02:39:26 +0000 UTC]

That is so wonderful that you dreamed of him and brought him to life
And it's so wonderful that you have developed such an intricate and thought out and long story for him.
Side stories are always the best, always the best way to keep them alive. I can't help but making so many off stories for them to keep their presence and character around.
It is always so very hard to end stories for me, or to even kill off a character, I am just so attached to them and I love them so much.
I can only imagine the pain you went through with your poor Vorago!
You are truly an inspiration madam!!!!

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Split-Heart In reply to RaisloverSakura [2012-07-13 20:39:37 +0000 UTC]

Oh, when it happens then for real! xD He always smashes my dreams like a rocket launcher! (crazy man bitch) > _ >
Side stories are awesome, most of all with characters which got to live for a long long time. I am still always happy to get updates on your stories thanks to dropbox!!
Did I ever mention how much I love them? The females are always so adoreable!!
Vorago has to suffer a lot indeed, but the sweeter I usually make the good times he had. I am not sad to kill him in the end, it will bring him to pease after all and that's fine.
Thanks honey!! I can say the same for you!!

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RaisloverSakura In reply to Split-Heart [2012-07-13 22:18:32 +0000 UTC]

Dahhhh you are so very sweet!
I am so flattered that you even read them!!! You are so kind and sweet! Thank you so very much!
I am glad that you gave him a final end that will allow him to rest in peace, what a kind and generous mother...yet so cruel for leading his life as it went. ahahahahah!
We are all so cruel to our children!!

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DameOdessa [2012-06-22 12:24:36 +0000 UTC]

Sublim work Impressive and with a strong emotion in it
I love how the red parts are glowing in ths shadows!

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Split-Heart In reply to DameOdessa [2012-06-22 16:53:54 +0000 UTC]

For me it is a certain paradox that I create emotion within a picture that includes Vorago, because Vorago actually has no feelings. xd
Anyway, I think the atmosphere itself needs much more emotions then and that's why I am glad you like it!
Glowy effects are candy!!

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DameOdessa In reply to Split-Heart [2012-06-25 09:24:32 +0000 UTC]

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sionra [2012-06-22 08:00:21 +0000 UTC]

Woah! It's great *_*
Do you plam to make few highlights because even on my light screen this picture is very dark and figure of Varago is unseen on black bg*

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Split-Heart In reply to sionra [2012-06-22 09:05:42 +0000 UTC]

Yep! It is still not finished and there must be lights added on the back of Vorago for the light that comes through the cave. So everything will light up a little.

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CristianaLeone [2012-06-22 07:52:20 +0000 UTC]

WoW! *v* Beautiful and scary!

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Split-Heart In reply to CristianaLeone [2012-06-22 16:52:01 +0000 UTC]

He's just angry because somebody stole his cookie! >8-U

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CristianaLeone In reply to Split-Heart [2012-06-22 19:20:24 +0000 UTC]

D: Who dare!

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Split-Heart In reply to CristianaLeone [2012-06-22 19:46:21 +0000 UTC]

I am sure it was Adelheid, so he would run into one of her traps again! D8

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CristianaLeone In reply to Split-Heart [2012-06-22 19:49:15 +0000 UTC]

Oh noes!!! D:

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Elyra-Coacalina [2012-06-22 06:28:07 +0000 UTC]

it's scary and really amazing !!! super great work !!!

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Split-Heart In reply to Elyra-Coacalina [2012-06-22 16:51:12 +0000 UTC]

I am glad you like it!
Certainly I thought this could be a scenary to happen after Vorago and Elyra met. He may could have realized that Elyra failing at "healing" Vorago's world means that there was no hope for his world in the first place and that the end of everything was near. I wanted to make this apocalyptic atmosphere clear in this image, but I still have to work on it.

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Latila-Brevev [2012-06-22 05:40:08 +0000 UTC]

ammazing, verynice light effects and details :3 and also, nice new icon you got there

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Split-Heart In reply to Latila-Brevev [2012-06-22 16:48:26 +0000 UTC]

Ah! Thanks u noticed my icon as well! xd I am glad u like it and not just the icon but also the picture of course!
The lights are just a hint for myself, because I still want to create much more atmosphere before this is finally done!

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Latila-Brevev In reply to Split-Heart [2012-06-22 16:55:08 +0000 UTC]

agh, isn't this done already? O.O and anyway I already told you it's amazing, so keep up the gorgeous work :3

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Split-Heart In reply to Latila-Brevev [2012-06-22 17:14:23 +0000 UTC]

Nope, not done yet! xD
And thank you very very much!!

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Latila-Brevev In reply to Split-Heart [2012-06-22 17:15:33 +0000 UTC]

ohh, well I can't wait to see it

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TierzaRyumina [2012-06-22 04:18:03 +0000 UTC]

Ah, I see the livestream went well! And it's a beautifully done drawing. You are so awesome with details, from the most obvious to the most minute... IT'S SO PRETTY!!!!!!! SO MUCH DETAIL!!!! >v<

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Split-Heart In reply to TierzaRyumina [2012-06-22 16:47:04 +0000 UTC]

Yep, it went awesome! xD Yet I was not able to finish it yet. Guess this will take me still much longer, because the lineart is not completely clean yet and the colours are not finished and the BG is also still just a scrap of how it should look like!

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TierzaRyumina In reply to Split-Heart [2012-06-23 15:09:16 +0000 UTC]

YAY! Aww... well, the artist's work is never done! You'll finish it, no worries! Even in it's uncompleted state, it looks awesome, so it can only get better! ^^

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