CRETASHOCK (cruh-tay-shock)
Name Origin: Cretaceous and Shock
Type: Electric/Ground
Species: The Electric Horn Pokémon
Abilities: VOLT ABSORB
Evolves into Triceraply at LV 40
Pokedex Entry: Believed to be one of the first Electric type Pokémon to exist, it would build electricity in its body throughout the day as it would eat and walk around. If there was too much electricity stored inside, it would relieve the pressure by expelling a large cloud of sparks from its horn and the diodes connected to its frill
TRICERAPLY (try-sair-ruh-ply)
Name Origin: Triceratops and Power Supply
Type: Electric/Steel
Species: The Fossil Conductor Pokémon
Pokedex Entry: The massive conductor attached to its back could store up to at least 700,000 volts of electricity. It would often venture out during times of an intense thunderstorm, by using a magnetic field inside the conductor; it would draw lightning directly to it, which would refill its electricity supply upon being struck