SophieHei — Tajii-chan Drawing Contest

Published: 2011-07-28 09:44:10 +0000 UTC; Views: 843; Favourites: 26; Downloads: 0
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Description My entry for 's contest. ^_^

The goal :draw Tajii, her character
I had a lot of fun drawing her, she's so colorful !

Information about the contest : tajii-chan.deviantart.com/jour…
Entries for the contest : tajii-chan.deviantart.com/favo…

I hope you'll like it ! (o^_^o)

My Facebook page : www.facebook.com/sophie.hei.ar…
My Tumblr : sophie-hei.tumblr.com/

Tajii by Tajii-chan
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Comments: 25

daihaa-wyrd [2011-10-20 07:39:19 +0000 UTC]

*w* Toutes ces belles couleurs, ça me donne faim, ça me fait penser aux petits gateaux colorés Q.Q (humhum non je ne suis pas obsédée par la bouffe) XD

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SophieHei In reply to daihaa-wyrd [2011-10-31 16:32:35 +0000 UTC]

Ne t'inquiète pas, je suis moi aussi complètement obsédée par la bouffe T__T
Merci ! J'aime mettre de zoulies couleurs x)

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18j [2011-08-26 15:21:27 +0000 UTC]

Ah bin! Tout le monde l'écrit tu vois
La couleur ici rappelle des "feux d'artifice". J'aime bien cet effet moi On dirait que ça raconte le quotidien de la fille étant donné que tous les éléments sont derrière elle, on pourrait penser que c'est ce qu'elle a fait de ses (sa) journées ou de sa semaine.
Les couleurs vives ajoutent une touche de gaieté qui pourrait faire oublier qu'on a passé une mauvaise journée

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SophieHei In reply to 18j [2011-09-07 10:35:55 +0000 UTC]

Oui, toutes ces couleurs vives donnent un peu de joie. Je préfère pleins de jolies couleurs qui donnent chaud au coeur ^o^

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famygoyette [2011-08-03 23:56:42 +0000 UTC]

Ouah la couleur Comme toujours, c'est magique! ^.^

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SophieHei In reply to famygoyette [2011-08-05 07:49:13 +0000 UTC]


Ça fait un petit moment que tu n'as pas posté de nouveaux dessins ;_;

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famygoyette In reply to SophieHei [2011-08-05 19:33:39 +0000 UTC]

Je sais, j'avais pas vraiment le temps, mais je recommences à dessiner un peu là, j'en poste un dès aujourd'hui même! ^^

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JANunnoArt [2011-07-29 05:54:58 +0000 UTC]

This piece is really quite adorable! I see her being a character in a children's story. Especially because she's almost creating her world as she walks.

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SophieHei In reply to JANunnoArt [2011-07-29 08:29:31 +0000 UTC]

Thank you ! ^o^
Yes, as she walks, her imagination flows in the air

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JANunnoArt In reply to SophieHei [2011-07-29 17:02:12 +0000 UTC]

Now that's an awesome story. I really could see an entire series based on that.

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Tajii-chan In reply to JANunnoArt [2011-07-30 04:00:12 +0000 UTC]

U-um.. I just happened to see your comment and well... Tajina is actually my character And she is indeed part of a story that I write I just thought it was pretty neat that you brought this up

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JANunnoArt In reply to Tajii-chan [2011-08-03 03:31:24 +0000 UTC]

Haha... well that is quite a coincidence! That must be an awesome story you have going there!

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Tajii-chan In reply to JANunnoArt [2011-08-10 16:41:30 +0000 UTC]

Ah, thank you!

I'm glad people enjoy it

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SophieHei In reply to JANunnoArt [2011-07-29 19:23:22 +0000 UTC]

Yes, but I do not own the character

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Tajii-chan [2011-07-28 17:00:04 +0000 UTC]

How enchanting!

This is really so pretty! I'm so happy that you were able to enter; your entry is really wonderful! I love how simple, yet how detailed this is at the same time! The little sketches in the background are so adorable.. and really creative as well ;D It all really reminds me of Tajii, especially seeing how happy and cheerful all of the little doodles are! The gradient works especially nicely with all of the details; it really does look very rainbow-ish and pretty and I love how everything is somewhat random, I think it's just perfect for Tajii! Besides, on their own, all of the little details have their own charm! And I love how laid back this seems- it's great! The fact that she's wearing more laid back clothing suits the cheerful and sweet background; I really love how the details seem to suit each other! Plus, the outfit is totally an arrangement that Tajii would wear!

I love how you made the outfit unique and original, yet still tied it back to the original with the same colors and the overall same color scheme Still, all of the little changes are really great! I love how you changed her skirts into shorts, and the little rainbow belt around her waist is a nice effect; it looks great! Speaking of which, the colors for the checkers on the belt and scarf are really nicely done; you're great with digital media! Secondly, I love her socks-- and how you changed them around Her socks are cute as well; they have such a simple design, but it has its charm! Tajii really does look beautiful in your style~ love the flow of her hair, and her expression is so sweet! Really, she looks so pretty in your style!

Thank you so much for entering and good luck!

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SophieHei In reply to Tajii-chan [2011-07-28 19:33:55 +0000 UTC]

Thank you, I'm glad you like it !
I love how comment each deviation, you give them particular attention and write a huge comment. And I really appreciate it, it's rare to have such feedback ^_^

Yes, I changed her outfit, but kept the same colour scheme, so that the character is still the same, but differently. I didn't want to change her too much, she's so pretty the way she is

As for the background, I had a lot of fun ! Drawing all those little details was great ! First I wanted to do them the same way I did the lineart, but with only a mouse, it would have taken forever

Well, thank you very much ! And I look forward to see the results ^_^

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AcidicAntichrist [2011-07-28 09:58:02 +0000 UTC]

Very pretty! Love the colors.

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SophieHei In reply to AcidicAntichrist [2011-07-28 10:16:44 +0000 UTC]

Thank you ! I wanted to put a lot of colors in it ^o^

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AcidicAntichrist In reply to SophieHei [2011-07-28 20:36:45 +0000 UTC]

You're very welcome! ^^
Hehe, colors are always fun!

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stripejacketgirl [2011-07-28 09:46:30 +0000 UTC]

awesome art

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SophieHei In reply to stripejacketgirl [2011-07-28 09:49:56 +0000 UTC]

Thank you ^_^

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Niiicckkmaheeya [2011-07-28 09:46:15 +0000 UTC]

It was hard to decide on this being a favorite or not. Ultimately, I love the detail. I personally feel there are a lot of problems but you DEFINITELY have potential if this is your work.

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SophieHei In reply to Niiicckkmaheeya [2011-07-28 09:50:27 +0000 UTC]

Oh, I see. What problems for exemple ? ^^

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Niiicckkmaheeya In reply to SophieHei [2011-07-28 09:56:04 +0000 UTC]

anatomy problems, such as a weird face perspective as well as her hand having strange folds in it. Also: on her back right between her strange body belt and waist belt, it looks like she has a bite taken out of her.

Like I said, It's not a bad piece at all. The colors are so much fun and the details kick my ass before I have a chance to get board, but the things I listed drive me CRAZY. Heh.

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SophieHei In reply to Niiicckkmaheeya [2011-07-28 10:01:24 +0000 UTC]

Ok, thank you !
I know there are some problems, I'll try to fix them if I can !

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