This is Moon's direct family tree. If underlined, the character is an NPC.
PANDORA: A wandering kittypet that Moon grew accustomed to, after her kits were born and left with Moon, she stopped visiting.
MOON: Although not a leader himself, Sootstar named the clan after her father after the sacrifices he made to insure the survival of his group.
SUN: Rebelling against Starclan and their choices to choose Moon to lead their group to destiny, he led a band of rogues to fight for him but ultimately died by the claws of one.
FIRESTORM: One of the original guards of Moonclan, he didn't really do anything extraordinary than pump Sootstar with kittens. Sorry.
SOOTSTAR: The first leader and cat of Moonclan to receive a traditional name, she set the hierarchy as well as the idea of what Moonclan would become.
RUSSETFUR: Died alongside Greycloud and Smokebelly after a wolf attack.
GREYCLOUD: Russetfur's mate, she died alongside him and Smokebelly after a wolf attack.
SMOKEBELLY: After giving birth to Batstar and Rooktail, died trying to defend the camp from a wolf attack.
SPIDERSTAR: Unknown to the clan, Spiderstar was murdered by his eldest son, Batstar, in order to reign leader.
oof ill finish this later