The story starts here…
Hi everyone, I hope you're all well. How is the situation in your area?
Laura and I are lucky, we live in two southern regions, Molise (which I think is the region with the lowest number of infections) and Sardinia (where apart from a big outbreak in the north of the island, the situation is under control).
We are all locked in our houses (you can only leave the house for reasons of necessity) but we haven't really had time to get bored.
At the beginning of the week I uploaded on Patreon the April rewards and in the last days I've been struggling from dawn to dusk with the last changes to the printable PDF of the paperback version of the first volume. It was the first time I was preparing a volume to be printed on Amazon Direct Publishing and the differences compared to the typographic printing I am used to is not little.
All things that can be easily fixed, the problem is the time needed to export the high-resolution PDFs and upload them (especially with the problems that the internet is experiencing in these weeks due to traffic overload).
Anyway, it is confirmed, on April 20th you can buy the first volume of PoLaS on all Amazon marketplaces, in English and Italian version.
In addition to the prologue and the first two chapters you will find some articles that were on the website before and some of the illustrations and doodles that appeared only on Patreon.
See you next week!
Don't be like Amelia, stay home!