SkekLa — TECHNOLOGY strip

Published: 2013-08-30 16:40:47 +0000 UTC; Views: 1466; Favourites: 18; Downloads: 0
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Description Ahhh modern technology!!!
It gives us so many new refreshing possibilities!...To learn and interact, to visit far countries and yonder through image and sight, to talk to people we would never meet in person if it weren't through it!...
AND to communicate faster and better, knowing, thus, what and how others think of the world...and even of us...
But that's always good I wonder?...
Not it you were Sméagol. (Believe me...just check most of the forums where he's been a topic...the poor guy has became an insult in himself...that, or oppinions on his character, both book and movieverse which are...just...well. )
I hope you laugh with this though!
*Now Sméagol will hate me! XD*
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Comments: 90

SkekLa In reply to ??? [2016-03-07 13:32:31 +0000 UTC]


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Iridescent012 [2015-10-23 13:00:40 +0000 UTC]

An acurate representation of myself whenever I see people bashing on my favorite charcters (either that or I just laugh HOHohohO)

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SkekLa In reply to Iridescent012 [2015-10-23 16:02:29 +0000 UTC]


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GuesssWho9 [2015-01-18 03:44:05 +0000 UTC]

Where did he even GET a computer?

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SkekLa In reply to GuesssWho9 [2015-01-20 19:59:39 +0000 UTC]

Hmmmmmm ORCS? XD

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GuesssWho9 In reply to SkekLa [2015-01-21 22:45:33 +0000 UTC]

I'm pretty sure Orcs don't have computers. Not yet, at least.

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SkekLa In reply to GuesssWho9 [2015-01-24 16:07:10 +0000 UTC]

No...not YET...

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SorisSquirrel [2014-02-28 18:17:11 +0000 UTC]

I love Smeagol. And I'm sort of sucker for nazgul too- for completely different reasons.

Only good things to say about him over here!

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SkekLa In reply to SorisSquirrel [2014-03-08 17:58:27 +0000 UTC]

What can I say?
I'm a die hard fan of him...And I think the Nazgul look awesome...I'd give anythin for the fellbeasts to exist so I could at least see one fly by.
Yes, I'm a 31 yr old crazy woman who thinks dragons would be gorgeous if real...

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SorisSquirrel In reply to SkekLa [2014-03-08 19:56:47 +0000 UTC]

That would be a fantastic sight.
Before the horror of it was sunk in.

Dragons would be wonderful! Did you see that Dragon documentary (it was on years ago) on Animal Planet or Discovery Channel? It was pretty amazing. It went through the evolution of dragons to the ones in the Middle Ages, and covered the Chinese Dragons too.

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kayanne21 [2014-01-26 23:59:42 +0000 UTC]

Need to find a better blog.

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SkekLa In reply to kayanne21 [2014-02-07 17:35:23 +0000 UTC]

OH YES...The poor thing was like:   

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eleanorchipettelover [2013-09-24 04:50:52 +0000 UTC]

I know I already commented on this but something happened just a little while back after I saw this that made me feel like Smeàgol in the last three panels,only I wanted to do this to the asshole that commented

So..I was watching this scene www.youtube.com/watch?v=C6VBNR…  and someone in the comments said and I quote "I hate that ugly little motherfucker. I wish he would have died a slow agonizing death, like getting his head beaten off a rock."   ...

And that just..I fu- I replied saying:

"Screw you! That's a horrible thing to say! Smeàgol's my favorite character. NOW GTFO! "

Now comments usually don't bug me but THAT was just..I don't even know I just..it pissed me off so much. I try to ignore comments like that but it's like I went into..pissed protective mother mode or something. O_o

I don't care if it was posted 5 months ago,That was just completly unnessasary and just UGH..people like that make me sick! 

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SkekLa In reply to eleanorchipettelover [2013-09-25 17:25:55 +0000 UTC]

See? SEE?...Alwayssss poking and putting nassty namess on uss!...

Thanksess for defending uss!

We needed it!

Poor Sssméagol, alwayss hearing "you wouldss be better off dead"..

"You deserves anything bad that can happensess to you"...Blahblahblah...nassssty cruel people...THANKSESS FOR BEING A GOOD KIND FRIEND AND SSTANDING FOR USS!...

By the way, we already wentss to see there...we wills find the guy who mades thiss comment, oh yess we will...and THEN...

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eleanorchipettelover In reply to SkekLa [2013-09-25 22:17:48 +0000 UTC]

No problem! You don't deserve any of that hurtful BS,Funny thing is,I checked the comments again and after I replied to the guy,someone said "That's so mean and he's not ugly he's cute" and then someone else said "Hey,if you don't have anything nice to say,don't say anything at all."  and he got too many thumbs down,and his comment got hidden.

So HA!

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SkekLa In reply to eleanorchipettelover [2013-09-26 15:28:47 +0000 UTC]

Thanksess again for sstanding for me!!!Us!...

Ah yes, many otersess after you took courage and ssstood out in defenssse of uss!...

I might never be abless to tahnkss you enough my friend!

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eleanorchipettelover In reply to SkekLa [2013-09-26 21:20:52 +0000 UTC]

N'awww! You're welcome! *hugses* 

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SkekLa In reply to eleanorchipettelover [2013-09-27 15:36:35 +0000 UTC]

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Mechanic-Star [2013-09-03 23:25:05 +0000 UTC]

....vos sabes que esato le ha pasado a mas de una persona (real) me juego las que no tengo a que si...


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SkekLa In reply to Mechanic-Star [2013-09-09 15:43:54 +0000 UTC]


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Mechanic-Star In reply to SkekLa [2013-09-12 23:58:04 +0000 UTC]

...a mi cuando era mas joven (y me importaba la humanidad tambien, ahora por decreto considero que la humanidad esta echa de boludos y forros a menos que me demuestren lo contrario y sean gente interezante, asi por lo menos no me decepciono y no me molesto cuando aparecen fotos mias retocadas en Taringa! o lugares similares, lol. )...ahora ya me patina. XD

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SkekLa In reply to Mechanic-Star [2013-09-18 18:21:53 +0000 UTC]

JAJAJA OH SI!!! Llega un punto en que te acostumbrás, y aprendés a que mayormente te sobe.

Yo llegué a encontrar una de mis fotos cospleada de Sméagol con un cartelito que decía "Gollum, después de la sífilis, pero contento"...WTF....¿¿¿PERO QUIEN TE CONOCE, PIBE???

Un bloguero pelotudo. Y desconocido. Genial...

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Mechanic-Star In reply to SkekLa [2013-09-21 03:06:36 +0000 UTC]

LOL, yo no "las encontraba", --me tropezaba de lleno con las cosas--, ...por ejemplo, el primer MSN que tube (que me obligo a abrirlo mi jefe donde laburaba antes) lo tube que abandonar porque me pase anios con un billon de boludos que tenian emails como "mamitatedoytodalapor@hotmail.com", o el clasico infaltable "negrito_fachero_pijud@hotmail.com" (y la lista sigue).
Todos caian de supuestos sitios ""de buscar pareja"" (AKA : "sitios en los que te anotas y subis una foto para que alguien te c*ja") y los tipos hasta me pasaban los links cuando yo les decia que "eran pobres boludos enganiados por un TROLL"!!! XD

...y si, hubo un tiempo en el que uno de los (me arriezgaria a decir que 'primeros') TROLLS que hubo en el pais se habia dedicado a joderme a mi, y resulta que despues yo tenia mas cuentas porno que la Moria Casan y la Coca Sarli juntas, lo mas gracioso era que sacaban fotos reales mias de mi antigua cuenta de Deviant -Y- ponian en la registracion mi email verdadero asi que toooodos los pajeros boludos caian en mi MSN del laburo... what a charm right? XP

Despues con el paso de los anios si, me entere (aunque no llegue a ver por falta de interez) que "habian trucado fotos mias" o cosas asi... que cosa boluda no?, debo ser la unica persona a la que le da lo mismo salir en bolas en una foto en un afiche en medio de la calle, y ojo, linda NO SOY, pero "si no te gusta no mires" es mi lema, por lo que eran TROLLS con ideas que harian enojar a alguien """normal""" intentando enojar a alguien anormal (-FAIL-), then again, si queres hacer enojar a mucha-MUCHA-MUCHA gente, solo tenes que responder lo que pensas sin mentir y listo, nada enoja a la gente mas que la verdad, es peor que matarles a toda la familia... XD

Asi que si... gente que la ha tenido (y algun pobre recentido que aun "la tiene") contra mi en Internet..?, SOBRA. y a veces ya con el paso de mas de una decada no se si "me enojan"... o sea, si el mismo flaco o mina te jode una decada de corrido tenes que tomarlo en algun punto como un petitorio de casamiento or some shit, y no como una cuestion de ~OOOOOODIO~.

El odio es solo una manera de llamar tu atencion cuando no les das la hora por otros canales
That much I've learned. LOL

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SkekLa In reply to Mechanic-Star [2013-09-27 16:39:03 +0000 UTC]

Qué manga de infelices hijos de puta......Y si,,,lamentablemente la red es un lugar enorme, y está lleno de pelotudos...

Uhhh éso si que debe haber sido jodido!!!...Qué desgraciado el troll...como para mandarlo en cana!

Sí...lamentablemente estuve en tus zapatos...pero en otra época y otro sentido. Un compañero de secundaria (no habia internet todavia que sino, la ligaba seguro) truco una foto mia, como el culo, con un viejisimo programa (creo que el primer corel o algo asi...) y me planto la cara en una foto de una gorda en bolas...Gorda, gorda, una obesa morbida. Despues la imprimio quichicientas veces y medio empapelo el aula con éso. Y repartio la copia por todos lados. Media humanidad se me rio en la cara, mientras yo seguia mi vida sin que me chupara un huevo. Una verdadera pavada, mira si me voy a preocupar por semejante pavada...

Y si...generalmente la gente no quiere oir la verdad, por que su realidad es una mie"·da. Y no la aceptan como es, ni la disfrutan igual, como hacemos los frikis, que al fin y al cabo estamos mejor adaptados...¿A que si alguien me llama freak o me dice que parezco la parca con cara de tujes y siempre de negro me mato de risa?...Otro, se amargaría...¿y para que?...SI TIENEN RAZON!!! Pero a mi megusto así!

OH POR DIOS...Puede que tengas razon...tengo una anecdota que voy a guardar para el 10 cuando nos veamos, sobre eso...un cinico de miercoles...ya te contaré...

Y aprendiste bien...Es la pura verdad. "Si no me haces caso por medios del amor, entonces me haras caso cuando te doblegue por medio del miedo"...¿eh?...pffff.

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FrodoPrime [2013-09-01 22:46:01 +0000 UTC]

yes, dont read the bad reviews unless you have the temperament for it 

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SkekLa In reply to FrodoPrime [2013-09-01 23:27:30 +0000 UTC]

So true...Sadly my poor friend Sméagol came to know that the hard way...

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Gweniphilly [2013-09-01 20:59:34 +0000 UTC]

Many people don't realize there's more to characters than the little bit you see of them in the Jackson films. My pet peeve is when people blame Smeagol for what Gollum's done. 

Besides, wouldn't we all act just the same if we lived for hundreds of years alone with only Gollum for company and under the painful effect of a powerful evil being. 

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SkekLa In reply to Gweniphilly [2013-09-01 23:32:46 +0000 UTC]

Yes, sadly...Isn't it a shame how much they are missing???

OH YES!...Definitely!

I'm even tired to remark to THAT people "how every.one. of the ringbearers, Isildur, Sméagol, Bilbo, even Frodo, end up referring to the ring as "my precious", speaking in third person, acting "unlike themselves" and turning aggressive and eremitic...

It's not a particularity in Sméagol which took him  where he ended up...it was his REGULARNESS.

Yes, he might have been the most inquisitive and eccentric of his whole hometown...but he was a quite regular guy, for a ringbearer...

So why the heck blaming HIM for what that "thing" enclosed on the ring, (after, enclosed within him, like in a possession) could have done?...They wouldn't blame little Regan, from the exorcist, for what the demon made her do...would they?...

I would be lots worse, believe me!...Even without all that, I'm quite a an eremit, avoid contact with many people, and remain mostly in solitude, overall untrusting of the big mass...so...if I HAD, by any chance, endured what he had to endure...hm...I would probably be a mass murderer by now XD

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TeaDarkA [2013-08-31 21:27:13 +0000 UTC]

Burzum: At last you arn't an ORC .

Yea, its true people are hard with him

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SkekLa In reply to TeaDarkA [2013-09-01 17:48:55 +0000 UTC]

Hard with Burzum???


I just saw him, and I must recognize he's very handsome for an orc!!!

If you ment hard with Sméagol...well, most people are, yes...

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TeaDarkA In reply to SkekLa [2013-09-01 19:39:05 +0000 UTC]

Burzum:I am an Uruk hai, a Orc. the most repulsive thing that live here. I'm a cannibal, a killer, a murderer , a monster and probably a rapiste. That's what they all say  about orc. We are hunted like animals, people hate us be cose we are ugly, thankx Morgoth. We kill each other for have something to eat and we fight each for absolutely nothing. How can you be more terrible than that? 

You, you are a hobbits. I'm quite sure if they the choice to quip someone , people would shoos you instead of one of my kind becoz you are note an Orc.

So let me tell you, people like. At last more than us...

And also, you, at last you arn't alone. You have your master that his good with you. Us, we have a terrible dark lord.


Yea I mean I mean hard with poor Sméagol... They should give him a fish or two or a hug D:

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SkekLa In reply to TeaDarkA [2013-09-01 23:42:27 +0000 UTC]

But...Ssméagol doessn't think Burzum-orc iss that horrible!...Sssméagol's been there, in Barad dur, and knewsss them all...Horrible orcsess, nassty Uruk hai, rapistsss, violent, cruel, torturersss...but not ALL of them were like that...not ALL, my preciousss...and there'sss ssomething about you that makesess me think you'ss not one ofd the really bad oness...are you-sss?...O.O?

Besssidesess...*whispering* Don't tells anyone...but Sssmeagol susspectsess masster only seems to like uss, becausee he NEEDS uss to get to mordor ssafe...If not, he would ssurely kill usss...


AW YESS!!! We wouldss love a fish AND a hug!

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TeaDarkA In reply to SkekLa [2013-11-23 21:25:46 +0000 UTC]

Burzum: your Master is noble, I can smell it... Mine, the dark lord, a coward that doesn't even trust is supposed most trusted lieutenants.
And I had to kill when I was at Izangard. Kill children of gondor. Kill housband and father. ùAnd I had to ate the meat of other orcs. My old Master the white, didn't wanted us to be good with our brother, so he sant us to the torture room. And sometime I was the Torturer. Its only in mordor that I learned to be good.
Do not look at me as someone good. always fear me... In case that I lost my tamper.

* Melle, Darka, Azog and Burzum hugs Smeagol*

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SkekLa In reply to TeaDarkA [2013-11-26 21:11:28 +0000 UTC]

I hope ssso...but ssometimess I feel like he really hatess me in a sssense...like he pitiess and desspises me...

I knowss your lord...I...Ihave ssseen HIM...And fear him much...

I knowsss...but you sssmell not-sso-bad for me...usss...I hadss even there a nice friend...a quite kind one who ssometimes brought me more water and meat than wasss ssuposed to...and tried hisss best not to hurts me much when it wasss his time to wield the whipsesss againsst me...He wasss big and sscary...jusst like you!...But he wasss the kindesst perssson in mordor for me...sssso...It'sss hard for me to actually fear you...no offenssse...I meansss, while I don'tsss makes you mad, all will be fine!...Yesss?...I actss scared when othersss come, sso you keeps other'sss resspect!...Okay?...



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TeaDarkA In reply to SkekLa [2014-04-17 00:04:34 +0000 UTC]

Bersum: I apreciate your respect toward me. But still, fear me, because I will always serve my master...

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Ebalance [2013-08-31 18:05:59 +0000 UTC]

XD I think probably most of the people on the internet are discussing his portrayal within the Jackson films, and may not have even read the books. So Smeagol, just ignore them. 

The one unique thing about Smeagol that never is well explained is how he alone, of all the Hobbits, had such a "human" reaction to the ring. B/c most hobbits don't care about that sort of thing, they might find it pretty, but hobbits are not murderers and as we see with the other characters it takes a very long time for the ring to work it's power over them. So the question would be, why was Smeagol in particular so affected so quickly? I wonder if the answer is out there floating around in some other book or appendix... etc. that Tolkien wrote.

That said, on a very simple level you cannot feel too sorry for a greedy murderer who gets his comeupance, but you can feel sorry for part of him that is trying to fight back against the ring, or maybe, admire it is the right word. As I said before, not knowing enough of Smeagol's history before he murdered his cousin, it is hard to feel he doesn't deserve at least some of his "present."

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SkekLa In reply to Ebalance [2013-09-01 18:04:17 +0000 UTC]

AH, YES...

"ONLY MOVIEGOERS" hate many things they don't fully know.

I don't feel bothered if they don't want or like to read the books...but when they say or write certain things as they"knew it all"...that kinda annoys me...and Sméagol, as well! XD

I never found anything, really...My personal guess, based on some loosely Tolkien's statements, would be that, since he was apparently SO curious, and had the use to "dig deep" for answers and roots of everything,he was not very loved and appreciated in his hometown...

I mean: most hobbits are homely, steady, calm people who don't wonder too much about anything, and they are perfectly as they are...Apparently this one didn't feel like that...

As Tolkien states "he was very inquisitive, and always sought for the roots and the origins of things"...and apparently that displeased others in his community. He must have felt alone and misunderstood.

*I have to admit I feel a strong personal connection there...(maybe that's why I like him)*

We can add the fact that, besides being lonely on that sense,he was obviously an orphan, due to the fact that it's stated that it was his grandmother who raised him...so...the concoction could result in a deep sense of solitude, sadness,not belonging and hidden rage.

Still...not wanting to justify him, but trying to understand his possible means (Him being imaginary, I cannot know enough, or more than I can imagine myself! XD)

Thus...If he felt even a bit of the rejection I felt in my younger days, because of his behavior or his "annoying curiosity" whatsoever...that could have been a powerful motor for the ring to use.

I daresay, even when I know it's not politically correct to say it, that if I had found something which held the promise of fulfillment, and the power to make people understand and even like me, I would have took it...by ANY means.

I know it's not good, but hey! Now I'm older and uninteressed...

I've changed the loathing for more important and constructive things...

-Still...again,that's my lecture, wrong or right..in my head it's like that since ever!-

And in my head this little guy probably could have changed for better, if a chance had been seriously given any time...

I'm still sorry it didn't happen...

P.S: I still don't have the ability to see him as a greedy murderer at all...I LOST THE ABILITY TO CAN!!!

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Ebalance In reply to SkekLa [2013-09-02 06:56:42 +0000 UTC]

Makes sense. The ring offers those exposed the possibility of their deepest wishes fulfilled. For Sam it tempts him with the chance to make all the world an Eden-like garden, but he is called back by his knowledge that the ring can only destroy. Perhaps not going through the trials Sam and Frodo went through, coupled with their conscious knowledge that the ring was evil, made them more resistant to it. I don't think it is as violent as in the movies, but it is true that Bilbo lashes out at the thought of the ring being taken away from him... and given that the ring itself I don't think could as easily sway a person whose main desire was simply to wander and explore, it could be said that Smeagol's desire to be "popular" was powerful enough to more fully engage the wickedness of the ring so quickly.

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SkekLa In reply to Ebalance [2013-10-13 16:16:58 +0000 UTC]

Probably!...I wonder what would have happened if those two poor things had known what they had just found...

I guess Déagol could have even hauled it back to the water in fear...

Sméagol...well, it wouldn't have got to him, then.

Oh, possibly. I would vouch for a mix of wants...strong wants: being popular, loved and respected, being able to question and ask as he fancied without being restricted or sermoned, and even to have something as beautiful as the ring could have been a motor...we must remember those were primitive hobbits...somewhat comparable to a bronze age person in a way...so gold wasn't probably in their daily agenda...Too beautiful, too strong, and too full of promises to let it pass...

Also, I always remember Boromir when people asks me "why it was so fast in ruining Smeagol enough as to make him kill"...

Boromir was lost by the mere moment he set his eyes on it.

Was him bad or rotten?

Nope. Just ambitious...and desperate.

His motifs might have been more or less valid than those of Smeagol...but you know how life is, "Your broken arm may hurt a lot, but MY broken finger is mine, and I'LL surely feel it stronger"

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Ebalance In reply to SkekLa [2013-10-14 05:34:12 +0000 UTC]

I get you, but Hobbits were supposed to be more resistant than men, b/c in general they desired the simple above the glorious, except maybe the Sackville Bagginses... maybe they're related to Smeagol. 

Just a note: I think you mean motives, not motifs. A motif is like a term in literature. It's a little like a theme in a story, but slightly different.

A motive is "the thing" that might make someone want to do something, or not do something.

Hope I'm not being rude by correcting you.

Primitive hobbits? It was only 300 yrs. That sort of time frame of change in technological want only seemed to occur after the industrial revolution, which clearly is the point of the story. The hobbits are the people of the land, the people of the pre-industrial revolution, while the men, the dwarves, and Sauron fall together on  the side of "fire and wheels." And the Elves seem like they are almost ethereal beings, with only a loose natural attachment to the physical world in any form. IDK... just my ideas/theories/feelings.

I tried to read some of Tolkien's other books, but the only one I found palatable was "The Children of Hurin." I haven't read the Simurilian... just too dense. 

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SkekLa In reply to Ebalance [2013-10-14 16:28:23 +0000 UTC]

Hm...can't stop the feel that you'll always just see him as a rotten apple...and I will never do it...so...why keep on and on about this...


My thought would be that since Gandalf says he was from a kind of "Riverside hobbit-related small folk" they were probably at half way of transition between men and hobbits...or so?...Maybe that transition made them more vulnerable to such wants?...

No, not rude at all...I'm self thaught at english, so I may make mistakes, from big to small...thanks for telling me so I won't make that one mistake again!

Yes, I was meaning motive then, not motif...I almost typed moffet XD)

Perhaps I'm wrong at time spans and such...but since his folk was referred at as "fathers of the fathers of the stoors" I imagined maybe they were a sort of "primitive hobbits"...NOT cavemen if you get me, but definitely less advanced than their succesors, actual fallowhides, stoors and harfoots...

Yes, I feel I missed or forgot the whole half of the story's point, when we think it as "technology against nature" which is agreat  part of the heart of the tale...ugh. I had lost that sight, since everyone seems to point at "good vs evil". We know it's not that simple, not just that,but you sometimes get dragged by the mass and forget the important things...That happens to me sometimes...But hey, I'm not a model at all!

Same here about the Silmarillion...Cildren of Hurin, just couldn't buy...they've appeared as  way too expensive editions  around here.

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Ebalance In reply to SkekLa [2013-10-15 17:12:00 +0000 UTC]

That's weird you couldn't get a hold of those books. 

Glad you're not offended by my little usage correction. I don't see him as a "rotten apple" per se, but it's hard to negotiate all the factors that would lead him to murder. I'm not sure about family trees, but I'm fairly sure hobbits are no relation to men. I get your "less advanced thing," but that wouldn't make them less advanced in a moral sense, just a technological sense, therefore, I think, less likely to value gold, but maybe more like a raven, just sort of generally attracted to shiny things. 

Good book:


Did you check out my website? 


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SkekLa In reply to Ebalance [2013-10-18 15:07:18 +0000 UTC]

Couldn't...yet. But you already know what I'm like, I'll strive for it until I do.

I never give up on anything!

Nah, how would I be?...English not being my own lang, and being self thaught in it, there's a lot of mistakes I can make!...I think learning is always good! If you point at grammar or term errors, it does me good actually!

I see. Well, I always assumed at that point the ring would have been desperate to get out of the water at last and move towards it's owner...perhaps in that moment it used it's full might to get it?...It probably felt Smeagol as a more suitable carrier (He was more ambitious than Deagol probably, and as Tolkien states, more phisically strong) And used it's compelling abilities to "kill his will in one look"...There, Smeagol was probably very prone to yield under temptation...I will stand for him, but I recognize he's not a little angel.

When the ring's strongest call  wore away after a moment, what was done was done, I suppose...and afterwards, slowly, gradually, it twists and warps the new owner until he is...what he ends up being.

That's, at least, how I see it.

Then, concerning family trees, it was a friend of mine who told me "those old riverfolks were likely still akin to rohan men...half way to become smaller, and completely hobbitlike. I must read further on that, for I didn't think either that hobbits were akin to men...The suggestion made me think perhaps if they were, that was the reason why Smeagol and Deagol were such easy preys for the ring's taunting (men being more craving-natured, and easier to tempt, apparently)

Still, I must look for sources on that.

PRECISELY!...I guess I expressed myself wrongly, I didn't mean less morally advanced, but less technologically advanced, thus having less "beautifully shiny things" in their grasp. Many wooden carved objects, perhaps fair ones...but it is likely that they didn't see gold too often...

A raven like attraction to a beautiful thing unlike any other he'd seen before...plus, the thing was magical, and likely was playing with his mind the second after he put his eyes in it...again, like happened to Boromir, who didn't even have to touch it to yield to it's lust.

-Must get it and read it some time, I guess...

No, not yet...but I will now!

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Ebalance In reply to SkekLa [2013-10-19 06:22:08 +0000 UTC]

Thusly acknowledged, and I agree.

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Amisca [2013-08-31 04:40:34 +0000 UTC]

To be honest, I think they are mean to him because they don't understand him or his reasons for being the way he is. The ring apparently corrupts the forum too.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SkekLa In reply to Amisca [2013-09-01 18:04:44 +0000 UTC]


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Amisca In reply to SkekLa [2013-09-02 01:26:16 +0000 UTC]


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GumandPeanuts17 [2013-08-31 00:35:25 +0000 UTC]

Haha awww poor Smeagol! I love those last three panels xD

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

SkekLa In reply to GumandPeanuts17 [2013-09-01 18:05:25 +0000 UTC]


Yesss, they musst be nicer to Sssméagol!!! Or he breaksess every pc on the country untills they sstop being cruel and nassty!!!

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

TangledMangle [2013-08-30 21:07:52 +0000 UTC]

Poor Smeag. He simply just gone to the wrong place with the wrong people. What if he was ever to find you and your amazing art? I'm more than sure he would see a lot of it as a compliment.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

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