Silvadil — oSaC App: Sunstar

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Description Name: Sunkit - Sunpaw- Sunfrisk - Sunstar

Age: 51 moons (4 years and 3 moons)

Gender: Male

Clan: Aspen

Rank: Leader

Appearance: Tall but lean golden tom with a long thin tail that tapers down to a fluffy point. His chest is deep and wide, giving him excellent speed and endurance abilities. Tall, alert ears, a thick and long muzzle, and strong running legs make Sunstar an elite hunter. However, his muscles are leaner and smaller than most males of his size and breeding, and his sheer power and defense skills are lacking. From the back of his neck to the tip of his tail he has a long stripe of lighter golden fur, along with thin, dark brown stripes. His eyes are bright green that turn yellow the closer you get to the pupil. He has a few scars running around his right eye and over his left flank.

Abyssinian / Maine coon mix

Danny Bhoy


Father- Flashstrike

Mother- Blazenose

Hawkscree- =crazy-hat
fav.me/d5psefa Smallsnap - *arwogin

fav.me/d5rlb07 Scarthorn- ~RaigaZero
Petalfoot- ~KellzFire
Breezeleap- ~skitty22

Mate- N/A

Kits- N/A


The Magnificent Seven

His siblings may argue otherwise, but Sunstar was the first of 7 healthy kittens born to the AspenClan warriors Flashstrike and Blazenose. He and his siblings were much celebrated in the clan. It had been a long time since a litter had gone passed 4 kits, let alone all the way up to 7. Flashstrike was quick to boast and brag of his and his mates amazing litter, and Blazenose was treated with the upmost respect, having even better pickings than the other she cats of the clan. Sunkit was by far the most active of his siblings, and the obnoxiously golden apple of his parents' eyes. He would often try picking fights with his brothers, but Flamekit was already making himself out to be the lazy loaf, Hawkkit was far too strange to even bother, and Smallkit was a mere scrap of fur. This often lead to him tussleling with his sisters instead, minus to fearful, shy Petalkit. He made and especially serious rivalry with his eldest sister, Thornkit, who was just as rowdy and rough as he. Though far less celebrated by their prideful mother and father. Both had an early affinity for becoming leader someday, a wish created because of their proud mother, who claimed she probably had the next leader in her litter. Needless to say, Sunkit and Thornkit caused quite a ruckus in the nursery with their constant fighting and bickering. It didn't help that their youngest sister, Breezekit, was also of a violent disposition, and would often pick fights with the both of them.

The leader at the time, Bloomstar, was quite apprehensive at the ambitions of the three kittens in particular. A goal, even if it was common, was a good thing to have. Even if you shoot for the moon and miss, you'll still be among the stars. But only time would tell if Sunkit and Thornkit would keep to the warrior code, and grow in a noble, loyal fashion.

I'm not weak!

Moons passed, and the kittens grew, old enough to become apprentices. It was quite a trip for poor Bloomstar to find suitable mentors for all of them, but she mangaged. The newly named Sunpaw was given young, sweet she cat named Rivercrest as his mentor. The she cat took a great liking to her young charge, as she herself had still been an older apprentice when Sunkit had been born, and had been assigned many times to cleaning out the nursery. The young tom, however, was not too thrilled. Out of all his siblings, he'd recieved the only rookie warrior as a mentor. It didn't matter to him that Rivercrest usually had him trained with his siblings and their mentors as a group. HE, the ELDEST of the BEST LITTER OF CLAN HISTORY, having a rookie warrior as a mentor. It didn't help that Thornpaw usually rubbed it in his face as well. Because of this, it wasn't too strange to see Sunpaw arguing with his poor mentor, and completely disregarding her orders. He thought if Bloomstar saw how incompatible the two were, she'd reconsider her choice and give him a new mentor.

That day never came, unfortnately, and as the weeks progressed, Sunpaw fell farther and farther behind on his training, even out matched by the lazy Flamepaw. His mentor pleaded with him to listen to her, to train and become a great warrior like everyone expected him to be, but still he would not listen. However, one fateful afternoon, on a border patrol along the TidalClan area, Sunpaw and his party were ambushed by a patrol. He was quickly cornered by an apprentice of the opposing clan, and tried his best to defend himself. It was in vain however. Even being twice the size of the other apprentice, he was still poorly trained, and was bested almost immediately. The other apprentice laughed in his face. "Is this really who AspenClan is training to be their future warriors?! What a weakling!" Sunpaw writhed and howled in fury. 'I'm not weak! I'm the strongest of my litter! I'm gonna be the next leader!'

Eventually, the skirmish ended, and the patrol when home with open wounds and beaten prides. The ambush took it's toll heaviest on Sunpaw. Was he really weak? Really an embarrassment to his Clan? To his family? The thought terrified him. 'I have to get stronger. I have to show Bloomstar, and Thornpaw. All of AspenClan! I am a true warrior!' Not soon after that, there was a rapid chance in Sunpaw's behavior. He and Rivercrest trained through out the day, from dawn to dusk, with or with out company. Sunpaw strained himself as no apprentice had done before, trying desperately to catch up or even surpass his siblings. The change did not go with out notice, and both Flashstrike and Blazenose took great care in pushing their eldest son further on his path, while still keeping within the restrictions of the Code. Rivercrest some times even bragged about having one of the most hard working apprentices the clan had ever seen. Thornpaw was unaffected, and continually reminded her brother that she could still best him. Sunpaw, despite these smug remarks, continued on his path, determined to be the best warrior he could be.

Are you crazy?!

Moons and moons passed, and the apprentices continued on growing into fine young warriors. Sunpaw in particular was growing, standing nearly shoulder to shoulder with his garganchuian father. Bloomstar was only too thrilled to finally allow Sunpaw a chance to come to the next gathering, as he hadn't been invited in all his moons as an apprentice. Thornpaw was also allowed admittance. Arriving, Bloomstar quickly took her place with the other leaders, while her two accompanying apprentices gathered round with the rest of the other clans. All cats present were soon silent as the glowing moon shined down, beginning the meeting. Sunpaw really had no interest in being around so many unfamiliar cats, but he kept his mouth shut, at least for Bloomstar's sake. However, it wouldn't last long. The leader of TidalClan was accusing AspenClan of stealing prey, creating unease amounst the cats below. TidalClanners hissed and growed at their AspenClan neighboors, in turn making Sunpaw's kith and kin arch their backs in defense. The leaders yowled for them to cease, before anything went too far. Sunpaw's own claws began inching there way out of his paws, but he had no time to growl as an apprentice he'd been sitting close to spat at him. "You AspenClanners are such rats! Weak little runts that StarClan took pity on!" the apprentice sneered, earning encouragment from his near-by clanmates.

Sunpaw felt his fur prickle at the taunt, and he very nearly pounced. He sure would of....if Thornpaw hadn't done so first. Sunpaw, along with Bloomstar, and the rest of AspenClan, watched in horror as one of their own apprentices launched an attack on rival clanner on the most sacred night of the moon phase. "Bloomstar! How dare your apprentice attack my clan mate?! You should be ashamed of yourself!" The TidalClan leader harped. Sunpaw screeched. "Thornpaw you idiot! Are you crazy!?!?? and made a fast movement to secure his sister's tail, hauling her away from the now bloodied and bruised TidalClan apprentice Bloomstar hopped down from her perch, going straight towards the warring apprentices. "ENOUGH! AspenClan! Our time here is over!" she bellowed, not even so much as looking at Thornpaw, instead turning her attention on the fallen TidalClan apprentice. "See to it that you hold your tongue around those that could easily rip it out." she whispered gently into the other's ear, before shoving Sunpaw to her side. Blazenose, who had also come, walked over to her fallen daughter, attempting to help her up. She was instead met with a fierce hiss and a flash of claws at her nose.

Thornpaw jumped away from her mother, giving a last furiousl look at Sunpaw, before sprinting off. Some Aspenclanners (and Tidalclanners) made a move to follow, but were ordered not to by the leaders. AspenClan exited the gathering, one less apprentice in their midst. Sunpaw looked up at the sky. The full, gleamng moon was nearly undistinguishable from the thick clouds covering it. He looked away. 'Why Thornpaw....?

It wasn't long before AspenClan made it back to camp, and Sunpaw directed with Bloomstar to her den. He couldn't of been more afraid in his life. What would Bloomstar do? Would she make him go after Thornpaw? Would he exile him? Would she extend his apprenticeship? All these thoughts warred with in the golden tom, even when Bloomstar merely settled into her nest. "Sunpaw, you don't have to look so anxious. You're not in trouble." the leader had sighed, which had stilled Sunpaw for a moment. Only a moment, and then he was shivering again. " I don't suppose you yourself are surprised by your sister's actions? I can't say the same. Thornpaw isn't exactly one with self control to couple her temper." A pause. "I brought you here to ask something of you. As a leader, it is my duty to do what is best for my clan, at all costs. I must think of the well being of every clanmate now, and onto the future, when I no longer lead you. Sunpaw, I want to ask you, become a great warrior. Become a cat I can trust with the same responsiblity I hold. What you did tonight has shown me that you are better than what other's expect. I thought you would surely aid Thornpaw in her attack, but you didn't. You stood against her, and for that, I want you to become a warrior AspenClan remembers, even leader if your path allows you so."

Those words honestly surprised the apprentice, and he sat, speechless for a time before he swallowed, metting the ginger leader's gaze with an air of uncertainty. "I....I'll try, Bloomstar. I'll..make you proud." Bloomstar smiled at him then. A smile he'd never forget.

Warriors don't play queen with little kits

Despite the drama of losing his sister, Sunpaw flourished and grew, eventually earning his warrior name, Sunfrisk. Probably a bad mistake for Bloomstar, since Sun became even more insufferably proud and obnoxious, using his new found title to boss anyone around who was younger than him. This was also the time when Flashstrike took a particular interest in his son. He encouraged him to show Bloomstar his skills in leadership, to earn him an apprentice, thus giving him a chance in becoming deputy. Sunfrisk was quick to listen, and the two even shared secret battle training sessions, the senior warrior showing his son what the mild mannered Rivercrest never could. Bloomstar, as expected, saw the change in the young golden tom, but never gave off any interest in giving the tom an apprentice. Even when the eldest litter in the nursery was old enough to become apprentices, Sunfrisk was not called up to mentor one. This was a hard blow to young Sun's pride, but he continued training, hoping one day soon Bloomstar would 'come to her senses' and give him an apprentice.

Days turned into weeks, and then moons. Still not a sign of an apprentice. Sunfrisk was disappointed. Was he really not good enough to be a mentor, or a deputy? He had no problems bossing anyone around, and giving anyone orders. 'Maybe Bloomstar doesn't want me to be the next leader. Maybe I'm just gonna be a warrior for the rest of my life.' The golden tom developted a severe case of depression, and often declined offers to lead patrols. He spent a lot of time near the nursery also, some time even taking up apprentice work of cleaning it out instead of telling apprentices to do so. It wasn't so much a surprise to the rest of AspenClan when he finally made a friend there. A kit friend.

Her name was Wishpaw, the runt of the first litter of a young queen, and the sweetest little thing to ever be found near the mountains. She followed Sun around where ever he went, playing with his tail, pouncing over his paws, climbing all over him. It earned quite a lot of 'aww's from the resident queens, and quiet snickers from Sunfrisk's peers. At first, the young tom was irritated by this, often brushing the little kit away with his tail, saying "Warriors don't sit around and play queen with little kits." But, as expected, she grew on him. Sunfrisk started regaining his confidence again, but he still hung around the nursery a lot, visiting his little kitten friend just to play with her. Wishkit appreciated the attention greatly, given that she was often bullied by her larger, older litter mates. Sunfrisk, noticing this, actually began showing the little kitten some defense and attack moves, hoping they would help her defend herself properly. Many cats of the clan assumed from Sun's obvious affection and, dare they say it, love for the little kit, Bloomstar was sure to give her to him as an apprentice.

The rest of Wishkit and her siblings' kithood ended, and Sunfrisk sat proudly with the other potential mentors to be, watching Wishkit the entire time. But, instead of his name being called to mentor the newly named Wishpaw, she was given to another tom, an older but softer looking tom, and he was given Wishkit's brother, Owlpaw. Sunfrisk, along with the clan, were greatly surprised. And the young golden tom surely would of questioned it, but he held his tongue this time. Was it not he would slaved over battle move over battle move with his father, bossed and ordered with all his might just to get one measly apprentice? And now he'd been given the chance, and to mentor a strong, confident kit like Owlpaw was surely an honor. So he did what was expected of him, training Owlpaw as best he could to be the great warrior Bloomstar expected him to make. Wishpaw couldn't of been more sad for not getting the cat she deemed to be an even better father than her own, but she chose not to argue, instead training with her own mentor.

That's what you wanted, isn't it?

Time passed on, Sunfrisk watching his apprentice grow into a fine young warrior. Wishpaw was also growing, becoming a beautiful young she cat that many of her clanmates fancied. But the Clan was not without it's problems. The current deputy, Bouldershadow, was aging fast, becoming sicker and sicker as the days went on. Many toms and she cats alike were already beginning to show their stuff, making themselves appear ready and able to become the next deputy. Sunfrisk was also appart of this crowd, but only partially. Bouldershadow was a very old friend of his mothers, her mentor. And a cat that had ultimately set the best example for him to want to become leader. Despite his own dream, he didn't want the old tom to step down. Because of these warring emotions, Sunfrisk didn't take part in the unmentioned contests the warriors of AspenClan had engaged in to find the next deputy. Sunfrisk ultimately began to seem uninterested in deputyship, and trained on with his young pupil.

One day, on an almost mundane RaggedClan border patrol, consisting of Sun, Owlpaw, Wishpaw and her own mentor, and another warrior. The patrol went along with the motions, at least until they were ambushed by the rival clan. Soon, fur and blood were flying every which way, Sunfrisk using his own internal confict to give him strength in the violent skirmish. It went on for what seemed like hours, as neither side chose to fled. Eventually, the leader of the RaggedClan patrol called for retreat, the attacking clan running of back to their own land. Sunfrisk, with new scars and tuffs of fur between his claws, smiled as they ran. But something nagged at him as they retreated. Why had they ran off all of the sudden? They hadn't won, that was for sure. AspenClan wasn't at all battered and bloody enough to pass for defeated. A sudden strangled wail from Owlpaw was his explanation.

Laying there, in the furry and bloody grass of her battle ground, lay Wishpaw, cold and lifeless. Her throat was slashed clean open. Sunfrisk was silent for a moment, almost emotionless as he stared down at her. Her mentor stood next to him, tears streaming down his face. "Too young." he cooed. "Too young." Sunfrisk nodded, taking Wishpaw's body over his shoulder, making the quiet trek back to camp. The clan mourned the young she cat's death greatly. Her warrior hood had been just a rabbit leap away. Bloomstar, however, did not wish to have Wishpaw die as an apprentice. "This young warrior shall be forever known as Wishcloud, even in the prey ladden fields of Starclan"

Sunfrisk was happy for the announcement, but he felt his heart growing cold. Wishcloud had been the only cat out of his family he'd ever loved. She seemed almost like a daughter, and she had died far to young. Right before his eyes. He should of protected her, defended her. Than she would of survived. She would of found a mate, had kits, be a proud and faithful warrior to AspenClan. But she was dead. Bloomstar found the young golden tom shortly after the naming ceremony, and told him the last thing he would of expected from her at that moment. "Bouldershadow and I agree that you be named deputy when he moves to the elder's den. You have trained Owlpaw well, and have shown your capability of restraint and responsiblity." Sunfrisk said nothing, which only earned a growl from Bloomstar. "That's what you wanted, isn't it? That's what you've always wanted. Why won't you accept it?" That was when Sunfrisk spoke. "Because I didn't intend to trade the life of a cat I loved for some stupid promotion, Bloomstar."

I'm not ready!

Despite the heart renching loss of Wishcloud, Sunfrisk continued on and became the deputy of AspenClan. His pupil Owlpaw became Owlswoop, and Bouldershadow moved to the elders den. Like most deputies and leaders, Bloomstar and Sunfrisk became close, working side by side for the betterment of their great clan. Though Sunfrisk was quick to defend his clan against accusations made at gatherings, he kept to Bloomstar's side at all times, and was her right paw tom day and night. This kept the same for a long while, for quite a few moons, and one day the pair found themselves on the outskirts of AspenClan territory. Bloomstar had taken him there to discuss possible mentor choices for the kits becoming apprentices. The two stopped, however, when they heard a ferocious snarl from beyond some ferns.

Slowly, agonizingly slow, a large fluffy gray wolf emerged from the bushes, teeth bared, saliva dripping, eyes gold and full of hunger. Bloomstar and Sunfrisk were frozen. Bloomstar took a breath. That was all it took before the wolf was upon them. It went for Sunfrisk first, as he was larger, and snapped it's jaws, trying it's best to break the golden tom's neck. Sunfrisk in turn dodged and jumped away from the beast, his heart racing. He was going to die. He was going to get eaten by a wolf. The wolf caught him by the back leg, swinging it's mighty head around before throwing him across the thicket, his head hitting a tree trunk. His vision blurred. Then, a lone, furious voice rang out. " Get away from him! I'm the one you want!" It was Bloomstar. Even as his vision was becoming faint, Sunfisk could clearly see his leader, snarling and yowling, egging the wolf away from him and towards her. It followed, and just as the canine pounced at the she cat. Sunfrisk fainted.

When he awoke, it was deadly quiet. No birds chirped. No rodents scurried. The scent of blood, cat's blood, was heavy in the air. He stood, wobbly, and took in his surroundings. The wolf was gone, but where was Bloomstar? He took two steps forward, and found his answere almost immediately. There, laying in a pool of her own blood, similar to the late Wishcloud, was his leader, barely hanging on, her only sound a few short breaths and coughs. She was thouroughly ravages, her ears torn, her tail crushed, her legs battered with bit marks. Her flank had a large gash, and blood flooded from the wound. "Su....Sunfrisk....go..the..the wolf." the leader coughed. Blood dribbled from her mouth. Sunfrisk gasped, limping over to his leader. "Bloomstar...Bloomstar please tell me you have more than one life...please. I can't be leader yet. I'm not ready!" he pleaded. It was his life long dream, yes, but he didn't want to lose his leader in such a process. He didn't want her to be killed. Bloomstar smiled at him. "I have 3 lives....but I..I won't s-survive these wounds."

And she was right. She died right there infront of him once, but as she came back, her wounds were still so severe that she died a second time. Sunfrisk raced back to camp, bringing the Medicine cat and all cats that followed to help him aid their leader. They were able to bring her back to camp, where she lay, still battered and broken, just on the tip of life. She survived the night, fortunately, but there was a problem. Because of the sheer mass of her wounds, an infection had set in, and would surely end Bloomstar's life within the next few days. Sunfrisk was horrified. He spent the next few days at his leader's side, not taking food or drink, not even grooming himself. He prayed every night to Starclan to help Bloomstar. But his prayers went unanswered. Bloomstar died, 60 moons old, on a cold fall day, with her loyal deputy curled around her. Eventually, the golden tom moved away from his fallen leader, skinnier than he'd every been. He hadn't eaten in 3 days. The cats of AspenClan refused him leaving the camp to gain his lives before he was strong enough to walk on his own.

When the day came for him to earn his 9 lives, Sunfrisk gave a last look over his clan's territory, yellow green eyes full of sadness, but a new found determination. 'I won't let you down, Bloomstar. I won't let our clan fail. It will prosper and thrive, as you and I both wished.'


Proud - First and formost, Sunstar is a very proud, over confident cat. And this was even before he was even deputy. Due to being the largest of his 6 kitten litter, he had a penchant for bossing his smaller siblings, treating them as if he were already a warrior and them immature apprentices that needed his guidence. This dominance only intensified as he grew, and He is a perfectionist through and through, and has an extremely low tolerance for mistake, either made by his clan mates, rival clan cats, or he himself. He is not a negotiator; compromise is a no no with him. It's either his way or no way. This stubborn pride often gets him into arguements with the other clans, but he usually tires of such arguments, and ends them with a taunting joke or two. It's nearly impossible to win an argument against Sunstar. But this tom is not with out some decency. He is not one to puff out his chest, or strut around as if the world is his. He tries to be respectful to the other leaders, deputies and medicine cats, but it's not uncommon for him to discuss their flaws behind their backs. All in all, Sunstar is as proud as any lion, and would be too thrilled to show you why.

Aggressive - It's not too farfetched a thougth that the proud leader of AspenClan is just a teensy bit violent. In fact, Sunstar has been known to attack visitors rather than help them. Sunstar's fangs and claws speak louder than any outsider's voice, and because of this, visitors from rival clans are smart to keep to their side of the border and wait for an AspenClan patrol to come across them. This unease about the other clans began some where around early apprenticeship, and has only intensified in the moons since. His aggression is also shown in everyday living occurances. He's been known to shove others, playfully mind you, out of the way to get a good piece of fresh kill. If he is bested in a training session by either a warrior or apprentice, that poor cat will be sure to be crawling in the dust once he's done with them. While most may see these actions has rough, uncouth, and rude, Sunstar doesn't suspect himself of being any of that. Every one else is just clumsy and runs into him a lot. "Who can blame them? I do have a powerful aura that anyone could be attracted to~."

Depressed - What? Why do you look so surprised? Even the most proud, confident warriors can sometimes feel down in the dumps. Having the lives of your entire clan on your shoulders, along with the possible threat their your neighboors may turn on you can leave anyone stressed. Sunstar, if not good at annoying people, is certainly good at hiding his true feelings. He regrets having pushed his sister into becoming a rogue. He regrets ever wanting to become leader in the first place. He regrets not making time to fine love and start a family, have a little daughter tripping over his paws. Despite all this, Sunstar makes his best effort to not have any one worry over him. He likes attention, but not of the concerned kind. Pity and empathy are two emotions he hates to see on his tribemates' faces. Worrying over one's leader seems weak to a cat such as Sunstar, and he makes sure to hide any emotional distress. Even if it is something off great importance.

Jealous/Ambitious - As an AspenClanner, it is a rule to be the very best one can be. Sunstar takes this a little too seriously. Actually, he takes it a lot too seriously. Sunstar, despite his scathing words when regarding his rivals, is actually extremely jealous of their skills and attributes as opposed to his own clans. TidalClan's fighting tactics are legendary amoung the Clans. A RaggedClan cat's strength is nearly impossible to win against. And what of the proud and volatile cats of AspenClan? Running. Sunstar feels it is a glaring flaw in his clan's history, and wants badly for it to change. AspenClanners should be able to put up a good fight with RaggedClanners, even if they may be lithe and delicate. They should also be smart and quick-witted like TidalClanners, so a possible battle won't end in his clan mates running off with wounds to lick. He's held the jealous ambition ever since he was pinned that fateful day but a TidalClan apprentice, and has wanted to be the very best he could be, or more. Even if he didn't become leader, he still wanted to be the best warrior in the Clan, or maybe in all 3 of the territories.

Loyal - Sunstar's relentless loyalty to AspenClan and everyone in it's ranks is something to admire. He has never in his life thought of seriously hurting or betraying anyone in his Clan, even if they do the same to him. He takes the warrior code very seriously, mostly rules regarding a cat's obligation towards one's own clan. Treason is something Sunstar refuses to accept, and is quick to show his claws towards any one who commits it. This is due in partially to his distrust of any cat outside of AspenClan. He hates outsiders, and any of his Clanmates that assocciate themselves in a friendly manner with them are traitors.

Affectionate- While Sunstar may seem all snarls and no purrs, he can actually be extremely loving and soft those he loves. He still loves Scarthorn actually, even though he believes her to be the deceased Thornpaw. Deeming himself the eldest of their 7 kitten litter, Sunstar also felt he was responsible for keeping his younger littermates safe. He is deeply terrified of losing any of them, event though a few of them may wish him harm. The same goes for the entirety of AspenClan. His tough, taunting facade is often thrown to the side when dealing with his own clanmates, and he's transformed into a tall, fluffy, playful father of a leader, who's top priority is to keep his clanmates united and safe. A clan is not a clan if they don't treat each other like family, at least that's what Sunstar believes. However, the way he professes his affection is a bit...strange. When dealing with his siblings, he is often found chasing them around camp, trying to embrace them. He sometimes pokes and prods at apprentices if they are resting, and may even sit down to have a chat with them. Though this may seem odd to other high rankers, who simply lead patrols or wait around for some one to bring them news, it's completely natural for Sunstar.

Extra facts
-Sunstar has never actively looked for a mate. He found it pointless in reaching his goal of being leader. He's a bit more open to it now, but his loyalty is to his clan, not his love life.

-Sunstar has a rare immune system deficiency that makes it hard for him to digest stale food. He still eats if of course, but it's not uncommon for him to be resting in his den afterwards.

-Sunstar, despite not being interested in romance, has always wanted a daughter. This is shown in his favoritism of female kits.

-Sunstar has an extremely high regard for queens and kittens. He believes them to be the backbone of a clan.

-Sunstar has only feared two cats in his entire life. His former leader, Bloomstar, and his sister, Scarthorn. He'd never admit it though

-He believes his sister, Scarthorn, is dead. And thus, refers to her in his thoughts as Thornpaw

-He did, at one point, have a romantic attachment, but this was towards his former leader, and it was only puppy (kitten?) love.
RP Example:
[From TGB rp with =Riversun ]

Perhaps he should of given this young she cat more credit, at least for her bravery. She obviously wasn't backing down, even when he brought a paw up to flare ominously. She merely met his stare, circling him, inspecting him for weakness, like a vulture over a day old corpse. His tail was plumed and wagging, and his pointed teeth, slick with saliva and the other felines blood, bared as he watched. He wouldn't let her slash at him from behind again. It was bad enough a few pin prick areas around his shoulders were beginning to burn. He took a deap breath, a soft gutteral growl sounding at the intake of air. 'What are you planning, little shadow? How will you best me? Castail mused, almost in anticipation. He took one step forward, just as the darkly furred adolescent's body came into view on his right side again. That was his weak side now, with the blood of his jaw staining his chest fur. He took a few light steps ahead, stopping her before she could make another roundabout. But instead of shooting off more fire like he assumed she expected, his tattoo receeded back to its original form, no longer burning across his face. The fur of his neck didn't lay flat, however, and his tail still lashed in agression. Both nicked and unnicked ears lay flat across his scull. He took a step towards her, every tentative movement followed by a quick lift of his other paw. Just in case she decided to strike first. His eyes bored into hers, testing her resolve. Hard as stone, and radiant like a violet. "Shadow tribe will be puffing their chests soon enough, I suspect. Having you in their ranks is most admirable." Flattery, honestly, wasn't going to get him anywhere, but he had to at least give that away. It wasn't often you met a cat willing to raise their claws to a yellow with out their own tribes order. Flash, he believed, showed the same spunk when facing Aujir during their brief encounter with the former silver water. He showed far more jest though. Another step, another tensed paw. The pain in his jaw burned, but he took no notice. How many more surprises would this adolescent show him?

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Comments: 46

Sunstarx [2013-04-30 04:58:52 +0000 UTC]

I rp on this site called, warriorcatsrpg.com I have a character called Sandpaw. Shes like... a bengal with sand colored feet. Thats y she was named Sandkit C:

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Faithypooh [2013-02-09 06:08:48 +0000 UTC]

I would lovelove to roleplay with you <3 ;o;
I've recently made a she~cat named Littlepaw who you might find interest in for father/mentor/slight romance-ish-type of relationshsip - - that would be up to you. She's needs a mentor anyways, so. :3

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

Coninni [2013-01-23 15:56:22 +0000 UTC]

ohman you already have too many people asking this aha

but when you have the time we should rp ;v;

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Silvadil In reply to Coninni [2013-01-23 20:27:02 +0000 UTC]

Omg yes. Yes yes yes~

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Coninni In reply to Silvadil [2013-01-24 15:33:44 +0000 UTC]

ashfdjfhs yaaaaay <333

want me to send a note? <:

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Silvadil In reply to Coninni [2013-01-24 20:28:50 +0000 UTC]

Sure sure~ :,3 *so excited*

👍: 0 ⏩: 0

o0BrokenSeaGlass0o [2013-01-21 19:22:51 +0000 UTC]

Would you like to rp via note or skype with Paintedfeather and Sunstar?
; w ;

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Silvadil In reply to o0BrokenSeaGlass0o [2013-01-21 19:24:28 +0000 UTC]

That would be awesome ;u; Note's fine, but I can give you my skype if you'd like

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o0BrokenSeaGlass0o In reply to Silvadil [2013-01-21 19:48:27 +0000 UTC]

I'll note you
o w o

And sure!
Mine is;

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PaiintyFish [2013-01-19 00:24:27 +0000 UTC]

We should roleplay him and Thistlefur via note! This guy is so cute :3

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Silvadil In reply to PaiintyFish [2013-01-19 00:29:13 +0000 UTC]

Yeah totally ;u; And thank you ;///;

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PaiintyFish In reply to Silvadil [2013-01-19 01:15:50 +0000 UTC]


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arwogin [2013-01-16 22:32:51 +0000 UTC]

Ohmygosh *cries* *huggles Sun* I feel so bad for the poor kitty, he had quite a rough history ;m;

Butttt we need to RP

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Silvadil In reply to arwogin [2013-01-17 02:14:35 +0000 UTC]

Sunstar: 'S not that bad. *crosses paws*......*cries*


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arwogin In reply to Silvadil [2013-01-17 11:55:00 +0000 UTC]

;m; *huggles Sun*

: D Notes? I'm also alright with skype ~

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Silvadil In reply to arwogin [2013-01-17 17:23:16 +0000 UTC]

Notes are good :3 *gawsh I'm getting so many notes for this guy XDDD*

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arwogin In reply to Silvadil [2013-01-17 23:45:03 +0000 UTC]

xDDD okay ~

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Bayflight [2013-01-16 22:18:49 +0000 UTC]

Ooh, he's a lovely tom <3 Almost makes me wish I'd gone for Aspen~ xD

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Silvadil In reply to Bayflight [2013-01-17 02:16:07 +0000 UTC]

Sunstar: *puffs chest* Aren't I?~

Pfft Tidal is has awesome sauce cats and peeps in it. Aspen's leader's a douche anyway XDDD

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Bayflight In reply to Silvadil [2013-01-17 12:17:56 +0000 UTC]

Lol, at least he can't hug Tidepaw. He'd probably have no ears left xD

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xXSlytherinLeoXx [2013-01-16 20:20:39 +0000 UTC]

I would love to roleplay with you silvah <3

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Silvadil In reply to xXSlytherinLeoXx [2013-01-16 20:25:34 +0000 UTC]

;u; Really? That would be awesome! Do you want me to start or will you?

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xXSlytherinLeoXx In reply to Silvadil [2013-01-16 20:28:12 +0000 UTC]

yes, i would love to role-play <3 thought i can rp thought comment to notes or comments <3 and can you start

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Silvadil In reply to xXSlytherinLeoXx [2013-01-16 20:31:28 +0000 UTC]

Notes are fine :3 And mkay. Sorry if I'm slow though. Finishing up Sunstar's backstory. XDDD

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xXSlytherinLeoXx In reply to Silvadil [2013-01-16 20:35:09 +0000 UTC]

its alright <3 i be working on Math homework. and i was looking over the clan, their are a lot of she-cats, so do you want me to change her to a male or

or leave whispering a she-cat so she can dig her claws into this Sexy toms heart XD

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Silvadil In reply to xXSlytherinLeoXx [2013-01-16 20:41:36 +0000 UTC]

Lololol You can if you wish. That would really help even the odds between the males and females. But it's your choice of course :3

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xXSlytherinLeoXx In reply to Silvadil [2013-01-16 20:43:25 +0000 UTC]

Let me see how this rping would go never rping whisperingstorm as a girl before

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Arroq [2013-01-02 05:44:40 +0000 UTC]

Wow, very leader-looking kind of cat (sounds kind of strange x'D)! Very awesome cat though! Love the design! <33

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Silvadil In reply to Arroq [2013-01-02 20:35:10 +0000 UTC]

Sunstar: *combs head fur and grins* I keep all dem bitches in line~

Thank you ;u; *is so happy her choice of adoptable was good XD*

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Arroq In reply to Silvadil [2013-01-02 20:49:19 +0000 UTC]

xD you're welcome

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PenguinEatsCarrots [2013-01-02 03:01:41 +0000 UTC]

That is one awesome looking clan leader xD

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Silvadil In reply to PenguinEatsCarrots [2013-01-02 03:03:24 +0000 UTC]

;u; Thank you very much ^^

Sunstar: Heh, i know right? lD

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PenguinEatsCarrots In reply to Silvadil [2013-01-02 03:05:09 +0000 UTC]

Your so welcome :3
if i get accepted i would totally love to rp with this cat xD
he sounds so interesting~

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Silvadil In reply to PenguinEatsCarrots [2013-01-02 03:06:52 +0000 UTC]

Here's hoping you do then ;u;

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PenguinEatsCarrots In reply to Silvadil [2013-01-02 03:11:43 +0000 UTC]

yay :'D Aspenclan ftw!

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Asalei In reply to PenguinEatsCarrots [2013-01-02 13:04:41 +0000 UTC]

God yes.

AspenClan is best Clan.

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PenguinEatsCarrots In reply to Asalei [2013-01-12 05:00:06 +0000 UTC]

te he ikr

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Captain-Clover [2012-12-30 19:06:44 +0000 UTC]

Sunstar sure looks like a smexy boss xD Look at that golden pelt <3 He sure is a tall tom too ouo
I can't wait to read the rest of his personality either ~ He sounds like he's going to be a very fun leader during the clan meeting xD
Interesting too since he loves queens and kits <3

Congratulations on getting accepted <3

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Silvadil In reply to Captain-Clover [2012-12-30 19:19:30 +0000 UTC]

Sunstar: *flexes shoulders and grins* Why thank you Miss. l3

Yeah, I really need to get that finished today at least XD. this is my first not so nice and awkward character ever ermergersh what am I gonna do hnngh And oh yeah~ If totally picking apart everything his peers say just to mess with them is fun XD

Thanks :,3 And here's hoping you'll be accepted to <3 You probably will though lD

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Captain-Clover In reply to Silvadil [2012-12-30 19:47:31 +0000 UTC]

Me: *squeaks at the talking flexing kitty and picks up to snuggles* You're welcome Mr.Handsome~

Indeed :3 It's always fun to rp new personalities <3 Maybe you'll be good at rash non-awkward personalities xD I'm sure you'll do great with him eitherway, and even if you feel you're not, you could always say he's developing through roleplays to become a nicer kitty xD

You're welcome silv<3 Indeed I do hope so x3 I'm quite in love with little Milkpaw and his timid little personality<3

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Asalei [2012-12-29 23:34:56 +0000 UTC]


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Silvadil In reply to Asalei [2012-12-29 23:35:35 +0000 UTC]


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Asalei In reply to Silvadil [2013-01-02 13:06:13 +0000 UTC]

Sagewhisker: I SAY YOU'RE MAMA. Mamma feed me. Yess. *Purrs and clings*

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Silvadil In reply to Asalei [2013-01-02 20:49:49 +0000 UTC]

Sunstar: NO! PAPA! *is clung to* ffffffffffffffffffinneeeeeee *snuggles*

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kivvey [2012-12-29 20:43:41 +0000 UTC]

Wow adorable <33333

When the group opens we must rp ;w;

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Silvadil In reply to kivvey [2012-12-29 20:45:35 +0000 UTC]

More like sinister and evil looking

Yes yes lD That would be most enjoyable

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