Silieth — My Wardens

Published: 2010-05-08 17:12:36 +0000 UTC; Views: 5209; Favourites: 26; Downloads: 11
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Description (NOTE: it's a kind of WIP, which will probably never be ended XD Cause they are NOT ALL of my wardens... and more are coming!
Oh. And beware spoilers.)

Following the example of I decided to show you (most of) my wardens - 'cause I love them all so much!

Terrible thing. I can't draw chibis!

Anyway, meet my "little group". I hope you'll like them at least a bit as much as I do

EMIRIT BROSCA: my evil dwarven rogue. Beeing one of the castless made her become enraged and cruel woman, ready to kill everyone who'll call her "nothing".
Relationships: for a long time Leske was the only one she could trully trust. After becoming a Grey Warden she was getting along well with Morrigan and Zevran, who became her lover.

SILIETH CARON: my "wardened" OC ^^(originally: Silieth E'lefess). Shapeshifter mage from Orlais. She has an appearance of innocent, charming lady, but though she is nice to others - she knows how to fight, and is kinda flirty ^^
Relationships: she was replying to Anders' flirtations, but she doesn't think that their relationship would ever become a serious one. Justice had probably become her best friend.

RACE COUSLAND: I guess my favorite warden <3 [link] Possesed the abilities of a templar and reaver. He's cold, and hardly believes in people's good intentions. He does whatever seems most worthwhile, and does not care what others think of him.
Relationships: Unexpectedly, he finds Alistair a valuable companion. As well as Sten. He had a relationship with Morrigan, but when it comes to showing feelings - he was doing that as much as she did. He never realised if it was love or not. But he thinks not.

FERGON BROSCA: differently from my female Brosca, Fergon is a kind man. He always searches for the least violent way out of the situation, and helps others selflessly. But he does know how to have fun... And how to drink ale.
Relationships: He has a lot of trust and respect for Wynne, but tries to get along with everybody. He fell in love with Leliana (ugh.)

CORTE SURANA: one of my personal favorites ^^ Fun loving, redhaired elven mage. Bisexual. (note: he looks a lot more handsome in game, than he does on my drawing XD)
Relationships: yes, you've guessed. He is the gay I promised Zev ^__^

VELMOYR MAHARIEL: Dalish rogue and a great archer. He is not trully evil, but he had no trust for all humans, and was able to kill them with a cold blood. But during his warden's journey he slightly changed his point of view.
Relationships: When he was with dalish Tamlen was his good friend. Later, because of the fact he was the only other elf in the camp - he was able to become friends with Zevran, but he had NO ROMANCE. That's right.

No CANON romance I'll better add But he apparently really liked the girl from the Dalish camp known as Lashyla...

HESIA AEDUCAN: she is sooo pretty! *-* She was my first dwarven character ever. She is rather good woman, but values the strenght in other people - because she was the one that always had to be strong.
Relationships: Alistair became her best friend (yes! friend.), as well as Zevran, but she especially loved her mabari. The reason she had no romance, was the fact, that she was still in love with Gorim.

NOSTARIEL: my all-purpose elf warden (so no surname given here) that you probably already know quite well To be perfectly honest - she's a warden version of me
Relationships: became friends with everyone, romances you-all-know-who, and from non-joinable characters likes: Jowan, Daveth, Bann Teagan


Dragon Age belongs to whoever it belongs to. Bioware? EA?
Characters are mine.
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Comments: 82

Silieth In reply to ??? [2012-01-13 14:33:11 +0000 UTC]

It's been a while since I drew that, so now I have a few more characters to add (and I need to redraw these)
Let me know whenever you do that, I love seeing other people's wardens!

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Llama-Llupin In reply to Silieth [2012-01-16 16:25:24 +0000 UTC]

Oh, I will!

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Shaedry [2010-12-13 16:45:33 +0000 UTC]

I am a bit confused...On which side is Corte's tattoo? I was browsing through your gallery and found another picture of his tattoo on the Other side

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Silieth In reply to Shaedry [2010-12-13 17:13:29 +0000 UTC]

That's because he has it on both cheeks You can always picture him without them, he only has them when he is "wardenized" (it means: in Dragon Age XD) ^^

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Shaedry In reply to Silieth [2010-12-13 17:15:53 +0000 UTC]

Oh lord XD


Hmmm We shall see...

And No need to comment on my m=comment on my journal, its the same question XD

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CaoimheFraney [2010-11-30 21:19:34 +0000 UTC]

I have to say that Nostrariel is by far my favorite!! She's SUPER adorable!!!*explodes* Hrrrmm, you say you don't know how to draw chibis? I do, and maybe I could draw you one during my winter break...possibly one of Nostrariel.

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Silieth In reply to CaoimheFraney [2010-12-01 16:40:08 +0000 UTC]

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CaoimheFraney In reply to Silieth [2010-12-04 22:59:54 +0000 UTC]

Just say the word and I'll do it!...Wait...thats what Atton says haha, some of his sayings!!!

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wunleebuxton [2010-10-18 10:32:49 +0000 UTC]

Your Mahariel is the best looking face . But that is probably from the way you drew him.

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Silieth In reply to wunleebuxton [2010-10-28 16:07:36 +0000 UTC]

Thank you!
I'm glad you picked your favorite, I love him too! (I love them all XD)
But as for what you said, I doubt it's from the way he's drawn, but rather because I failed at drawing others XDDD
Anyway, thank you ever so much again, I really appreciate your comment! <333

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twoja-matka [2010-05-10 20:53:42 +0000 UTC]

To mowisz, ze Velmoyr jest wolny? ;>

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Silieth In reply to twoja-matka [2010-05-12 05:48:08 +0000 UTC]

Tak powiedziałam? ;> Cóż, tak, jeszcze tak A coooo?

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Got-Teh-Jackson-Funk [2010-05-10 16:21:33 +0000 UTC]

Awww they're all so awesome And Hesia is beautiful! Your OC Silieth shares alot in common with my OC I can't understand how you have more wardens, I only had a limited save of 8

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Silieth In reply to Got-Teh-Jackson-Funk [2010-05-10 16:45:16 +0000 UTC]

Well, the only explenation why I have so many wardens is.... just because I love them
I'm incredibly happy that you think so!
Oh really? I'd like to know something more about your OC then ^^

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Got-Teh-Jackson-Funk In reply to Silieth [2010-05-10 17:00:39 +0000 UTC]

I treat my wardens as if they're my own babies but if I had to pick it'd be my Amell I would love to do a meme but I'm still learning the basics of photoshop, I can't draw digitally so I'd have to scan hand drawn images then import them to the meme template on photoshop, from there I'm lost, a very long process, not to sound like a pessimist. I'm gonna keep trying! I think all you need to know for now is that she's kind but extremely selfish with Alistair (and money ) and has a strong sense of humour

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Silieth In reply to Got-Teh-Jackson-Funk [2010-05-10 17:06:15 +0000 UTC]

And so do I I love them, no matter what decisions they make ('cause they're all different) Just like a mother XD
So keep trying, and I'll keep waiting to see your meme! ^^

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Star-Miya [2010-05-09 19:02:45 +0000 UTC]

Twoi Strażnicy są strasznie fajni, tacy przemyślani i "z duszą" (w dodatku każdy z własną!) ^^ Corte aż się prosi o wygłaskanie, podobnie jak Race, którego puppy eyes przeczą owemu chłodnemu charakterowi z opisu :3 Zresztą wszystkich bym wygłaskała, łącznie z badassowatą krasnoludką Dziewczyny są śliczne, panowie przystojni, ale najbardziej podoba mi się ta dusza właśnie, to, że każdy z nich ma swój charakter i nie jest tylko zbitkiem pikseli, którym się gra ^^

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Silieth In reply to Star-Miya [2010-05-10 14:28:28 +0000 UTC]

Mogę Cię uściskać?

Tamtych dwóch sama bym wygłaskała w pierwszej kolejności Co do Race'a - to, że ma raczej chłodny charakter, nie znaczy, że obce są mu cieplejsze uczucia albo, że się nie uśmiecha ^^ Tak ciężko opisać czyjąś osobowość w kilku zdaniach (do tego w obcym języku), żeby nie stworzyć szablonu.

Naprawdę, piekielnie miło usłyszeć coś takiego o postaciach, których zdaje się nikt inny nie zna i nikogo nie interesują, a do których ma się taki sentyment ^^ Życie zaskakuje
Dziękuję pięknie za cudowny komentarz, zapamiętam go na długo!

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Star-Miya In reply to Silieth [2010-05-10 20:06:56 +0000 UTC]

Mnie się bardzo podoba takie dopieszczanie postaci, bo jako niespełnionej autorce opowieści plącze mi się po głowie spora galeria osobliwości, które bardzo chciałyby być poznane przez świat i do których jestem przywiązana ^^ Natomiast postacie do crpgów zwykle traktowałam raczej jak okna, przez które oglądałam nowe światy, i dopiero pod wpływem rozmaitej fanowskiej twórczości - głównie TEJ - zaczęły stawać się dla mnie po prostu kolejnymi kochanymi dziećmi I z pewnością trudno krótko streścić osobowość takiego Race'a czy innych, jeśli jest bardziej skomplikowana, jeśli dodałaś do niej więcej niż widać w samych tylko dialogach. I po prostu trudno mi tego nie docenić, o!

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Silieth In reply to Star-Miya [2010-05-12 10:50:36 +0000 UTC]

Ja z kolei bardzo chciałabym móc nazwać się autorką powieści, choćby i niespełnioną XD Niestety, moje zdolności w tym kierunku są delikatnie mówiąc nikłe, czemu nie pomaga kompletny brak kreatywności i tworzenie bardzo szablonowych, przewidywalnych wątków. Ogólnie rzecz ujmując - jest to dla mnie ogromny ból ^^
Piszesz po angielsku? Wow. To kolejna umiejętność, której zazdroszczę, a której nie posiadam i nie mogę odważyć się wypróbować XD
(muszę dodać Twój profil jako zakładkę, żeby mi z głowy nie wyleciał. Z miłą chęcią poczytam (albo chociaż spróbuję, w końcu mam słownik ) w wolnej chwili (o którą mi niestety teraz trudno))
Naprawdę bardzo mi miło, (co było widać w poprzednim komentarzu ) że to doceniasz ^^ To mi dodaje otuchy i pozwala wysnuć przypuszczenie, że myliłam się sądząc, że moi strażnicy zostaną uznani za armię Mary Sue

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Star-Miya In reply to Silieth [2010-05-12 19:38:44 +0000 UTC]

Oj nie, MÓJ osobisty profil świeci pustkami, a tamten jest z moich własnych zakładek - jedynie czytam po angielsku dzieła autorów spełnionych, sama dawno temu odżegnałam się od pisania fanfików i teraz czasami trochę żałuję *T_T* Natomiast moja własna pisanina składa się głównie z przerabiania dawno (z)użytych pomysłów po swojemu i zabawy nimi ile wlezie. Więc równie dobrze mogłabym pisać te diabelne fanfiki, co by mi szkodziło? A Twoich Strażników lubię i już :3

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Silieth In reply to Star-Miya [2010-05-13 14:41:33 +0000 UTC]

Czemu się od nich odżegnałaś? Ja chciałabym i choćby fanfiki umieć porządnie napisać!
Cóż mogę rzec - za takie wsparcie moi strażnicy bez wątpienia też Cię lubią (włącznie z krasnalką )!

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Namira-Shadowstar [2010-05-09 07:56:00 +0000 UTC]

This is cool. Y'all have inspired me to one one of these too...if I ever get around to finding the time. I've got so many projects to finish as it is, lol.

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Silieth In reply to Namira-Shadowstar [2010-05-09 14:48:26 +0000 UTC]

I'm so glad you think so and thank you ever so much for the fave!

I'd love to see your warden team Yeah. Time...
To be honest - I've done it even though I don't have the time myself, and a lot of other artworks to do

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Baveboi [2010-05-08 22:18:08 +0000 UTC]

YEAH! One Warden is for losers! We have an army! Not even darkspawn can mutiply as fast as we can!

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Silieth In reply to Baveboi [2010-05-09 14:49:42 +0000 UTC]

So true!

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DreamerPierrot [2010-05-08 20:55:53 +0000 UTC]

My lady Aeducan was also still in love with Gorim ;__;

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Corbie In reply to DreamerPierrot [2010-05-09 23:12:20 +0000 UTC]

So was mine...until he publicly dumped and humiliated her in the Denerim market. After that, she started looking at Alistair in a new light.

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DreamerPierrot In reply to Corbie [2010-05-10 08:05:07 +0000 UTC]

Lol same here ! Well actually I was trying not to go for Alistair for the remainder of the game - but it's just too hard! >.<

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Silieth In reply to DreamerPierrot [2010-05-09 14:52:49 +0000 UTC]

T_T Poor dwarven noble women. Gorim is such a heartbreaker.

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DreamerPierrot In reply to Silieth [2010-05-09 15:52:53 +0000 UTC]

LOL I know! How could he do that?!

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Silieth In reply to DreamerPierrot [2010-05-09 15:57:42 +0000 UTC]

I have no idea! There should be an option to kick his ass and make him change his mind!

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DreamerPierrot In reply to Silieth [2010-05-09 16:20:20 +0000 UTC]

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misi-chan [2010-05-08 19:41:30 +0000 UTC]

Oooh, you did it! Yay!
I love all your wardens! (well at least the wardens you show here, actually xD but I'm sure I will love the others *.*).
I like the most Eirin (she's uber cool *-* I'm sure she would be friend with my fem Brosca *w* Badass Team! ), Race and Corte! Corte is so damn cute! I love his design *______*
And of course Nostariel - she seems so happy ^^
Good work!!
And glad to meet your army!

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Silieth In reply to misi-chan [2010-05-09 15:25:35 +0000 UTC]

Aww, it really warms my heart ^^
I'll have to draw the rest (and the ones coming XD) as soon as possible ^^

Yeah, beware of the angry castless females - they're gonna kick your ass!
Race... *-*
And I love Corte too! He's really cool, and I trully feel kinda bad about how he looks on my drawing. I didn't do him justice
I wanted to give her "*sigh*" look, but if she looks happy - it's ok

My favorites from your group are:
Rosha (well... maybe it has something to do with the art I remember him from XD), Odin (how could it be different ) Daerlian, Ashanti, Corvus , Lashyla, and Ioren ^__^

Thank you!
Ahhh, damn it, I have so little time and so much to do. And I want a crossover so bad!

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misi-chan In reply to Silieth [2010-05-09 18:08:41 +0000 UTC]

Hahaha don't worry, Nostariel has teh *sight* look ^^

And you named my favourites! Rosha, Odin, Daerlian, Ashanti and Corvus

Well if you want a crossover...

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Silieth In reply to misi-chan [2010-05-10 13:23:35 +0000 UTC]

*-* I do! (damn! I am a weak weak woman! )
But... When I'm trying to think of something that would be really cool - nothing comes to my mind I hate myself.

([link] as a bonus - that's what came to my mind when you said about the timetable for Alistair. I just had to show you that, so sorry about how it looks XD And to not make you confused - Friday's girl is Jalica Cousland, another wardenized OC, that I didn't draw yet. And I know Ashanti loves Leliana... But she fits Thursday with Eirin (who is with Zev)so much! I just couldn't resist.)

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misi-chan In reply to Silieth [2010-05-10 14:25:13 +0000 UTC]

Mh, well, we have time ^^
I think Eirin and Ashanti could possibly have been friends when they were at Orzammar, or, mhh... Velmoyr with Daerlian or Lashyla? Maybe some of our Cousland could be family? I don't know xD
No hurry, we have time ^^

AND woooooooooow
I actually laughed so loud! xDDDD I LOVE YOU! This is hilarious, they all seem so well prepared xDDDDDDDD
Eirin and Ashanti are super hot *________*
But I prefer the most Nostariel and Odin *//////*

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Silieth In reply to misi-chan [2010-05-10 14:52:28 +0000 UTC]

Well, all of those options sound good to me ^^
Comparing their characters - I'd totally say that Jalica could be Corvus' relative They don't look like brother and sister probably, but cousins? Why not (though I'd say they could make a quite interesting couple)
I also think that Odin and Corte could know each other from the circle, right? And even Nosty maybe (but I think she'd be the one like Anders which would try to run away from the tower at anny occasion )
Of course dalish team can also work well. Collective hunting, making mischief in childhood... Anything!
And about Brosca's - come on! Look at them together! They have to be friends!

I thought that there is something wrong with my head, 'cause I was giggling while sketching it (especially THURSDAY XD).
Yeah, Odin and Nosty ROCK
Hehe, I love you too - I wouldn't even think of doing it if not you (and your marvelous wardens ^^)

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misi-chan In reply to Silieth [2010-05-10 15:51:29 +0000 UTC]

Wow, so go on with Jalica and Corvus, I want to know more of she *3*
-Corvus: Oh, hello, my dear cousin *raises an eyebrow**kisses her hand* Beautiful as always, I see

And totally true about Corte and Odin - well, I think all the mages, really xD At least they know each others by seeing them around the tower. Odin wasn't happy at all at the tower, but she didn't want to have problems, so...
Dalish team could work very well : D
And abour the Broscas... you are an evil woman... I LOVE THURSDAY! [link] This is only a sketch but you inspired me

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Silieth In reply to misi-chan [2010-05-10 16:34:20 +0000 UTC]

-Jalica: *smirks* Hello handsome. How have you been lately? *lowers her voice* We haven't seen eachother for very long time... Have you finally found a women that you could formely present as your betrove? Or still testing? *chuckles*

...so she was just trying to feel there as good as she could. Making friends and havin' fun with them was a good way to make it easier to accept her fate. And Corte always knew how to pass time locked in the circle and never tried to escape... I think.
So when they were all together they were simply inseparable group. Doing things that could make them trouble, but usually knew how to get out of it ^^
But I lack the idea for the dalish team.

OMG *___* I LOVE IT!

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misi-chan In reply to Silieth [2010-05-10 17:28:09 +0000 UTC]

-Corvus: *evil grin* My dear lady, of course you know how I've been lately! Without you, cousin, no man could be happy! *gallant* There's no other woman like you, my dear *grabs her waist**winks* Do you think I have to continue my quest?


Oooooh, about the mages - it sounds pretty good! *______*
But about the troubles...
-Odin: Corte! Stop making noise and return to the study! We have an exam nearly tomorrow! ò.ó
She's veeery responsible ò.ó BUT after study... well, she knows how to have a good time xD

Hm, about the dalish... I don't know what to do with them >.< but we have a lot of time

Heehee, glad you like it ^^

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Silieth In reply to misi-chan [2010-05-10 17:50:30 +0000 UTC]

-Jalica:*narrows her eyes and continues smirking* You tell me that you voluptuary... You haven't changed at all.


-Corte: *pouty* Oh, come on Odin, I'm composing! Do not hold back my inspiration... *looks over her shoulder to see what she's studying* You know that all! You don't have to study it today! I have a bet with Nosty, so right after I'll finish the song I'm going straight to Irving's study to sing it. LOUD. Come with us, don't be like that! *grins*

Yeah. It will come to us, no need to hurry


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misi-chan In reply to Silieth [2010-05-10 18:44:13 +0000 UTC]

-Corvus: *happy smile**kisses forehead* Of course not, Jalica! C'mon, let me invite you for dinner : D And maybe we could walk to the lake after? It's marvelous this time of year *tends hand gentlemanly* ~~~

xD He's a gentleman after all 8D

-Odin: *looks at Corte's face**smiles softly*raises an eyebrow* Only uf you promise me you will do it when Greagoir is near. That man is like Irving's puppy! *giggles*

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Silieth In reply to misi-chan [2010-05-12 07:02:51 +0000 UTC]

-Jalica: Dinner, you say? You know I can't say no *smiles showing her sharp teeth* But you want to walk to the lake? Really? Aren't you afraid that I would throw you into the water if you'd make me angry? *chuckles*

XDDD "after all"

-Corte: I promise! I won't even open my mouth if Gregoir won't be around. Oh, and this shy boy Cullen - I wonder how would he react - I've never seen him laughing, and if he'll be able to stay calm during my incredible song... Then he must be just deaf or hidden tranquil.*shrugs*

[link] don't kill me! That was something that was stuck in my head about the dalish (this blonde guy is Tamlen). I just thought I have to show you, so you can tell me what you think...
And I hope it expresses well all I wanted to show.

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misi-chan In reply to Silieth [2010-05-12 11:05:46 +0000 UTC]


-Corvus: do you think I can make you angry, my dear? D: You're gonna make me cry! *pouty lips & Puss-in-Boots eyes*

-Odin: *thinking of Cullen* Oh, I actually must see that *giggles* Ok, you win *closes book*

I love Corte xDDDD

OGODILOVEYOU!! *____________________*
Dalish children! O God I love them *____________* especially Lashyla, you got them preeeeeetty well xDDD I adore her expression xDDDD
-Child Lashyla: Woah, this is great! You Daerlian put the horn! And after make a little halla! This will be his mother! And the, and then you make the Keeper! And...!
-Child Daerlian: don't scream, I can hear you perfectly... *serious**Puts the "horn" and watches the result**shy smile*
-Child Lashyla: You are so boring! *Turns* Velmoooy~r! *runs toward him all mud-stained**GLOMPS*

Aaah, I love it!!

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Silieth In reply to misi-chan [2010-05-12 12:24:32 +0000 UTC]

-Jalica: ...Oh, come on you cry-baby, I want to see this lake anyways. Just don't say I didn't warn you!*crosses her arms*

-Corte: But are you sure you are ready for this? *grins* You'll hear it all!... If no one will stop me. If so - follow me ladyship! *bows and bears a hand to help her to get up*

-Child Velmoyr: *opens his eyes wide in shock and blushes*
....Uh, is everything well? O//_//o
-Child Velmoyr: *turns his head to Tamlen and gives him an angry glare still holding a knife*
-Child Tamlen: ...AAAAAY TREE... *shuts up*

Oh, I'm so happy you do!

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misi-chan In reply to Silieth [2010-05-12 17:27:44 +0000 UTC]

-Corvus: *smirks* Ah, you haven't got heart, woman *giggles* *Grabs her again by the waist and walks to the castle*

-Odin: I'm ready, sure *takes his hand*


-Child Lashyla: Yaaaay! Shut up Tamlen! *slap!**blushes* Velmoyr, Velmoyr~~! I bet you can't win me in a race!

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Silieth In reply to misi-chan [2010-05-13 13:13:22 +0000 UTC]

-Jalica: *wraps her arm behind his back and comfortably sticks her thumb beyond his belt smirking* So what's for dinner?

-Corte: *walks to the door, stops to let Odin go first, and goes right after her.* Both of you! Stop flirting! We have something to do! *yells when seeing the elf sitting on the corridor's floor chatting with Jowan*
-Nostariel: *looking surprised* So you think you're prepared for your performance?
-Corte: *nods with a grin*
-Nostariel: *laughs* So be it! Oh, Odin, you're coming! Looks like I've lost another bet with that foxy beast. *points at Corte* I thought he'll never be able to convince you to go when you're studying. But I should have known that you won't let yourself miss all the fun! *chuckles*

-Child Tamlen:
-Child Velmoyr: Win... You? I... *blushes even more*

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Sgtkneecaps [2010-05-08 17:43:04 +0000 UTC]


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