[General Information]
Name: Sweetgaze
Meaning:- Prefix: Sweet - for her kind and helpful nature.
- Suffix: Gaze - for her mismatched eyes
Sex: Female
Clan: Riverclan
Heritage: Riverclan x Riverclan
Age: 32 moons [last updated: 06/24/19]
- Joining Age: 16 moons [date: 10/16/18]
- Birth Season: New-leaf
Previous: Turtlenose (calico she-cat with a black nose and golden eyes)
Apprentice: Irispaw
Book description: A plump, long-furred, tan she-cat with dark legs, tail and face. Her right eye is golden and the left is blue.
Breed: Snowshoe mix.
Fur texture: Thick and smooth.
Scars: A couple long ones on her right front leg, back left leg, face and chest from a fox attack.
Eyes: Big and expressive, mismatched in color.
Scent: Dew and mossy rocks.
Most notable traits: Her eyes and her short stature.
Appealing/attractive features: Soft features and two-toned eyes.
Accessories: -
Build: Short and stout.
Posture: Open and welcoming.
Height: Below average
Weight: Slightly overweight.
(stats reflect the average for their Age group
0-1 = no skill
2-3 = below average
4-6 = Average
7-8 = Above average
9-10 = Expert
Strength: 4/10
Dexterity: 7/10
Constitution: 6/10
Wisdom: 4/10
Intelligence: 7/10
Charisma: 8/10
Rodent hunting: 3/10
Bird hunting: 2/10
Rabbit hunting: 0/10
Reptile hunting: 2/10
Fishing: 7/10
Climbing: 3/10
Swimming: 8/10
Stalking: 5/10
Battle tactics: 5/10
Fighting: 5/10
Defense: 6/10
Medicine: 0/10
Sight: 6/10
Smell: 5/10
Taste: 5/10
Hearing: 4/10
Touch: 5/10
Helpful: Giving or ready to give help.
Sweetgaze loves feeling useful!She knows all her clanmates work really hard for their clan so she always tries to give an extra set of paws for anything she can.
Gentle: Mild in temperament or behaviour; kind or tender.
Its very unusual to see Sweetgaze in a bad mood, or raising her voice. Her grandfather Crabclaw jokes that if she frowns its a sure sign a storm is coming.
Loving: Feeling or showing love or great care.
Sweetgaze has no trouble letting others know she cares, she's a cuddler and her purrs are soft and relaxing.
Oblivious: Not aware of or not concerned about what is happening around one.
For all that Sweetgaze tries her best to be aware of how her friends are doing and helping them out, sometimes she can get lost in her own head and lose trail of what's happening.
Naive: Having or showing a lack of experience, judgment, or information; credulous.
She's pretty new to the whole warrior thing, still full of uncontrolale optimism and the belief that she can do anything if she tries hard enough.
Reckless: Acting without thinking or caring about the consecuences of an action.
A dangerous consecuence of her naivete, she can rush into stuff without thinking about it first.
Emotional: Having feelings that are easily excited and openly displayed.
Sweetgaze wears her heart on her sleeve, this is great at making her approachable but it also leaves her very vulnerable to how the actions of others affect her.
Pushover: A person who is easy to overcome or influence.
Because of her strong need to care and help others, Sweetgaze tends to be very easy to take advantage of.
Before Birth:
Burrbush would be the first cat to admit that had had a pretty boring and uneventful life, and he liked it that way! He had been born to loving parents who cared for him and his brothers attentively and took time to play with them, then he was apprenticed to a respectable and strong cat and made a warrior timely. Even when he became mates with Smokenose, a strong she-cat he had been mooning over for a while, he considered this was a regular turn of events for a regular run-of-the-mill tom like himself.
It was only when he and Smokenose started trying for kits that things started to veer off-course for the both of them.
No matter how studiously and hard they tried, Smokenose just wouldn't get pregnant. There had been a couple very close calls, but in the end her body always ended up rejecting the litter each time. By the fourth try they were getting pretty discouraged, but Smokenose was tenatious, and wanted to be a mother more than anything else in the world; so she insisted they kept going at it. Burrbush secretly thought it just wasn't in the stars for them to have kits. Until one day, finally, the medicine cat congratulated them on their first litter being on the way. Finally! They were excited, Starclan had listened to their prayers!
Smokenose's belly grew steadily, but the more it grew the more she seemed to shrink and weaken. She tried to play it off as the kits moving around too much and not letting her sleep, but Burrbush had a terrible feeling in the pit of his stomach, a sinking dread. Something was wrong.
Burrbush's worst nightmares came to be one dark new-leaf night. Smokenose went into labour in the middle of the night and things were looking rough from the beginning; the kits were somehow ill-positioned to come out and Smokenose was bleeding profusely. Burrbush did his best to remain calm, but he could almost feel his world crumbling apart under his paws as the night went on.
By the time dawn started to light up the camp, Smokenose laid dead on her nest, along with two of their three kits. Burrbush was still crouched next to her, shaking like a dry leaf but feeling numb to it all. How did everything go so wrong so quickly? He was too shakened to even yowl his grief, he felt the weight of the world crush his heart and he couldn't move, couldn't breath! Couldn't-!
Something soft then bumped his paw and he looked down to gaze at their one remaining kit. She, too, was a frail little thing; she looked as frail as her father felt. And she had waddled her clumsy little body to Burrbush's paw and was continuously bumping him with her heavy head. The tom knew it was impossible for his barely born kit to be trying to comfort him, but her insistence managed to bring the shadow of a smile to her father's face and earned her the name Sweetkit.
Luckily for Sweetkit, there was another queen with kits at the nursery who could give her milk and warmth, her name was Pikestripe and she had two kits: Coalkit and Beetlekit, both black as night and only identifyable by the white markings on Beetlekit's face. Sweetkit soon grew close to her new surrogate siblings, especially Coalkit; since Beetlekit tended to quit and sulk whenever their games didn't go his way. That was ok though, since the she-cats still had eachother and didn't have time for his theatrics. They played together all the time until Coalkit and Beetlekit, who were a moon older than her, left Sweetkit alone in the nursery as they became apprentices. Sweetkit didn't hold it against them though! She couldn't wait to be given a mentor herself! But the nursery did feel pretty lonely without them around.
Sweetpaw was given to Turtlenose as an apprentice. She would be Turtlenose's first cat to train, so the older she-cat seemed a bit nervous. Sweetpaw tried to comfort her by telling her she'd be Sweetpaw's first mentor too! It worked a little bit.
Since Turtlenose was so new to the whole mentor thing, she took Sweetpaw to train with other apprentices pretty often, so she could observe her fellow mentors do their thing and so Sweetpaw could practice more efficiently. It was during these group training sessions that she met Duckpaw. Duckpaw was older than her, and he walked funny, Sweetpaw liked him instantly. They became close friends during their training, Duckpaw had some troubles with one of his back paws, but Sweetpaw didn't mind waiting a little bit for him! They talked a lot, Sweetpaw talked his ear off about Coalpaw and how cool she was and Duckpaw figured out Sweetpaw had a crush on her friend way before she herself did. They eventually finished their apprenticeships together, something Sweetpaw was very excited about! Coalpaw was now Coalheart, and Sweetpaw couldn't help but notice her cheering her new name loudly as she received it: Sweetgaze.
Sweetgaze and Coalheart never did get together. Sweetgaze always had the impression the other she-cat didn't like her that way, and so she never voiced her feelings out loud and just waited them out of her heart. They still talk sometimes, but they're not as close as when they were kits. Sweetgaze and Duckstep, however, remain the closest of friends, where one is the other is sure to be waddling by. Sweetgaze looks forwards to her time as a full warrior of Riverclan, she's ready to give it her all!
And give it her all she did. Not too many moons after earning her warrior name, Sweetgaze (along with the rest of Riverclan) promptly suffered many a disgrace, once the unending storm started to get really bad. After their camp flooded they firstly tried to hide in the horseplace up on a hill, but they were promptly chased out by the twolegs living in it; in the rush to get out of the twoleg's sharp tools' way Sandpaw, Sweetgaze's first apprentice, was one of the cats lost.
After they were taken in by Shadowclan, things got somewhat more stable for Riverclan and Sweetgaze had begun to feel really at home among their neighbors when Cloverstar announced they'd be looking into fixing their camp after the rains were over. A first patrol was sent out to scout the area, and after some time a second one lead by Sweetgaze was sent out to see what was taking them so long. The two patrols joined together at the ravaged camp and spent up until night-time looking around and cleaning the medicine cat den. During the night, the patrol was attacked by a group of foxes that had taken over the old Riverclan territory, leaving most of them wounded and scared. Driftheart and Brookleap were the most affected by their wounds, but even if all of Sweetgaze's limbs remained healthy and usable by the end of her recovery, her spirit had taken a heavier blow. Now the young warrior holds a growing fear of her old home, and can't help but dread going out to help re-build it and eventually moving back there.
[Opinions and Beliefs]
Religion: Starclan.
Superstitious: Not very.
Starclan: 100%
The Dark Forest: Sure, why not?
Thunderclan: Positive. "They're so lively! It's impossible to get bored when they're around!"
Riverclan: Positive! "Of course! Riverclan best clan!"
Windclan: Positive. "Their sky must be so pretty! But it looks so chilly over there, brrr!"
Shadowclan: Positive. "I bet they're all really nice under all the brooding."
Outsiders: Neutral. "If we don't bother them they won't bother us, right?"
Father: Burrbush (big brown tabby tom with kind green eyes)
- Biological: Smokenose (pale grey she-cat with a dark face, tail and legs. Blue eyes)
- Surrogate: Pikestripe ( gray tabby she-cat with orange eyes)
- Beaverkit (light brown tabby kit)
- Reedkit (smoky gray kit)
Father's side
Grandfather: Crabclaw
Grandmother: Streamstripe
Uncle: Stoatleap, Rockface
Auntie: -
Cousins: Snowpaw, Goldenstride
Mother's side
Grandfather: Nightbreeze
Grandmother: Featherfern
Uncle: Owlfeather
Auntie: Runningstream
Cousins: -
[Love Life]
Romantic orientation: Homoromantic
Sexual orientation: Homosexual
- Loyalty
- Hard-workers
- Attentiveness
- A sense of humor!
- Short-tempers
- Lazyness
- Selfishness
- Coalheart (Previous | NPC)
Romantic partners/mates:
Favorite Prey: Minnow.
Favorite Season: New-leaf.
Favorite Cat: Burrbush (Dad).
Favorite Activity: Swimming.
Favorite thing: Cuddles.
Least favorite Prey: Mice.
Least favorite Season: Leaf-bare.
Least favorite Cat: N/A
Least favorite Activity: Border patrol.
Least favorite thing: Storms.
Theme Songs:
You and Me (Good Company) - Oliver and Company
Time zone: VET | UST -4
RP Sample: Sweetgaze stretched her short legs as she slowly lumbered her way out of the warrior's den. It was still early in the morning, but some other warriors could already be seen moving around and starting to organize patrols for the day. The she-cat quickly made her way to the fresh-kill pile and picked a small fish to eat. Since she was so small, it didn't take a lot to fill her up anyway! As she ate, her one golden eye peered out of the corner of her field of vision as the deputy assigned several cats for a hunting patrol upstream. Maybe if she finished fast she'd manage to join! She'd rather go for a swim and fish than go around on a border patrol, that's for sure!