shaygoyle — OC: Tetsu

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Published: 2021-05-11 14:00:04 +0000 UTC; Views: 2760; Favourites: 37; Downloads: 0
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 Name: Tetsu

 Gender: Male

 Age: Unknown

 Race: Abaddon

 Sin:  Lust

 Staying at: Hideaway Waterfall Springs Resort

 Level: 1


                Asset 1 – Foresight
               Type – Magic > Offensive
                Beginner Description – Tetsu is able to see glimpses of the future when his safety is in danger. Visions are blurred, fragmented and unclear presenting many outcomes at once. And can only see two mins into the future in the beginner stage, but hundreds of different possibilities and outcomes.
                Upgraded Description –In his upgraded form, Tetsu is able to see more clearly and able to pick out the best strategy to avoid attack. Though its not always 100%, since he sees many possibilities at once and can only make one choice to outthink his opponent. Can only see a max 5 mins into the future, but also can now sees thousands of outcomes which makes it difficult to trust his sight.

                Image Link – (*SOON*)

                Asset 2 – Dual Sais
                Type – Extension> Item > Weapon set
                Beginner Description – two Japanese sais he uses in battle for both defense and offense that increases his speed in combat. At first can run for 5 mins at his top speed of 35 mph.
                Upgraded Description – In the upgrade version, the magic of his fans allows him to run faster, up to 65 mph at top speed and for up to 30 mins.
                Image Link –(SOON)

                Asset 3 – Transformation
                Type – Magic>Transformation Magic
               Beginner Description – can shift form to small animals of his choosing like mice, rabbits, birds,etc.
               Upgraded Description – Tetsu will be able to change his form to large more complicated animals like bears, tigers, wolves, etc. 
               Image Link – (SOON)

               Asset 4 – Regeneration
               Type – Magic > Support Magic or Passive > Aura
               Beginner Description – automatic healing of his own personal injuries. He can heal any cuts, bruises up to any broken bones. The worse the injury, the longer it takes to heal and the longer it takes him to recover from the injury. If its a minor cut, it can take secs and may need to rest only a few minutes. Healing broken bones can take up to 30 mins to heal but can take 3 hours of recope time.
               Upgraded Description – As Tetsu gets stronger he'll be able to heal others, but only those he holds a connection to: whether romantic, friendship, or familial.
               Image Link – (SOON)


                Good – protective of those he cares about. Loyal. Passionate, whether its about love or other matters, he gives everything he has to those he cares about
                Bad – stoic and honest to a fault. Passionate, especially with arguing with others.

 Likes: Arianna, His friends, The night, pizza, ale, aking

 Dislikes: Humans, Intruders whom endanger Sin. Actually anyone who endangers Sin. The second generation Demon King of Lust

 Goal: To live his life in peace 

 Favorite saying: “There is Peace even in the Storm.”


    "What can I say about my life. Honestly not a lot and yet so much. But what about my past is the most relevant to tell now? I guess it's how I came back here. After all these centuries, I've returned to Lust. 

I guess the place to start is before the return. Long again I was another victim of this unending war between my former Demon Lord of Lust and the rest of the world. Now, when I say the rest of the world, I mean the other Demon Realms as well as the Human Empire. It was a miserable and I really wanted nothing to do with it. I used to have my own farm near the boarder between Lust and... well, I forget what the other realm was at the time, it's been too long. I was happy in my quiet life, raising my little brother and sister. We had lost my parents two harvests before that and it fell on my shoulders to keep the family farm going and raise my siblings into good citizens of Lust. Not that the Demon Lord at the time actually cared for any of his people.

The Demon Lord, the first one at least, was cruel with a capital C and one day he made an offer I could refuse. And I did. To join the Army of Lust against the other realms for the glory of Lust and him. But I had my farm and my siblings to take care. I had other priorities much more pressing than fighting a battle I didn't even believe in. But the Demon Lord was not one to take "No" kindly. And I should have known the punishment he would deal out for my refusal but I assumed after two weeks of nothing that we were safe.

I was wrong.

In the still of the night one night, my own people came, soldiers, and burned my farm to the ground. Destroyed everything. My parent's life work. My ancestral home where centuries' worth of ancestors had grown up and were buried. Destroyed the monuments and statues each generation had made to honour the generation before them. All gone. As if we had never existed. Nothing more than ashes in the wind.

But at that point, the farm was meaningless as I scooped up my brother and sister and ran. Through the same darkness that had hid the soldiers, it hid us as well. And I spent days crossing over boarders, seeking refuge in other lands. But during this war, no land was truly safe. So I did the only thing I could... I took my brother and sister to the human empire. It was the most selfless thing I could do. As a long demon with no home, I couldn't protect them. And unlike myself, they weren't full demons. Their mother, a truly kind soul, was human. A creature who had seen past my father being a demon and saw a single father raising a small child after his mate's death. She fell in love with him, and he did her as well. And she raised me as if I was her own. She was the only mother I had ever known. And when she passed, I vowed I'd protect my siblings with whatever it cost me.

Taking them to a cemetery of the church, I knelt before them both and smiled before tell them how much I loved them both. And promised them I would always protect them. Then taking a small amulet from my pocket that had once belongs to their mother, I began to chant and incantation she had taught me. An incantation taught to her over the generations as a witch, a spell to bind a demon's soul. Then one by one, I pressed the amulet to their hearts as the amulet bound their demon nature. And they transformed, changing from half demon to all human. And they both collapsed in my arms as I took them to the steps of the church, leaving them for the nuns to protect and rehome them. And I knew that when they woke, even though I'd never forget them, they'd no longer have memory of me, our parents or this disastrous night. They'd have a second chance to live a life all their own. Free from this war. Humans didn't understand it, but they were better protected than any demon realm, and I knew that my siblings would be safe here above staying with me.

Even though, I remained in the human realm. Watching over the decades get adopted, grow, marry and live normal human lives until they grew old and passed just like any other mortal. Some may say that is cruel. But ultimately that is what my parents always wanted for us. They always wanted us to find that special someone that would make our lives bright and joyous.

Now that they are both gone, I am truly alone, wandering this realm like a phantom. Not knowing joy. Sure, their descendants lived. But they will never matter as much to me as my own precious siblings did. But that is enough for now, I can tell the tale later of how I returned to Lust... but for now I'll leave you thirsting for more."


 Character Relationship: (*SOON*)

                Like – Sin // ivory
                Dislike – kaneki
                Feels Weird – 
                Love – 
                Wanted to Kill – 

OC and art belongs to shaygoyle  
Original Adopt Design NyxRei  

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Comments: 6

crazy4anime09 [2021-05-31 21:54:16 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

shaygoyle In reply to crazy4anime09 [2021-06-04 19:52:56 +0000 UTC]

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

crazy4anime09 In reply to shaygoyle [2021-06-27 22:59:01 +0000 UTC]

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Ryonosuke00 [2021-05-11 23:46:32 +0000 UTC]

👍: 1 ⏩: 1

shaygoyle In reply to Ryonosuke00 [2021-06-04 19:52:40 +0000 UTC]

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Ryonosuke00 In reply to shaygoyle [2021-06-04 22:27:31 +0000 UTC]

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