ShanahaT — Ian Flynn does NOT support the Freedom Fighters

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Published: 2019-08-19 19:41:59 +0000 UTC; Views: 5760; Favourites: 39; Downloads: 4
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...and in the very next issue after their breakup as well.

Granted yes, He did do a good job writing them during the pre-reboot years.

But I swear up and down that he became a different person in 2012.

And yes, He did NOT fight tooth and Nail to keep them in the comic as well.

That has been proven to be a big lie.

Why did he say that Sega would force him to remove them and he would have to comply? 

That doesn't sound like fighting for them.

As for why the power rangers are a point of contention here, that's because The Power Rangers played a part as to why SATAM got canceled due to sharing the same time slot. Why would a Satam fan want Sonic to do anything involved with the Power Rangers considering the history of the show?


Seems a bit disrespectful if you ask me.

In the mean time, let's enjoy this clip of Sonic's voice actor of the time (Jelelle white) beating up some of the Power Rangers cast in this clip.


Sonic is copyright Sega

The PowerRangers are copyright... Fox??? ABC?? ...Oh who cares.

Lastly, yes I am stilll interested in making memes.

I just haven't had the time to make new ones yet.

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Comments: 99

ShanahaT In reply to ??? [2024-10-17 18:22:07 +0000 UTC]

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LogiTeeka In reply to ShanahaT [2024-10-17 23:40:24 +0000 UTC]

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ShanahaT In reply to LogiTeeka [2024-10-17 23:49:52 +0000 UTC]

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LogiTeeka In reply to ShanahaT [2024-10-18 01:23:15 +0000 UTC]

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AxleSwift [2023-04-09 17:45:55 +0000 UTC]

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TikoLeak [2023-03-22 20:04:50 +0000 UTC]

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mahad567 In reply to TikoLeak [2024-12-11 19:57:14 +0000 UTC]

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FragGrrl [2020-09-27 07:43:11 +0000 UTC]

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superaustin15 [2020-08-30 23:54:00 +0000 UTC]

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ShanahaT In reply to superaustin15 [2020-08-31 00:22:29 +0000 UTC]

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superaustin15 In reply to ShanahaT [2020-08-31 00:26:03 +0000 UTC]

When did he say any of that? Can you link me to it?

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ShanahaT In reply to superaustin15 [2020-08-31 01:45:20 +0000 UTC]

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mahad567 In reply to ShanahaT [2024-12-11 20:03:34 +0000 UTC]

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superaustin15 In reply to ShanahaT [2020-08-31 01:49:31 +0000 UTC]

Where in that video does he say he hates the Freedom fighters? Do you know the time of it?

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Streamfourstar [2020-03-20 21:08:12 +0000 UTC]

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ShanahaT In reply to Streamfourstar [2020-03-20 23:38:10 +0000 UTC]

I am aware that the biggest reason was ABC's poor job of managing the series.

But Power Rangers was still part of the problem. 

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Streamfourstar In reply to ShanahaT [2020-03-21 10:56:21 +0000 UTC]

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megawing [2020-03-05 12:35:40 +0000 UTC]

All I can say is your grasping at Straws.

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MercenaryX [2019-10-04 00:32:42 +0000 UTC]

I the hated Power Rangers ever since I found out and this pisses me off to no end.

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TVnGames In reply to MercenaryX [2019-11-30 16:09:09 +0000 UTC]

I hated ABC.

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KenStryker [2019-09-18 18:02:18 +0000 UTC]


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Starsinger1 [2019-09-04 18:22:33 +0000 UTC]

Ehh, he might’ve just been trying to spoof Sonic 06’.  There’s been more than one team of colourful heroes, besides the power rangers, and even if he made the connection, a parody is not always done out of respect for the original material.  It can just as much be to mock it.  Or maybe he just hasn’t held a grudge?  Shows come and go all the time; it’s inevitable that sooner or later a good ride will end.  Or maybe he liked SatAm AND Power Rangers?  Or maybe it was something someone higher up asked to be on the cover?  Something a kid in his family suggested, and he wanted to thrill them?

Lots of explanations here, beyond “he obviously didn’t support SatAm because he must love Power Rangers”.

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ShanahaT In reply to Starsinger1 [2019-09-04 18:30:32 +0000 UTC]

While I don't see the Sonic 06 connection.
There is other evidence out there that also proves he has a grudge against the Satam material.



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MercenaryX In reply to ShanahaT [2019-10-04 00:42:28 +0000 UTC]


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Starsinger1 In reply to ShanahaT [2019-09-04 18:57:24 +0000 UTC]

I see.  Some of those written “rants” didn’t really look like rants, and just because he’s sometimes a dick, or occasionally responds badly to negative or criticizing comments from the Sonic fanbase(known for its toxicity) doesn’t mean much unless you’re trying to paint him as inherently an all-around bad person.  None of that really proves he has a grudge.  Interests that changed over time, yes, definitely which is normal for anyone; and doesn’t mean you now hate what you used to do.  A moment in time where he wasn’t doing well in his role at Archie Comics; certainly.  An artist that did a lot of fan art on the side with his own twist; of course, and that’s extremely common.

Most of those two videos are made up of assumptions, comments from angry fans, and second/third party claims.  I’m sorry, but this doesn’t seem like proof, as I can’t find any official sources that show for certain that Ian Flynn hated or holds a grudge against the SatAm cartoon series, beyond what a handful of angry fans say, what a disgruntled former friend says about a fan comic experience, and that when it came time to make the comics (partly) based on the cartoon, he eventually wanted to make the comic more like the games.

One more thing; let’s say, if this is true, that he does hold a grudge against SatAm and does like Power Rangers.  What kind of grudge is it, and what is the cause?  There were a lot of fans who felt betrayed by the sudden ending on a cliffhanger, but still liked the show.  He didn’t work on the cartoon decades ago, so he has no personal ties to it that he’s obligated to fulfill and promote, and just because he helps do Sonic comics doesn’t mean he can’t change his opinions on something or like other media.  He’s human; not a strict representation of 1990’s Sonic that needs to be preserved.

And if I’m to be brutally honest, the Archie Series started out a lot more like a fusion of the wacky “Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog” and “SatAm”, than just the gritty, more serious SatAm.  It didn’t turn me off, but it was a bit of a shock when I heard it was supposed to be an actual continuation of the show.  If that made him uncomfortable, then why not?  Different opinions in a group project can help.

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Beau-Skunk In reply to Starsinger1 [2019-09-12 12:03:02 +0000 UTC]

Ian Flynn said he's a SatA.M. fan, (he's even referenced the show before, and knows alot about it) and likes the characters, (in fact, ironically, it used to be the anti-SatA.M. & anti-Sally crowd of Sonic fans whom were hating on him, demonizing him, and accusing him of favoring the SatA.M. characters over the game ones years ago. Now suddenly it's the opposite) and he's used them for many many years and portrayed them well in the Archie Comic series before it's cancellation.

Even those whom actually know Ian personally understand that, (I've talked to friends of his before, as Ian used to be just a regular Sonic fan, like we were, before getting a job writing the comics) as opposed to these people jumping to conclusions about him. Only Ian knows what he likes, it's not fair for SatA.M. die-hards to accuse him of that, they assume, because they're biased, everyone else must be too.

And frankly, I know what it's like, because I've been accused of hating Sally & the SatA.M. characters too, just because I've drawn the game characters, as well... Sonic fans assume if you like the game characters, then you must hate the SatA.M. ones, or vice-versa, and can't fathom that there's alot of fans that actually enjoy both sets of characters, including Ian.
Ian's not perfect, and he's just a story writer, not the "God" of the comic, and can't do whatever he wants with a licensed comic, Sega overviews the comics, and can say what can, or cannot be used in them. It's their property, not Ian's. Obviously he's not allowed to use the SatA.M. cartoon characters in the new IDW Comics, (yet) but fans won't accept a simple answer like that, and don't understand how video game licensed comics work, and just want to believe he's some "evil SatA.M.-hating monster that must be destroyed."
They just want something to rally against, and Ian is their scapegoat for everything they don't like about the newer Sonic comics.

Ian did not wake up one morning, and decide he hates the SatA.M. characters, that's silly, but because some need to portray him as an evil boogeyman, & scapegoat they won't listen, and just want to listen to their own rumors, and so-called "facts."

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prufan In reply to Beau-Skunk [2022-04-23 06:48:42 +0000 UTC]

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Scurvypiratehog In reply to Beau-Skunk [2019-09-16 08:36:40 +0000 UTC]

Really wish I could like or fave comments. Cause what you said here deserves that. Sure, Ian is not perfect, he’s a HUMAN BEING and like all human beings he has flaws, but he has shown that he is a Sonic fan, and a satam fan. 

I honestly think its good that the Freedom fighters hasn’t appeared yet in the comics, cause if they did, then it would be too easy to just label it as a continuation of the archie comics, but with all the problems there, I honestly think its good that they step away from Archie as of right now in order to establish its own identity and lore first. And hey! That doesn’t mean that the FF won’t appear in the future at some point. Maybe we can get new fresh versions of them too! 

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Beau-Skunk In reply to Scurvypiratehog [2019-09-18 03:22:10 +0000 UTC]

Thankies, it's nice to hear somebody is listening rather then jumping on bandwagons.

In order to use the SatA.M. characters now, they'd have to give them more Sega-ish redesigns, (like later Archie had to) and can't use their old DiC designs, and sense IDW is a new canon, they can't just have them come out of nowhere, they'd have to alter their backstories, and maybe personalities, (compare Archie & IDW Shadow for example) to fit in Sega's newer "post-Forces" version of Sonic. (Which is quite different from Archie, and the "Sonic Adventure" era.)

So chances are, even if they came back SatA.M. fans would hate the new versions of them, and continue to demonize Ian, IDW, and Sega for now "ruining the characters" instead. There's no end to the drama.

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Scurvypiratehog In reply to Beau-Skunk [2019-09-18 05:21:17 +0000 UTC]

You're most welcome! Ha ha, you're not the only one who feels that. XD

Oh, thats exactly what Im thinking too, and expecting. One idea I had in that regard was if they do show up, what if the new Version of Bunnie...well, what if instead of her being partially Roboticized that she is partially infected by the Zombot metal virus and it covers her arm and legs, but the infection somehow stopped from spreading, but it gives her new strength and powers. Honestly, seeing new and fresh versions with altered backstories and such is something I honestly want to see, and I wouldn't mind any re-designs either. Im kinda expecting that. 

Well obviously, but I feel thats something thats gonna happen either way. Even if they somehow had come back with their original DIC designs, AND backstories, they would STILL complain because "Its not SatA.M." Or something like that. :/ One thing that kinda bothers me when they Demonize Ian and such is that it seems they can't tolerate people who actually like his writing. :/ Its okay if they don't like his writing but at least let people enjoy what they enjoy. Why can't people just ignore what they don't like? 

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Beau-Skunk In reply to Scurvypiratehog [2019-09-18 14:01:07 +0000 UTC]

That might work for Bunnie, and yeah, actually I don't mind seeing new versions of old characters. I liked how the 2012 Ninja Turtle show brought back many old TMNT characters, and redesigned, and gave them new life. Mutagen Man was even more sympathetic.

Still, unfortunately most Sonic fans hate change, heck they didn't even like the later Archie redesigns. Especially, Sally being given rounded cheeks, (ironically that's how her original Archie/DiC design looked) and wearing clothes. (The way some fans reacted, it's like seeing her semi-naked furry body is all they care about her...)

Yeah, I don't know why they can't ignore anything. Some even act like if any Archie/IDW fan corrects them on some misinformation on Ian, or the comic itself then they act like they're the one being attacked, and flip out, or block them from their DA page. I've been blocked from several peoples' DA pages just for that... So you can't even discuss anything with anyone anymore.
And because Ian doesn't bother to defend himself, or is too busy to answer them, (or can't answer questions about the comic due to nondisclosure requirements, I don't think he can reveal why the SatA.M. characters aren't in the comic) they think their hatred is justified, but all they do is put more negativity in the Sonic fanbase, and make SatA.M. fans look bad too. I almost don't even wanna support the SatA.M. Season 3 fan-comic, because so many anti-Archie/Ian/ect. fans are supporting it, or using it as an excuse to bash the official comics, or something. (One person goes "Screw you Ian!" while promoting this comic on their DA journal... Considering Ian is a SatA.M. fan it's so ironic to see them witch-hunt one of their own.)

Ben Hurst (God rest his soul) would be so disapointed if he saw how negative SatA.M. fans have become. I used to think SatA.M. fans were nicer then Sonic game or "Sonic X" anime fans, but I guess fans of any version of Sonic have both good & bad fans.
I don't understand why some fans act like you can only like one version of Sonic, I like almost all of them.

Sorry to rant a bit, I know not all Sonic or SatA.M. fans are bad. I've known many cool ones.

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Scurvypiratehog In reply to Beau-Skunk [2019-09-18 15:09:53 +0000 UTC]

You like 2012 TMNT too? Thats awesome! I see so much hatred for that version, so whenever I stumble upon someone who likes the show, well I really appreciate it. 

Oh tell me about it, and all the reasons that came when that happened? "It will only be a painful reminder of when she was a robot" ETC ETC, and of course the no-clothes thing. Im reminded of that Sonic short. "A new sonic character! I MUST DRAW....PORN OF IT!"

honestly I haven’t been paying attention to that comic...personally I do like the show...but yeah. Some of its fans can be quite nasty. For example when I said I prefer Eggman over Satam Robotnik? Well apparently I can’t see quality. :/ 

Oh yeah! Mentioning Ben reminds me of reboot Muttski. If Ian hates Satam, why would he make a reference to the show’s creator? Or reference the Margarine scene? Or try to blend the satam storyline with the game ones? 

Hey! I like almost all of them too! Including Boom, X, the games, Satam, IDW to name a few, so you’re not alone in liking multiple versions!

Its okay bro, I totally understand the frustration. If it helps you, you can always rant to me, just as long ad you’re respectful towards my views wether we agree or disagree on something, then its all cool! Or as Sonic would say "Way past cool!"

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Beau-Skunk In reply to Scurvypiratehog [2019-09-20 19:38:59 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I like the 2012 TMNT canon, especially how it brought back plenty of classic characters whom weren't allowed in the 2003 canon. I like alot of TMNT canons.

I remember when Sally was roboticized, everyone was all, "Plz change her back! Don't kill her off!" Then when she was returned to normal, some of her so-called fans turned against her, changed their mind, and stated they'd rather have her gone, then "changed." One girl even goes, "Sally is dead to me now." (Some Sally fan.) Now they got their wish, and guess what? Now they want her back.
Another guy whom was constantly protesting Archie & Ian for roboticizing her, started writing his own fanfics where she's roboticized all of a sudden. I guess that kinda thing is only ok if Ian doesn't do it...

I like both Eggman & Robotnik. I wish fans wouldn't fight over which canon is best all the time.
I've been attacked by SatA.M. fans for liking game characters, and I've been attacked by the game/X fans for liking the SatA.M. ones. You can't win.

Oh yeah, all the Ian-hating SatA.M. fans completely ignore all the times he used the SatA.M. characters, nods, not to mention even in the Archie reboot he changed King Acorn to be nicer, which is more in line with old show, and still used the SatA.M. orgin story.

Yeah, I guess I'm more open to the different versions of Sonic. Nice to see others are too.

Thankies, it's nice to see other fans are friendlier to other opinions.

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Scurvypiratehog In reply to Beau-Skunk [2019-09-20 22:34:10 +0000 UTC]

Oh, I totally agree with you. For instance, I really liked the Introduction of Bebop and Rocksteady here. Their transformation was very more...tragic compared to other versions so to speak. Speaking of TMNT, have you ever checked out any of the comic crossovers? There is one comic crossover between the 2012 TMNT and Batman: TAS. 

Oh gosh...tell me about it. :/ They are a bunch of hypocrites. One does begin to wonder if some of them have a split personality or something. I suppose its in times like these that one really has to show that they appreciate the more Sane and mature Sonic fans and remember that they are out there even if you don't always see it. I am okay that not everyone doesn't like Ian's writing, and hey! Some genuinly don't like his writing, and thats fine as long as they respect people who may feel otherwise....and then there are those who hates the writing just because its Ian for some reason...its like they are on a witch hunt or angry and they use him as target practice or something. Not in every case, but in a LOT of cases there is....

Oh, Im not saying I don't like Satam Robotnik, I do I just prefer Eggman for several reasons, but hey! Thats just me. And I agree, I too wish that fans wouldn't fight over that either. You know...Roger Craig Smith, current voice of Sonic? He has also voiced Batman on several occasions, and there was this one time someone interviewed him regarding the different versions he had voiced, like he voiced Batman in Arkham Origins, and later on in the more family friend Batman Unlimited series and what he said was that "There should be a Batman for everyone".....I think that saying can perfectly apply to Sonic as well. That there should be a Sonic for everyone. Some like them all, some like a few, but it doesn't matter which one is the best at all. There is no Best one, or a right one, it just depends on the person watching. 

Indeed, and in the reboot, the Satam Origin seemed to be more similar to Satam then what Pre-reboot was, like how here Naugus had a tail again, or how Robotnik banished Naugus and the King to the special Zone, similar to how he banished them both into the void in the cartoon. HECK, he even gave Snively the Name "Julian" In order to even keep that name somehow, a detail that shouldn't really matter but he still kept it. If thats someone who is not a fan of the show, then I don't know what is...

Totally agree buddy! Each version of Sonic gives their own unique experience!

You're welcome! And I totally agree! Its something I have truly learned to appreciate! Keep that in mind. If you ever feel alone in this world of insane Sonic fans, there are people out there who appreciates you for being how a fan should be.

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hogues931 In reply to Starsinger1 [2019-09-10 14:44:22 +0000 UTC]

I agree the person who made those videos is actually notorious for making stuff like this.

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hogues931 [2019-08-31 13:24:34 +0000 UTC]

Those aren't the Power Rangers, those are just human versions of some of the Sonic characters, you guys are really fucking pushing it.

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OldHeadEd [2019-08-24 05:55:18 +0000 UTC]

Y'know Ian Flynn was a bit of a literary lightweight with Archie Sonic. He was always re-treading old, tired characters like Mammoth Mogul, instead of blazing his own trails as a writer with his own new characters. He might have thought it was fanservice, but it actually came off as self-indulgence.

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ninten111 [2019-08-22 12:20:03 +0000 UTC]

Power Rangers are owned by Saban.

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Nintrendodude In reply to ninten111 [2019-08-23 10:38:10 +0000 UTC]

not anymore theyre not.

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Nintrendodude [2019-08-20 22:35:53 +0000 UTC]

if you wanna deeper look at the power rangers vs. Satam time slot conundrum look through these: m.youtube.com/watch?v=DWL1cOwM…

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Nintrendodude [2019-08-20 22:18:19 +0000 UTC]

Ian flynn also says he wants to write for the boom studios power rangers comic: twitter.com/IanFlynnBKC/status…

And this is stressful cuz the boom power rangers comic is crossing over with idw's tmnt comics: twitter.com/TMNT/status/115084…

So if flynn works on boom power rangers, there could very easily be a crossover with idw sonic.

Also Power Rangers is currently owned by hasbro and the most recent iteration runs on Nickelodeon

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jackman757 In reply to Nintrendodude [2019-08-23 07:08:26 +0000 UTC]

Wait what?

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Nintrendodude In reply to jackman757 [2019-08-23 10:37:45 +0000 UTC]


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jackman757 In reply to Nintrendodude [2019-08-25 02:48:51 +0000 UTC]

Ian working on power rangers?!?

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Nintrendodude In reply to jackman757 [2019-08-26 03:44:56 +0000 UTC]

he's not working on them, but he wants to.

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jackman757 In reply to Nintrendodude [2019-08-26 19:14:11 +0000 UTC]

That what I meant

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Amazingartistred [2019-08-20 20:30:19 +0000 UTC]

Are you serious right now?!?!?

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MobianMonster [2019-08-20 20:00:57 +0000 UTC]

Their is no corroboration of him "hating" the characters. If it wasn't for him, they wouldn't have come back after Archie hit the reboot button.

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ShanahaT In reply to MobianMonster [2019-08-21 13:56:00 +0000 UTC]

He also said that they were grandfathered into the comic due to the old contract with Archie.

And again, he said that Sega could remove them at anytime by force.

If they could be removed at any point in time, then wouldn't fighting for them be useless?

Also, there has been moments in the IDW series where he would vent against them.

Like how he had a bunny critter get completely robotized or how he would have robotnik constantly torture a Ricky squirle critter.

There also when you tuber FTA said "Horray" when Ian anounced at a convention in 2011 that Sally got shot in issue 225, and Flynn just laughed with him and pointed at him like he was saying "hey, you go man".

Trust me, He has been playing us like a fiddle all decade long.

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MobianMonster In reply to ShanahaT [2019-08-21 19:52:19 +0000 UTC]

Ian Flynn is only a writer for IDW, he does not call the shots over masterminding characters to be plucked from old canon. He did state that if enough pressure is put on them, they will listen. I believe he was chosen for his ability to create world building in Archie to try to capture what was built around the SatAM/Archie cast but keep it Sega focused as which most likely were the original mandates going in.

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