Serkonus — DaTr - Like a Team

Published: 2011-08-16 15:48:30 +0000 UTC; Views: 2415; Favourites: 27; Downloads: 6
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Description Reasons I don't support other couples.


UaD/Zr: This one goes to the people who think Dib or Zim is in love with them or there fan characters... THEY. ARE. FICTION. They don't love YOU or your FC.

MBCaZ/Dr: Now, none of these seem to work, though the possibility is extremely slim. Most of the miscellaneous background characters think Dib is crazy and don't like him for that, and Zim hates all human life, so their is no chance of it with Zim.
That brings me to --

ZaGr: Gaz doesn't look like one who'd be caught in a relationship of any form with the green "lizard boy". Zim just thinks she's scary, but to my knowledge, fear doesn't provoke love in people unless it's already there, and I doubt that even that is the case because Zim hates filthy human stinks.

ZaTr: Because they're both Irken, this is more logical, and it is assumed that Zim has a slight likeness for her, however Tak hates Zim for ruining her training and life and would love to see his demise for what he did.

GaMr: They're SIR units... I know they have emotions and what not, but it's assumed that MiMi hates GIR. I don't think I need to go into a pairing between a robotic dog and a robotic cat...

Now, why do I support DaTr?
1; Dib needs someone to believe him, and they do share a spiteful dislike... nay, hate for Zim.
2; I've always felt that Dib had feelings for Tak, even after finding out she was Irken.
3; God damn, it's a cute pairing in my eyes. Iunno, something about the pairing makes me go "D'aaaww..."

Now, there is an error because Dib is a (possible clone/cyborg) human and Tak is Irken. I've anylized this idea and... I don't really care. SO what if they're of different species? I've seen plenty of pairings like that that seemed like they could work, for better or worse...
(Princess Laya and Jaba from Star Wars... )

So, yeah, I support DaTr.


Invader Zim © Jhonen Vasquez
Art © Me
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Comments: 5

gameoverdibwins [2012-01-19 04:29:43 +0000 UTC]

yeah. my opinion exactly.

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millie10112 [2011-10-23 14:52:06 +0000 UTC]

I support this.But I got offended with Mimi and Gir and Zim and Gaz,but great picture.I understand its your opinion and NO ONE can change that

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

Serkonus In reply to millie10112 [2011-10-23 16:50:26 +0000 UTC]

Thanks for the support.

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

millie10112 In reply to Serkonus [2011-10-23 18:09:32 +0000 UTC]

your welcome .

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InvaderTak27 [2011-10-08 03:38:36 +0000 UTC]

I Suport DaTr.
DaTr Awareness YEAR[link]

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