Have you played Pokemon Scarlet Violet yet?
I've successfully made it all the way through the game!
This Pokémon game was a very enjoyable journey with great character designs and one of the best stories ever.
This Pokémon game is one of the best games I have ever played!
I could go on and on about how great the characters and Pokémon are, but this time I'll just introduce the illustration of Dachsbun, which is one of my favorite members of the new Pokémon.
Dachsbun is an evolved form of Fidough, and I have been paying attention to Fidough since before its release, so I am very happy to see this evolution.
With its cute and stylish design, Dachsbun looks like Lady from the Disney movie Lady and the Tramp.
Not only does it look cute, but it is also strong as a Pokémon and was used many times during this adventure.
I hope to draw many more new Pokémon so I can post them someday.
I also previously illustrated Fidough, the pre-evolutionary version of Dachsbun.…
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