Sciocont — Ferron

Published: 2010-05-12 00:12:37 +0000 UTC; Views: 757; Favourites: 20; Downloads: 26
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Description The Ferron is a weapon created by the J'apu [link] and(#3 in my collection of J'apu Arms [link] ).

The Ferron is made of an outer shell of twisted aluminum alloy and an inner carbon composite shell containing its supercapacitor, battery, and trigger wiring. The front end is separated from the back by two gas shock absorber which reduce the kick of the returning round. The weapon has sights created by a slit on the top of its outer shell and a front piece. It carries the insignia of the J'apu/Human alliance on the front section.

This weapon can be triggered by either of the two aluminum trigger buttons on the handle while the other button is held down.

The Ferron contains an extremely powerful electromagnet at its front end. The magnet can be switched from positive to negative power instantaneously in order for the weapon to fire. It fires a small positively charged metal ball when the electromagnet is switched to positive, and when the electromagnet is switched to negative, it attracts the ball back to the magnet. In this way it uses only one round but can be triggered an almost infinite number of times.
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Comments: 2

Silverlion [2010-05-12 11:59:25 +0000 UTC]

Nice design. No recoil?

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Sciocont In reply to Silverlion [2010-05-12 21:09:34 +0000 UTC]

Very little on release, a lot on return depending on the distance from the shot. The shocks absorb almost all of it.

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