1 Headshot + Shading - 2 AP for Daemyn
Today has been a really cruddy day mood-wise, with depression edging in sideways and being a poop. I spend most of the day doing absolutely nothing as I had zero motivation, but I wanted to get a little something done before bed at least. So I doodled and Daemyn popped up with his new trademark grumpy face. And it actually helped lighten my mood just a tad.
He's going through a tough time, my man. Separated from Kalakara and Moree during the Flight's attack, he's now stuck back in Torrine with no knowledge of their whereabouts. He doesn't even know if they are alive, that Mo lost a leg and he certainly doesn't know that Kali was pregnant and gave birth to Owain. Daemyn's angry, bitter and seething with so much vengeance he might explode. He is a far cry from the stallion that wanted a peaceful solution to the Flight, ready to sit down and talk it all through, believing that if the herd could be made to change their sacrificial ways, all would be well. A part of him still desperately wishes for a peaceful end to the occupation, but with all the lives lost... with his family potentially among those victims... Daemyn just wants to pay back his pain.
He has a new sprinkling of scars from the last chapter from shrapnel across his chest and some under his cheek. They're plenty visible at the moment, but with time new fur growth will cover most of them.