Comments: 23
toguroxani [2009-02-02 19:21:31 +0000 UTC]
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Kairi94 [2008-09-08 08:13:42 +0000 UTC]
David...secondo me sotto quel bel faccino... si nasconde uno stupratore. *sorriso ebete* xDDD
Lestat è molto stiloso qui, complimenti <3
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Rucci In reply to Kairi94 [2008-09-08 11:44:49 +0000 UTC]
Mi è solo venuto male. Giuro.
Io lo ripeto in continuazione e nessuno mi crede.
David è un figo. Ed è INGLESE.
Non ha bisogno di stuprare chicchessia.
Uomini e donne cadono ai suoi pedi.
O almeno DOVREBBERO! è_é
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Kairi94 In reply to Rucci [2008-09-08 14:13:31 +0000 UTC]
no che non ti è venuto maleeeeh xD
LOL. Una mia amica ci ha perso la testa appresso a lui. Eggiàh. Certa gente non è normale *coccola il pupazzo di Armand FATTO A MANO* ù_u
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Rucci In reply to Kairi94 [2008-09-08 16:46:34 +0000 UTC]
io trovo tutt'ora David il più figo delle Cronache. Quando ha settant'anni, però. DAVIDH.
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Lestat86 [2007-11-08 15:33:56 +0000 UTC]
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psychogizmo [2006-08-11 07:35:08 +0000 UTC]
I love Lestat's hair!!
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Rucci In reply to psychogizmo [2006-08-12 10:58:56 +0000 UTC]
Wow, thank you! *_*
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Lisadora [2006-06-25 19:58:13 +0000 UTC]
David doesn't look so bad, but isn't he supposed to be older?
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Rucci In reply to Lisadora [2006-06-26 08:14:57 +0000 UTC]
No, he looks VERY bad, really. I've got the rough copy, he was nearly perfect, uff. ç__ç
Older... well... about 75 years old, you mean? That's so, but, if you have read "The Tale of the Body thief", you can remember..... \*_*;;/ << stop, I'm afraid of spoilering to people who haven't read this book. XDDD
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Rucci In reply to Lisadora [2006-06-26 15:12:31 +0000 UTC]
What a pity, really, that book is DEMENTIAL! *__*;;;;;
And above all in that book there is DAVID. .ç.
Sooo fucking ENGLISH, that man. .ç.
Anyway, if you want to know this spoiler...
----SPOILER from The Tale of the Body Thief--- I can say... in this story Lestat finds himself into a human body, because of a "body thief", this Raglan James, who can operate the body excange... practically, this man goes to him (in a stolen body, the one I drawed) and says approximately: "Hello! Would you like to give me your powerful and preternatural body, while I'll give you this? Just for a week, huh? *ç*/" And Lestat: "Aaaawww, I'll return human! I'll eat! I'll drink! I'll make love with women and men! Whopeee! *O*" << COMPLETELY IDIOT.
The moral is: Lestat passes an awful week, understands that that damned bastard has no intentions of give him back his body (OBVIOUSLY ._.), goes whimpering to David in search of help, David helps him, but at the end because of a very confused fight David finds himself into Raglan James' body, the one in which Lestat had passed his happy mortal week. And James dies into David's body. THEEE EEEND. *_* (...I said that it was demential, I was no jocking *_*)
( in truth, this is not the end, but I remain on the question u_u; )
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Hyarmen [2006-05-07 17:55:47 +0000 UTC]
Povero, povero David. XD
Però, dai, li hai colorati divinamente! ;O;
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Ery-chan [2006-05-03 14:02:08 +0000 UTC]
come ti capisco, anche a me succede, per lo schizzo!!!ç___ç
lestat è bellissimo *_* ma come ti esce?°-°
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Rucci In reply to Ery-chan [2006-05-04 14:02:37 +0000 UTC]
Ehehe, non lo so. °_° Sarà che... io sono lestat. °_* Fufufufufu. °_*
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Ery-chan In reply to Rucci [2006-05-04 15:42:50 +0000 UTC]
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AkikoNasaki [2006-05-03 12:13:58 +0000 UTC]
Aww spoiler, cazzooo >o<""""
Lestat è molto più bello di 'sto David >v<
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Rucci In reply to AkikoNasaki [2006-05-03 13:09:56 +0000 UTC]
E' solo perché mi è venuto male, davvero. è_é/
...David è... David. =ç= Non so se capirai, non tutti lo amano. =ç=/ *PAT* (non capisco perché, è talmente inglese) Fidati *_*
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AkikoNasaki In reply to Rucci [2006-05-03 15:34:12 +0000 UTC]
Vedrò quando arriverò a leggere. uçu
Aww, povero ; ; è come Claudia.. la amo solo io TçT CLAUDIAAA T_T
*corre ad abbracciarla anche se ormai è un mucchietto di polvere*
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Louchette [2006-05-02 18:55:21 +0000 UTC]
Tipo, sì, David sembra un po' schifato/schizofrenico, ma facciamo finta che abbia appena preso il corpo di Raglan ;__;
E poi nello schizzo era fygo ç___ç
David, I love you too! ç________ç
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Rucci In reply to Louchette [2006-05-02 19:03:25 +0000 UTC]
Tipo, sì, David sembra un po' schifato/schizofrenico, ma facciamo finta che abbia appena preso il corpo di Raglan ;__;
Tipo, non ci avevo pensato!! E' possibilissimo! XDDD >> David: "Sorrido, ma in realtà soffro. °_*;;;;;;" (bleah)
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