RoxyDeerArtz — Ceazar BTT 1

Published: 2017-07-13 06:35:53 +0000 UTC; Views: 372; Favourites: 16; Downloads: 1
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Description Finally i can start training my boy, Ceazar!
I also decided to take this chance and experiment with a more painting like backround and i think i really like it! It's fun and easy to do.

This is how Ceazar and his future handler Shadow met.
Shadow and his parents had just moved to a farm deep in the forest, being bored out of his mind Shadow decided to explore the sorouding forest. However, he did not excpect to run - more like slide- into an injured Kukuri pup after tumbling down a hill.

IX - From the Wilderness
Not all Kukuris start their life as a tame, and sometimes all it takes is a special meeting. Even if the said special meeting was in middle of a night in a trashcan.
° Draw or write how this wild-born kukuri was acquired by your handler, either they were rescued, caught, or maybe they just took interest in the human habitats.

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Comments: 3

TO-THE-ST4RS [2017-07-13 09:25:33 +0000 UTC]


Ceazar looks frigging adorable !!

also your current day shadow would look freaking epic riding a kukuri

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

RoxyDeerArtz In reply to TO-THE-ST4RS [2017-07-13 15:35:28 +0000 UTC]


Heck yea! When he becomes an adult he will be a giant 7.9ft tall floof

You bet your ass I will draw the shit out of that later on

👍: 0 ⏩: 1

TO-THE-ST4RS In reply to RoxyDeerArtz [2017-07-13 15:48:44 +0000 UTC]

Fist pumps


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