RosalinasSoulmate — WAH-to Er-WAH-tica

#car #daisy #fanart #fanartdigital #kart #mariokart #nintendo #nintendofanart #romance #waluigi #makeoutpoint #mariokartds #waluigixdaisy #daisyxwaluigi #princessdaisy #uncomfortable #mariokart8
Published: 2020-03-25 16:00:11 +0000 UTC; Views: 5956; Favourites: 30; Downloads: 0
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Description One thing I always find funny about Waluigi in Mario Kart is how much he doesn't fit in the karts. It's most obvious in DS and 8, but each game has him sitting in a way where he has to bend his knees up in order to press the pedals. It's a small touch, but I find it humorous. And yes, it's only the karts. He looks fine on bikes.
I thought it would be funny to draw Waluigi and Daisy at a romantic parking spot. They're feeling like making out in one of their karts. Unfortunately, if Waluigi can barely fit into his own karts, then there's no way he and Daisy can comfortably fit into a kart together. So this make-out session isn't as fun as it should be. Instead, they're just gonna go back to Daisy's place.

Waluigi and Daisy (c) Nintendo

Originally, the sign was going to say "Reputation Road" as a reference to the infamous movie Hobgoblins, but I thought "Super Make-Out Point" would be funnier, especially in the Mario font.


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Comments: 2

bottomgaynorg [2020-04-01 16:41:17 +0000 UTC]


👍: 1 ⏩: 0

TigerfishAori [2020-03-25 22:16:44 +0000 UTC]

I always find it funny how Waluigi has to bend his knees due to the size of his legs for the karts. I mean, that would make this lil' moment more weird for them?

👍: 1 ⏩: 0