Comments: 69
Walldryx45 [2012-09-09 05:22:13 +0000 UTC]
Les détails sont trop impressionantes !!! Combien de temps t'as pris pour finir ce dessin ?
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Walldryx45 [2012-09-09 05:17:02 +0000 UTC]
Les détails sont trop impressionantes !!! Combien de temps t'as pris pour finir ce dessin ?
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Rijio In reply to Wosele [2012-06-04 11:08:21 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for the kind words! I appreciate it tons ^_^
Especially since this was a hell of a picture to ink XD It took me about 2 days and roughly the same for the first sketch (I tend to detail my sketches that could be dumb of me lol)
The details on these damn carps ugh I thought the scales were going to take me forever haha XD But glad it finally done!
The only thing I'm a bit down about is about the fact that it came out quite differently from what I imagined. I started with an idea of 'Japanese Chaos' so I wanted something more punchy and dynamic and all over the place XD but keeping traditional japanese elements but it ended up more like something relaxing lol %)
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SelphieSK [2012-05-11 22:12:10 +0000 UTC]
Ouais non là ça déchire tout xD
Je sais pas comment tu arrives à avoir la patience de faire des line aussi détaillés, j'adore celui-ci en tout cas! Vraiment, bravo!
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TGIFriday [2012-05-08 21:28:04 +0000 UTC]
really love the linework om the fish!
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Rijio In reply to TGIFriday [2012-06-04 11:08:13 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for the kind words! I appreciate it tons ^_^
Especially since this was a hell of a picture to ink XD It took me about 2 days and roughly the same for the first sketch (I tend to detail my sketches that could be dumb of me lol)
The details on these damn carps ugh I thought the scales were going to take me forever haha XD But glad it finally done!
The only thing I'm a bit down about is about the fact that it came out quite differently from what I imagined. I started with an idea of 'Japanese Chaos' so I wanted something more punchy and dynamic and all over the place XD but keeping traditional japanese elements but it ended up more like something relaxing lol %)
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Willow-San [2012-05-08 15:35:32 +0000 UTC]
Impressionnant tous ces détails °_°
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Tharshinaa [2012-05-07 21:35:31 +0000 UTC]
Wow, I can't even imagine how much love and effort has been put into doing this! It's utterly gorgeous!
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Tharshinaa In reply to Rijio [2012-06-05 08:33:23 +0000 UTC]
I totally get what you mean, and no worries! Even I take a couple of weeks to finish a painting, and I'm the kind of person who gets impatient. Hahaha! Love your style a lot.
Hmm... take breaks when working on detailed pieces, or it could result in long-term damage to your shoulder. Walk around, stretch, drink lots of water, etc. It helps.
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meihua [2012-05-07 17:34:05 +0000 UTC]
Beautiful lineart!
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Rijio In reply to meihua [2012-06-04 11:02:00 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for the kind words! I appreciate it tons ^_^
Especially since this was a hell of a picture to ink XD It took me about 2 days and roughly the same for the first sketch (I tend to detail my sketches that could be dumb of me lol)
The details on these damn carps ugh I thought the scales were going to take me forever haha XD But glad it finally done!
The only thing I'm a bit down about is about the fact that it came out quite differently from what I imagined. I started with an idea of 'Japanese Chaos' so I wanted something more punchy and dynamic and all over the place XD but keeping traditional japanese elements but it ended up more like something relaxing lol %)
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andromoda [2012-05-07 17:01:11 +0000 UTC]
Great use of line C:
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Rijio In reply to andromoda [2012-06-04 11:02:12 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for the kind words! I appreciate it tons ^_^
Especially since this was a hell of a picture to ink XD It took me about 2 days and roughly the same for the first sketch (I tend to detail my sketches that could be dumb of me lol)
The details on these damn carps ugh I thought the scales were going to take me forever haha XD But glad it finally done!
The only thing I'm a bit down about is about the fact that it came out quite differently from what I imagined. I started with an idea of 'Japanese Chaos' so I wanted something more punchy and dynamic and all over the place XD but keeping traditional japanese elements but it ended up more like something relaxing lol %)
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Rijio In reply to Whazizname [2012-06-04 11:07:39 +0000 UTC]
Thank you so much for the kind words! I appreciate it tons ^_^
Especially since this was a hell of a picture to ink XD It took me about 2 days and roughly the same for the first sketch (I tend to detail my sketches that could be dumb of me lol)
The details on these damn carps ugh I thought the scales were going to take me forever haha XD But glad it finally done!
The only thing I'm a bit down about is about the fact that it came out quite differently from what I imagined. I started with an idea of 'Japanese Chaos' so I wanted something more punchy and dynamic and all over the place XD but keeping traditional japanese elements but it ended up more like something relaxing lol %)
Oh and what do you mean by bodyart?
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Yagamiseven [2012-05-05 01:02:28 +0000 UTC]
I love all details
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fabi2011 [2012-05-04 22:17:28 +0000 UTC]
wow! le boulot sur la composition!
Chapeau bas!
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Rijio In reply to fabi2011 [2012-05-06 05:25:34 +0000 UTC]
Merci bien mon bon fabi ^^ Ah lala si tu savais quelle galère ça a été ce dessin, déja tous les détails j'ai bien cru crever >_< 2j de boulot rien que pr l'encrage (sans doute pareil pour le croquis d'ailleurs -_-) Particulièrement les poissons, on croirait pas mais ces foutues écailles ça prends du temps à dessiner XD
(d'ailleurs le prochain dessin qui n'a rien à voir avec ceux qui étaient sur le theme du japon traditionel y aura plein de lapins, ça a été hyper long a faire aussi x_x)
Mais j'étais parti avec une idée qui devait etre differente du résultat actuel, j'étais d'abord parti avec l'idée du titre "Japanese Chaos" (j'avais eu l'idée du titre avant le dessin lui même lol)du coup je voulais un truc qui pète, qui aille dans tous les sens avec pleins d'éléments du Japon traditionel, mais au final j'ai été moi même surpris de voir comment le dessin a tourné dans un style plus calme lol
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fabi2011 In reply to Rijio [2012-05-06 21:29:53 +0000 UTC]
Tu es en totale ebullition.
Des lapins pour la suite! Tu m'effraie là... ne me dis pas que tu vas dessiner les poils 1 à 1... ce serait titanesque!
Le dessin est vraiment calme à mon avis. si tu avais voulu lui donner un aspect plus crazy, j'y aurais vu des éclaboussures d'encre de chine à l'asiatique.
Mais j'aime bien le resultat ici! vivement la colo!
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fabi2011 In reply to Rijio [2012-06-04 12:35:00 +0000 UTC]
si tu devais faire les poils de lapins un à un alors je te dis à l'année prochaine parce que la c'est le genre de boulot ingrat à la Trantkat (qui avait fait une depression à cause de ca) : passer des heures sur un dessin, voire meme des jours pour que le lecteur ou le spectateur lambda passe dessus une pauvre demi fraction de seconde...
Bon, je m'inquiete pas pour toi mais ca pourrai froler le masochisme. lol
Tu vas bientot pouvoir nous gratifier de tes chef- d'oeuvres en puissance! on est impatient de voir ca!
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Istriel [2012-05-04 12:56:18 +0000 UTC]
C'est vraiment magnifique, j’ai hâte de voir le dessin fini. Je trouve qu'il y une atmosphère très poétique dans celui-ci
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Istriel In reply to Rijio [2012-06-04 09:26:29 +0000 UTC]
Lol moi aussi en général j'ai besoin de réfléchir mon dessin et encore plus si je suis en panne d'inspi ( c'est à dire le plus souvent XD) et comme je suis jamais satisfaite...
Erf pour tes exams, j'espère que cela ira ^^
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Nikikomangaka [2012-05-04 11:52:47 +0000 UTC]
oh wow I am so excited to see how you approach this one for coloring! I always love that you post your line work and then your finished color pieces.
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Lergahin [2012-05-04 10:35:50 +0000 UTC]
Roooh des poissons et des fleurs! Tu ne pouvais pas me faire plus plaisir! (j'ai pas vraiment de passion pour les poissons mais bon)
Son visage est très délicat et exprime la sérénité, c'est vraiment beau, j'ao hâte de voir ça en couleurs!
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