redpyrocat — Riddler

#batman #batmantheanimatedseries #btas #riddler #edwardnygma
Published: 2017-06-30 04:54:04 +0000 UTC; Views: 2609; Favourites: 37; Downloads: 4
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Description Here's Riddler as part of my Batman the Animated Series collection. Next up, Clayface!
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Comments: 7

optimal198223 [2020-09-09 09:24:34 +0000 UTC]

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Mangetsu20 [2017-06-30 05:26:34 +0000 UTC]

I miss this version of the Riddler. He was so dapper and classy in BTAS. Now everyone just wants to make him into the jokester 2nd rate Joker or someone very pathetic not deserving of supervillain status. 

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redpyrocat In reply to Mangetsu20 [2017-06-30 16:02:37 +0000 UTC]

Yeah, I don't understand that myself. He's not a copycat of Joker, he's his own villain and never tried to mimic him in any way. He just does his own thing. I can see him being funny and having a sense of humor but not anything like Joker.

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Mangetsu20 In reply to redpyrocat [2017-07-01 18:50:33 +0000 UTC]

If anything, he's the master of witty puns and clever riddle-based jokes. That's his comedic value. But on the other hand, he's wickedly smart and rarely shows his face to the Dark Knight, always referring him as Detective (much like Ra's Alghul does but in a more respectful term.). Given he's got a clinical diagnosis of major egotism it makes sense he wants to match wits with the smartest man alive other than himself, hence the string of crimes with clues attached to them. 

Did you know there was a lot of talk about the Riddler being the villain of the 3rd Nolan Batman Film? 

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redpyrocat In reply to Mangetsu20 [2017-07-01 21:34:13 +0000 UTC]

I think I did hear that and that they had considered bringing other villains that aren't given nearly enough love as Joker. Joker has kinda taken over the Batman comics as a villain. I think it's Joker, Harley, Penguin, Riddler and Two Face are the characters that most younger fans know because they are the few that are consistently in cartoons or given toys. The other villains are kinda forgotten about, but in general, the focus is on Joker. I work in a preschool and he's the villain that they all know. Any others I mention get me a blank stare.

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Mangetsu20 In reply to redpyrocat [2017-07-03 03:33:51 +0000 UTC]

Oh, that's cool ^^ I used to work with kids with my mom when I was younger. Grew out of it as I got older, but I always like seeing the younger generation ask questions and learn new things that I found out from my younger days. Kind of a shame they don't know any of this stuff that's nostalgically wrapped in my head. 

But yeah, the premise line-up was supposed to be the first Harley Quinn debut who carries on the Joker's work (as he's in Arkham during the film) while the Riddler tries to piece together WHO the Dark Knight is. It's sad villains like Mr. Freeze and Clayface will probably not make a big budget showcase unless they're collaborating with more popular baddies. 

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redpyrocat In reply to Mangetsu20 [2017-07-04 03:21:15 +0000 UTC]

Oh that's neat! That must have been fun to do for a while. I agree that it's a shame that they don't know much about this stuff but maybe they will one day. Who know, maybe these toys will spark lots of comic nerds in the future.

I didn't know that they had all of that in plan. I'm disappointed that didn't happen. I think that would have been fun to see. It is pretty sad that the lesser known villains don't get the attention but maybe one day that will change. I'm not really holding my breath on it but I can hope! lol

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